The Packmaster handles a multitude of beasts, controlling as many as three companions with their scepter-whips. They travel the world to gather some of the largest and most dangerous beasts for their pack, gaining the Minion utility skills type.
Class Mechanic
The Pack. Packmaster uses only 1 type of pet (keyed to the first terrestrial and aquatic pet slots) but may have up to three present at once. Each pet inflicts roughly 40% of the damage of the standard Ranger pet and has roughly 60% of a standard pet’s health. Only the pet closest to the Packmaster responds to f2 commands and shout skills.
Reinforce (f4). Summons 1 additional pet if less than 3 are present and counts as pet swap for traits.
Scepter (whip)
Whiplash (auto-attack). 320 range narrow cone “whip” attack (as seen with various Nightmare Court enemies). 3 damage ticks with Torment on the final tick.
Strangle. Animated “whip” lashes out to wrap around target’s throat. 600 range. Channeled immobilize & weakness
Crack the Whip. Up to 300 range 2 second fear, up to 600 range 1 second fear. Blast finisher.
Utility – Minions
Blood-Bat (Heal Skill). Large red bat transfers life to Packmaster and casts darkness fields on command.
Chromatic Ooze. Ranged poisoner. Taunts and becomes invulnerable on command.
Bull Minotaur. Melee brawler. Charges/knock down on command.
Griffon. Flying bleeder. Flies/Evades on command.
Rock Dog. Melee crippler. ‘Hunker-down’ block/regen on command.
Mature Karka (Elite Skill). Armored behemoth. Poisons/immobilizes on command.
Traits (Minor)
Run with the Pack. Gain pack of pets, reinforce (f4), access to the scepter, and minion skills.
Revenge for the Fallen. You and all of your pets & minions gain Quickness when one of your pets or minions dies.
Feral Sacrifice. You and all of your pets & minions gain Protection when one of your pets or minions dies.
Traits (Adept)
Master of the Lash. Strangle pulls and knocks down at end of channel. 20% cooldown on Scepter skills.
OBEY! All minions gain +20% HP. 20% cooldown on minion command skills.
To Me! Cast reinforce on taking fallen damage or resurrecting an ally (45s ICD). Falling damage is halved.
Traits (Master)
Never Alone. All pets gain +10% damage for 6 seconds and any remaining cooldown on f2 is reduced by 2 seconds when Packmaster is CC’d.