[Espec Propossal] The Packmaster

[Espec Propossal] The Packmaster

in Ranger

Posted by: Nike.2631


Just for fun ,

The Packmaster handles a multitude of beasts, controlling as many as three companions with their scepter-whips. They travel the world to gather some of the largest and most dangerous beasts for their pack, gaining the Minion utility skills type.

Class Mechanic

  • The Pack. Packmaster uses only 1 type of pet (keyed to the first terrestrial and aquatic pet slots) but may have up to three present at once. Each pet inflicts roughly 40% of the damage of the standard Ranger pet and has roughly 60% of a standard pet’s health. Only the pet closest to the Packmaster responds to f2 commands and shout skills.
  • Reinforce (f4). Summons 1 additional pet if less than 3 are present and counts as pet swap for traits.

Scepter (whip)

  • Whiplash (auto-attack). 320 range narrow cone “whip” attack (as seen with various Nightmare Court enemies). 3 damage ticks with Torment on the final tick.
  • Strangle. Animated “whip” lashes out to wrap around target’s throat. 600 range. Channeled immobilize & weakness
  • Crack the Whip. Up to 300 range 2 second fear, up to 600 range 1 second fear. Blast finisher.

Utility – Minions

  • Blood-Bat (Heal Skill). Large red bat transfers life to Packmaster and casts darkness fields on command.
  • Chromatic Ooze. Ranged poisoner. Taunts and becomes invulnerable on command.
  • Bull Minotaur. Melee brawler. Charges/knock down on command.
  • Griffon. Flying bleeder. Flies/Evades on command.
  • Rock Dog. Melee crippler. ‘Hunker-down’ block/regen on command.
  • Mature Karka (Elite Skill). Armored behemoth. Poisons/immobilizes on command.

Traits (Minor)

  • Run with the Pack. Gain pack of pets, reinforce (f4), access to the scepter, and minion skills.
  • Revenge for the Fallen. You and all of your pets & minions gain Quickness when one of your pets or minions dies.
  • Feral Sacrifice. You and all of your pets & minions gain Protection when one of your pets or minions dies.

Traits (Adept)

  • Master of the Lash. Strangle pulls and knocks down at end of channel. 20% cooldown on Scepter skills.
  • OBEY! All minions gain +20% HP. 20% cooldown on minion command skills.
  • To Me! Cast reinforce on taking fallen damage or resurrecting an ally (45s ICD). Falling damage is halved.

Traits (Master)

  • Never Alone. All pets gain +10% damage for 6 seconds and any remaining cooldown on f2 is reduced by 2 seconds when Packmaster is CC’d.
  • Resurgent Arrival. Reinforce cleanses 2 conditions.
  • The Endless Menagerie. All minions gain small self-heal over time. 20% cooldown on minion summon skills.

Traits (Grandmaster)

  • The Horde. Your pack may have up to 4 active pets. Pet hit points reduced by -10%.
  • Tyrant’s Lash. For each active pet, 8% of all damage Packmaster takes is transfered to that pet.
  • Dogpile. If two or more pets are active, a second pet responds to F2 commands and shouts after a 3 second delay.

Too soon?

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

(edited by Nike.2631)