Let's speculate on the changes
I think a simple fix would be to let me keep my pet stowed tell i CALL IT.. in a siege my pet is always dead to AoE even if its standing beside me.
I don’t think most people realize how incredibly low longbow damage really is.. rapid fire for example, does base 264 dps.. that is LESS than longbow auto attack dps. Where as most auto attacks in this game, even some ranged ones at 1000 range such as hip shot, have ~550-650 base dps.
Rapid fire is meant to be longbow damage, yet the only skills doing less damage than this, are elementalist staff auto attacks in water or earth.
Overall, longbow auto attack does barely half the damage it should do, and rapid fire doesn’t even do 30% of the damage it should do to be viable. The number you see at the end of your rapid fire, consider that it is channeled over a whopping 5 seconds.
In five seconds time, every other class does over twice to three times the damage just with their auto attacks, than your longbow does with its rapid fire. Rapid fire wouldn’t even be worth it right now if it crippled with every arrow.
Once you look at the actual numbers, the ranger longbow comes out as by far the weakest weapon in the entire game. Not just a bit weaker than the weakest, but so far down the bottom of a hole that you can’t see it anymore.
On top of that, it often won’t even hit its target due to obstructions and slow arrow speed.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
Thats amusingly enough because they nerfed the longbow by exactly 30% in beta. 10% damage nerf and then eagle eye actually gave it 25% damage buff instead of 5, so they fixed that bug and it lost another 20%. Yea I agree tho, Im stingy, my favorite weapon is the longbow, I want my archer weapon bewfed. Idc if its made op, Im tired of being mediocre so anything to change this would be great.
That means aside from the eagle eye bug, that even in beta the longbow wasn’t viable for leveling at an acceptable pace, let alone for pvp, so why on earth did they nerf it down from really bad to even worse? Did they think having 1500 range is an advantage that offsets doing a third of the damage other professions do?
Rapid fire seems even worse, it has 264 base dps, that is incredibly bad and even less than the auto attack dps, only water staff auto attacks do less, and their purpose is healing, not damage. Considering rapid fire is just a faster auto attack with no additional effects, shouldn’t it do more than your auto attack, instead of less? What is the point of ever using it? I don’t think they nerfed it by 60%, so I guess it was this bad from the start.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
That means aside from the eagle eye bug, that even in beta the longbow wasn’t viable for leveling at an acceptable pace, let alone for pvp, so why on earth did they nerf it down from really bad to even worse? Did they think having 1500 range is an advantage that offsets doing a third of the damage other professions do?
Rapid fire seems even worse, it has 264 base dps, that is incredibly bad and even less than the auto attack dps, only water staff auto attacks do less.
No idea, in beta everything underpowered now was op because people were newbs and didnge dodge. They called rangers op at the time because longbow, which is funny, but that was literally because people didnt dodge, at all. I seriously think longbow needs a 30% damage buff to bring it back in line, and give hunters shot some damage, make it a second damage option for longbow. Fix MM traits and make them better and voila. The only weapon I care about is longbow, nothing else matters to me, so if they make that better Im good.
I still think piercing arrows needs to be combined with eagle eye or quick draw, or even steady focus. And shortbow range needs to be decreased or longbow range needs to be upped to 1500 without traits.
No idea, in beta everything underpowered now was op because people were newbs and didnge dodge. They called rangers op at the time because longbow, which is funny, but that was literally because people didnt dodge, at all. I seriously think longbow needs a 30% damage buff to bring it back in line, and give hunters shot some damage, make it a second damage option for longbow. Fix MM traits and make them better and voila. The only weapon I care about is longbow, nothing else matters to me, so if they make that better Im good.
I still think piercing arrows needs to be combined with eagle eye or quick draw, or even steady focus. And shortbow range needs to be decreased or longbow range needs to be upped to 1500 without traits.
Shortbow was already hit once with the nerf bat, there is no need to nerf it further to make allowances for longbow to be buffed. There shouldn’t be a clearly right or wrong choice of weapon in general, but which weapon sets fit the play style of the individual.
I never really saw the issue with the old Longbow’s damage, even with the bugged Eagle Eye.
Using a LB as a Ranger always struck me as similar to playing an AD carry in LoL/DotA/whatever. You hit VERY hard from long range, but if you’re cornered or caught out of position, you’ve maybe 1 or 2 escape skills, but they can only buy time for teammates to save you. Alone, a LB Ranger gets melted. In groups, he’s a dangerous DPS machine.
That’s just how the LB was set up. If you let Mr. Ranger McLongbow chill at 1500 range and pewpew while you smash your face into the bunker Guardian, then the Ranger should be punishing. It’s a tradeoff. At max range, a LB Ranger should do more damage than other comparable DPS builds. If caught inside his preferred range, he’s going to hit like a wet noodle.
That provides a tangible benefit for staying at range. Right now, their is no “range bonus” You NEED to stay at max range just to keep up with other specs, who do not have a range requirement.
All these people QQing about the 1-handed sword’s #1 need to stop relying on it with shift right-click. It honestly makes me think that the only weapon you guys play is shortbow. The way it affects your character’s movement is critical to snaring moving targets, which was clearly an intention when they gave the second part of the chain a semi-leap and a cripple. It needs to have a slight increase in damage to make up for the fact that melee rangers take an inherent risk by being that close, being that they lack heavy armor.
On to other things rangers (in my opinion) need:
1)As gimmicky as it is, the shortbow needs at least a partial revert.
2)On dagger: Stalker’s Strike needs a slight initial damage increase; Crippling Talon needs improved targeting or responsiveness to increase its usage against distanced fleeing targets.
3)Greatsword needs a damage buff. No decent player has any reason to fear a GS ranger.
4)Warhorn #4 needs to have its skill canceling improved. You can cancel after doing no damage and it will go on full recharge just because a stupid bird appeared. Either that or speed up its activation to make it more fluid in combat.
5)We all can agree that Longbow is beyond subpar in SPvP and TPvP. It needs a rework desperately.
6)MH Axe could use auto attack damage increase, and OH needs a complete overhaul as it’s useless the way it is currently.
7)Signet actives need to inherently affect both the ranger and their pet (sans Renewal), have their recharges reduced slightly, and not be so extreme when activated. Signet of Renewal needs to draw all conditions from you regardless of range (or have that range increased), and then have your pet draw conditions from nearby allies. Signet of the Hunt should affect more than one attack and have the damage increase toned down. Signet of Stone should apply protection and stability, not make you immune to damage. In response, Signet of Renewal should have something that better suits its name, instead of increasing damage and granting stability. A regeneration/vigor buff would be a start.
8)Shouts need improved base function and responsiveness. Protect Me should teleport your pet to you if it is going to require your pet to be at a certain range. If pets are not going to receive a defensive improvement in the future, it also needs to apply protection to one or both of you, to mitigate your pet dying so easily. Guard needs a complete rework; it is absolute garbage with the current pet AI status. Search and Rescue needs to be an instant res when your pet reaches its target, or it has no use since your pet cannot preemptively go to a target that is about to be downed. Sick Em should keep the damage increase, but apply swiftness and/or fury as well.
9)Survival skills, especially Sharpening Stone and Lightning Reflexes, need a slight improvement. There is also the option of making the Wilderness Knowledge trait improve functionality. SS just lacks the ability to put out damage, and doesn’t warrant a valuable utility slot, and Reflexes does not remove any conditions, not even the snaring ones, making you blow two stun breakers if you need to escape a spike while immobilized, crippled or chilled. Muddy Terrain needs to have its ongoing effect improved to reward the ranger using it for good positioning, or have its area increased.
10)Spirits should not die so easily. That’s a simple enough task.
11)Frost trap should have an initial damage packet.
12)There’s a lot of traits that need improvement
13) Aside from Pet AI fixes, there needs to be an improvement on how your own stat increases transfer to them. For example, pets that have any sort of healing/regeneration ability do not receive any healing power increase from the BM traitline or your own healing power increases via traits/equipment.
I could go on about traits, underwater combat, etc. Basically there’s a ton that needs improvement if we are to have more than 2-3 viable builds.
The problem is the fact that when you are in combat and hitting a target with swords auto attack you cant strafe around to flank, or move to dodge attacks you have to wait till the animations are over. That is the problem with 1h sword.
I don’t really understand how the different professions ended up being so vastly different in quality. The one profession has really powerful synergetic traits, utilities and weapon skills, while another profession doesn’t have a single remotely viable weapon or build. The one profession does massive damage with high survivability, while another profession doesn’t even do enough to level solo, with very low survivability on top.
Were different professions designed by different people, without any kind of interaction or teamwork between them to line up the professions with eachother?
I also think that a dueling option will go a long way to help reveal balance issues, on top of offering a lot of fun gameplay. Right now it’s impossible to fight one vs one, outside of the odd wvw encounter. Dueling is just fun, I don’t understand why they didn’t implement this pretty much mandatory mmo option. It is much easier to practice your pvp skill then, where as now you usually just end up dying in a zerg without knowing what hit you.
They wanted to make pvp based on skill rather than gear, but then didn’t implement one of the most important pvp options, where skill matters the most. I don’t think the fear of balance issues being revealed should be a reason to deny players fun with dueling, the issues will get revealed sooner or later anyway.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
The problem is the fact that when you are in combat and hitting a target with swords auto attack you cant strafe around to flank, or move to dodge attacks you have to wait till the animations are over. That is the problem with 1h sword.
Then I would propose having movement commands cancel animation, while lack of movement input allows the skill to operate as is.
I don’t really understand how the different professions ended up being so vastly different in quality. The one profession has really powerful synergetic traits, utilities and weapon skills, while another profession doesn’t have a single remotely viable weapon or build. The one profession does massive damage with high survivability, while another profession doesn’t even do enough to level solo, with very low survivability on top.
Were different professions designed by different people, without any kind of interaction or teamwork between them to line up the professions with eachother?
I also think that a dueling option will go a long way to help reveal balance issues, on top of offering a lot of fun gameplay. Right now it’s impossible to fight one vs one, outside of the odd wvw encounter. Dueling is just fun, I don’t understand why they didn’t implement this pretty much mandatory mmo option. It is much easier to practice your pvp skill then, where as now you usually just end up dying in a zerg without knowing what hit you.
They wanted to make pvp based on skill rather than gear, but then didn’t implement one of the most important pvp options, where skill matters the most. I don’t think the fear of balance issues being revealed should be a reason to deny players fun with dueling, the issues will get revealed sooner or later anyway.
Jon Peters has stated that dueling will eventually be implemented. It just wasn’t upon release.
(edited by Leuca.5732)
1. Fix the obscure error when there is a clear patch your arrow is going through sometimes it comes up even when we are in an even field which is really annoying…
2. Take out pet traits in the marksmen and skirmish tree lines they have no reason to be in those tree lines at all and for some reason they are probably the two best pet traits. Give us something useful replacing the pet traits.
3. Unroot 1hand sword auto attack
4. Fix the pet AI….either give us a trait that makes our pet go away and give us a SMALL boost in stats or make the pets able to freaking hit moving targets….
2 extra things i would like to see regarding pets. When we dodge, pets should evade too, its pretty dumb when I dodge a treb shot or something but my pet just takes it and flies off the screen. Also I would like to see downed pets get rallied when we kill something, it would really help their survivability without just giving them passive AoE reduction, which I think would make things too easy.
2 great suggestions for pet improvement, i agree wholeheartedly. rallying makes a lot of sense.
pet F2 responsiveness needs to be fixed. if i press a button once, it should at least be queued up to go off after the pet’s next attack like any other ability i use on my own bar.
i like sword #1 how it is now. it doesn’t “root you”—it has a movement component similar to heartseeker that keeps you on top of your target. you can see how far you can travel with sword #1 by clearing your target & hitting an enemy with the blade arc. your character will leap forward quite a good distance on all 3 strikes. if they maintain this quality of the sword 1 attack while allowing us to move freely, more power to them. if i had my choice of one way or the other, i would keep it as it is.
To be quite honnest I think whatever changes are comming are not going to be massive enough to make us stand out in PvP. Why? Well, I dont think Anet dares change the game this much this early, and will simply try to tweak the numbers on their current skills and utilities on the classes in need of changes. Meaning they will prolly lower the dmg on the backstabbers, and perhaps up the dmg and rework the CD on many a skill for ranger. But I have a hard time seeing them go :
“Okay, lets make Ranger something unique and rewarding for tourney players, lets rework what we got wrong!”.
That beeing said, I dont see them saying that for any class anytime soon. GW2 is still giving most of their love to PvE. I love halloween for instance, but I would trade all the work they put into that on balance changes without a whim.
1) Ranger weapon damage increased across the board, and Ranger pet damage reduced proportionately.
2) Greatsword #2 (Maul) no longer applies 3 stacks of Bleed, and instead applies 3 stacks of Might to yourself for 10 seconds.
3) When Greatsword #4 (Counterattack) is activated a second time to throw the weapon, the recharge is also reduced to 8 seconds.
4) Greatsword #5 (Hilt Bash) recharge reduced from 30 to 20 seconds, but it no longer grants your pet an “Attack of Opportunity”.
5) Sword #1 (Pounce) no longer leaps/roots your character, and now grants might to yourself as well as your pet.
6) The trait Martial Mastery no longer affects spears/greatswords, but now also affects daggers and grants 5% additional damage to swords and daggers.
7) The trait Two-handed Training now also causes greatsword/spear skills to recharge 20% faster.
8) The trait Quick Draw now reduces the recharge of Axe and Shortbow skills by 20%, as well as increasing their critical chance by 5%.
9) The trait Honed Axes has been renamed and changed to instead reduce the recharge on weapon swapping.
10) The trait Off-hand Training inside Wilderness Survival has been replaced by Trapper’s Expertise from Skirmishing. The position of Trapper’s Expertise within Skirmishing has been replaced by a new trait.
11) The trait Empathic Bond from Wilderness Survival has been moved to Beast Mastery, and the position of Empathic Bond within Wilderness Survival has been replaced by Trap Potency from Skirmishing. The position of Trap Potency within Skirmishing has been replaced by a new trait.
12) The trait Peak Strength now provides 10% bonus damage.
13) The trait Opening Strike now provides 10 stacks of Vulnerability.
14) The trait Alpha Training has been renamed and changed to instead turn the Opening Strike into an Attack of Opportunity (50% bonus damage).
15) The trait Eagle Eye no longer increases damage, but instead reduces the recharge of Long Bow and Harpoon Gun skills by 20%.
16) The traits Companion’s Might has been fixed to provide Might for 5 seconds.
17) The trait Sharpened Edges has been fixed to provide 3 seconds of Bleeding, and now has a 100% chance to occur on a critical hit.
18) The trait Evasive Purity has been changed to remove any one condition from you.
19) Healer’s Celerity has been renamed and changed to instead place a Spike Trap at your initial location when you dodge (no knockdown and not affected by trap traits).
20) Nature Magic has been changed to increase Healing instead of Vitality, and Beast Mastery provides Vitality instead of Healing.
21) Spike Trap now provides 5 seconds of Crippled, and now also causes a brief knockdown.
22) Signet of the Hunt now provides 25% increased movement speed.
23) Lightning Reflexes now also removes Immobilization and Cripple.
24) Pets can now attack while moving.
25) Pets will now interrupt their current attack in order to perform the F2 command.
26) The activation time of various Pet F2 attacks are now considerably faster.
27) Pets will now attempt to avoid and flee from hostile area effects while commanded to follow.
28) Pets will no longer grab aggro from NPCs when they get too close.
That’s all I can think of for now.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
-Natural healing, [renamed] to natural companion.
Your pets have natural health regeneration, and takes 80%(30%tpvp) less damage from Aoe.
-Companion’s Might
Critical hits grant might to your pets, for 6 seconds.
-Speed training [Removed]
-Compassion training [Renamed] to Companion training.
Pets heal for more, and their skills recharge 10% faster.
-[New trait Beastmaster Master major trait] Enrage
When your pet dies, you gain Frenzy(10s), Swiftness(10s) and Vigor(5s).
I personally would LOVE to see ranger pets straight up dropped.
IMHO Ranger is all about nature and knowing its surroundings, using them to his advantage, being sneaky (not thief sneaky but quick and able to gain position wile not standing out). Traps are spot on for a Ranger. Do not feel stealth should work to hide people from us as a Ranger who is in tune with his surroundings should notice. We should have more movement options and something to allow us to take cover wile we shoot would feel right in the idea of how a ranger would act. Shouts are not needed with no pet and what kind of ranger would go out shouting things in combat.. Spirits are bad and have nothing to do with a Ranger?… Want to give group utility for buffs? How about a protection kind of cover or set down things like an engi does that people can run over to get the heal or buff or traps that make circles that buff people inside them?
Where did this idea a Ranger has to be a pet profession come from? WoW?
Rangers used wolfs and bears and dogs to fight for them? Probably not, at most a hawk or falcon to communicate via letters the rest would give him away cause they are large or loud.If they want rangers to have these pets so bad make them like the spirits of the animals we found and they just give a boon or remove a condition or defend us..
On topic as they are not going to drop the dumb pet or change anything about Ranger over all class design…
I venture to guess they improve long bow, fix 1 handed sword root, and don’t touch the other weps.
Probably wont touch our skill trees or heals
Will leave pets how they are
and change a signet or 2 a shout or 2 and make spirits suck just a little less
and why do I sound so negative?
Cause they want to make more builds usable. Which to me translates to no big changes just a few so you can try and offer more to a party in some other area then dps.
I really enjoy Ranger (hate the pet but the class looking past the pet is fun to me). I just do not think we are going to see any big profession altering change any time soon..
Prove me wrong please! I want to be wrong.. I have even started to finish upgrading what was left to upgrade on my Ranger’s gear. But I just refuse to get my hopes up too high and have them smashed in a good spirited attempt to make things better that fell short.
why dont you just go play a thief? they have traps, are sneaky , lay down “cover” in the form of a stealth shield and hey no pets!!
Wtf is with people saying buff ranger damage but nerf their pets? Truly the dumbest thing Ive heard concerning gw2. That would leave rangers damage in the same place, little less reliant on pet AI but still just as bad.
So I was on my engineer today and I noticed several things, hip shot ( rifle auto attack ) is super fast, and changes direction…. Seriously? Yea I seen my hip shot shoot out and make an L shape in the air to hit someone, and the speed of the projectile is amazing, I really hope they do that for our arrows. Sure its not realistic that arrows move as fast as bullets but then again this game isnt based on realism.
Also Idk if this was thrown out there but I was thinking about the ideas people had for perma stow and at first I was against it. But now Im thinking if they add stowing in combat and perma stow option with the passive class based buff that when your pet is stowed your damage is increased by 30-50% based on the pet you have then that would be amazing. Ofc they wont, but its a fun thought. As I mentioned on another thread it would give us amazing tactical options on how to fight enemies. Enemies with lots of aoe, stow pet, do work. Pet cant path right? Stow pet, pew pew * cough wvw wall clearing cough* ) There are times when pets are amazing such as catching a low health fleeing target.
Im really just keeping my mind occupied while awaiting these buffs next patch. Really hoping that it comes monday. For those saying the buffs and fixes wont make rangers viable, just look what it did for necros. Necros were possibly as bad if not worse off than rangers on release, couple weeks later they patched/buffed/fixed them and BOOM, now necros are everywhere, very scary to fight, very dangerous, and very very VIABLE. So yea, I think its fairly safe to get our hopes up since necros are sort of the caster version of us, or I could say that ranger is more like a mix of thief/necro but without any of the good stuff.
I dont know if these 2 were mentioned anywhere, and one of them seems to be fixxed so far.
1. Pet revive when downed, please please fix this so it works all the time!! Lately I havent seen it being bugged which is nice, but dont let it come back its soooo annoying. Our downed state is already weak as all hell compared to other mist form, teleporting, clone making, reviveing instantly and smashing you classes that its soooo aggrivating when your pet runs over and no heal happens lol… overall i think our downed state needs a slight tweak.
2. Fix Warhorn #4 skill saying target is obsructed when they go out of my LoS, WTF is the point of having birds attack the target if they are blind when i cant see him!
Couple more things for the sake of it!!
Fix survival skill reduction not working on elites.
Fix condition dmg increas not working on elites.
Fix rampage as one being nothing more then a glorified Warhorn 5
Also do something about our condition dmg, ranger seems to be oriented around it quite a bit but from what ive noticed compared to other classes the dmg it does (especially bleeds) is excruciatingly low… yes we can keep alot of stacks up but with such low dmg it dont matter when 1 stack of bleed from other classes kitten us.
Also our only viable condition removal shouldnt be Healing Spring.
Oh and to add, some traits and skill seem only useful in PVE or PVP but not in both, this just makes alot of them useless… prime examples:
Fallling and creating muddy terrain… i mean come on WTF are you guys that hard up for ideas lol
Granting swiftness when i revive someone… average at best in PVE and utterly useless in PVP.
(edited by SlimJim.3087)
1. Pet AI
2. Pet F2 activation
3. Pet NPC aggro range (I moved half a step forward, pet moves 40 feet in-front of me… what?!)
4. Remember my Pets names ALL THE TIME.
5. Offer a perma stow pet option. Even if it doesn’t give buffs for combat, I hate having to re-stow my pet every time I miss a jump or a fly bites me.
6. Fix Trait skill lines (ie: get pet traits out of lines they don’t belong and vice versa).
7. Re-visit a lot of the skills. Most of them are useless.
8. Condition removal options.
9. Base damage across the board.
Finally, my biggest gripe with my Ranger is the Longbow… What is so “long” about it for a class the weapon, let’s face it, is really designed for? Eagle Eye is bugged so I can’t even auto-attack at 1500 range. Longbow needs to be over-hauled for Rangers. Increase the range spectrum by 300 making Eagle Eye (fix auto attack when trait is active please) top out at 1800, 1500 without. Or just add another tier for that extra 300 range for increased damage on-top of the current max range. Decrease 5 cool down. Increase 2’s base damage. Add some might to 3 or add an escape mechanism (double tap within so many seconds to jump back). Add a small snare to 4. There are MANY options to make Longbow viable. In my opinion (see that trolls? My opinion is not necessarily yours.), Longbow should be an optimal weapon choice for keep/key point defense; yet we get wrecked at range when it should be a key component in warding off invaders.
I love my Ranger and it will continue to be my main. These are just my thoughts. Whatever changes come down the line, I hope for the best.
I see a lot of SB rangers speculating an SB buff. To them, I say I doubt you will get one. SB needed a nerf and ANet seems to be satisfied with the results. There are so many weapons and skills that are in worse condition than the nerfed SB. SB is still one of the top weapons if not the single best weapon rangers have right now.
So SB rangers hoping for a buff just weeks after the nerf, don’t hold your breath.
I see a lot of SB rangers speculating an SB buff. To them, I say I doubt you will get one. SB needed a nerf and ANet seems to be satisfied with the results. There are so many weapons and skills that are in worse condition than the nerfed SB. SB is still one of the top weapons if not the single best weapon rangers have right now.
So SB rangers hoping for a buff just weeks after the nerf, don’t hold your breath.
Umm SB is garbage… the only reason it was OP slightly before was becuase of QZ and the inane amount of bleed stakcs you could aquire… now with the speed reduction you pretty mcuh have to be in melee range to keep up any decent amount of bleed stacks, and when you are that close sword is just worlds better.
Also did you read any of these posts, there was barely anything about SB and i think the general consensus is we have more important things to focus on… this seems like a troll from someone who gets owned by rangers in PVP lol.
(edited by SlimJim.3087)
I see a lot of SB rangers speculating an SB buff. To them, I say I doubt you will get one. SB needed a nerf and ANet seems to be satisfied with the results. There are so many weapons and skills that are in worse condition than the nerfed SB. SB is still one of the top weapons if not the single best weapon rangers have right now.
So SB rangers hoping for a buff just weeks after the nerf, don’t hold your breath.
Umm SB is garbage… the only reason it was OP slightly before was becuase of QZ and the inane amount of bleed stakcs you could aquire… now with the speed reduction you pretty mcuh have to be in melee range to keep up any decent amount of bleed stacks, and when you are that close sword is just worlds better.
Also did you read any of these posts, there was barely anything about SB and i think the general consensus is we have more important things to focus on… this seems like a troll from someone who gets owned by rangers in PVP lol.
Not only in this thread but many separate threads do rangers complain about SB or list off every way to buff SB. I am not trolling, I am a ranger. And SB was the only way to go before the nerf, now, it still is very viable and probably still the top priority weapon for PvP rangers.
I’ld be happy with them fixing all the bugs.
I already gave up on that class.
Made myself a mesmer im going to level up now.
I agree with slimjim with warhorn hunters call. It bugs me casting this to not only get obstructed but stay obstructed if they LoS. It should hit them regardless, and blinding me or LoSing me shouldnt have any effect on it.
I agree with slimjim with warhorn hunters call. It bugs me casting this to not only get obstructed but stay obstructed if they LoS. It should hit them regardless, and blinding me or LoSing me shouldnt have any effect on it.
That doesn’t even make sense. So someone uses an ability to blind an ability and you want it to hit? If that is true, then let’s make all dodges and evades, not dodge and evade.
It seems people are complaining about the pets being to frail, and people want to basically have a second character that has sustained survivability and dmg as the character itself, which would make it way too op. If you want your pet to survive make a build that supports your pet, and not just become a glass cannon and expect your pet will survive. That’s why beast mastery has + healing, plus the grand master is pets have natural regen. Don’t forget beast mastery has a pet swapping speed, we have access to two pets for a reason.
Aside from that, after trying multiple builds over and over again I have come across a huge build margin on the nature line (as i’m sure most of my fellow rangers are aware). It just can’t hold a candle compared to the other ranger builds. traps, sniping, beast master. I would really love to see more consistent survivibility on the spirits, that or give them a better death activation (natures vengeance), the cool down on the spirits is ridiculous, and even when they die you would have to wait what seems like forever to get them back up again, and for them to die 3 seconds after casting, and even when your casting them, the casting is i have to say very horrid, I don’t understand why casting underwater is a lot faster then casting on land? I love the spirits, and that was the soul reason I chose to become a ranger in the first place, I had to give up my love of spirits because they were basically dead weight in dungeons and a waste of a utility skill slot, if you can even call them utility skills.
(edited by Zelse.5173)
I agree with slimjim with warhorn hunters call. It bugs me casting this to not only get obstructed but stay obstructed if they LoS. It should hit them regardless, and blinding me or LoSing me shouldnt have any effect on it.
That doesn’t even make sense. So someone uses an ability to blind an ability and you want it to hit? If that is true, then let’s make all dodges and evades, not dodge and evade.
No i think he means that it’s stupid that blind would interrupt damage being done by birds (that are already called onto the target) when in reality those birds wouldn’t be affected by you being blind period, while actually casting it yes, i agree it should miss/be evaded/w/e but once you throw it on there i don’t think anything short of evading/invuln should be able to prevent the damage…
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I would like to see something done with the shortbow skills. Anet have stated that they are trying to discourage auto-attack spam with this weapon, but all the other attacks bar the number-2 poison attack (which seems a bit weak to me) are extremely situational:
- the number 3 ‘jump-back and gain vigour’ skill I never use because the boon duration is too short and always ends up flinging me either back into the enemy when running away.
- the number 4 cripple is only useful if getting chased by mobs or for slowing down enemies in pvp.
- the number 5 stun is ridiculously short so again is not worth bothering with apart from as an interrupt on particularly damaging attack if I manage to time it extremely well (has not happened yet).
So for this weapon we have really only 1 attack that can be included in a meaningful rotation. Typically I swap to axe/warhorn for which all of the skills are useful in pretty much all situations.
I agree with slimjim with warhorn hunters call. It bugs me casting this to not only get obstructed but stay obstructed if they LoS. It should hit them regardless, and blinding me or LoSing me shouldnt have any effect on it.
That doesn’t even make sense. So someone uses an ability to blind an ability and you want it to hit? If that is true, then let’s make all dodges and evades, not dodge and evade.
Turrets hit even if engineers are blinded, so do minions, clones, spirit weps, pretty much everything in this game. Hunters call calls a flock of birds to attack him, they shouldnt be connected to if I see them or am obstructed. Its not like it hits so hard that it needs that feature.
I agree with slimjim with warhorn hunters call. It bugs me casting this to not only get obstructed but stay obstructed if they LoS. It should hit them regardless, and blinding me or LoSing me shouldnt have any effect on it.
That doesn’t even make sense. So someone uses an ability to blind an ability and you want it to hit? If that is true, then let’s make all dodges and evades, not dodge and evade.
No i think he means that it’s stupid that blind would interrupt damage being done by birds (that are already called onto the target) when in reality those birds wouldn’t be affected by you being blind period, while actually casting it yes, i agree it should miss/be evaded/w/e but once you throw it on there i don’t think anything short of evading/invuln should be able to prevent the damage…
What he said. I dont even think LoS should be a issue, I mean I can use on my mark on my warrior from across the map and through terrain, yet not hunters call? Also I want it to be instant cast.
I want it to be the same cast time as Call of the Wild, and not go on full recharge if interrupted, because it does nothing but the animation if you cancel as it is.
There’s some great stuff in this thread and I hope Anet takes into consideration the posts that’s been made in here.
I do agree with a lot that’s been posted here, in particular I want to add regarding GS Maul.
I absolutely 100% agree with a previous poster that stated to remove the bleed (no one uses GS in a condition build) and add 3 stacks of might to it instead, I’d love to see that change.
I’d also go one step further and say, make Maul our blast finisher. The animation is already there and it just makes sense IMO.
I never really saw the issue with the old Longbow’s damage, even with the bugged Eagle Eye.
Using a LB as a Ranger always struck me as similar to playing an AD carry in LoL/DotA/whatever. You hit VERY hard from long range, but if you’re cornered or caught out of position, you’ve maybe 1 or 2 escape skills, but they can only buy time for teammates to save you. Alone, a LB Ranger gets melted. In groups, he’s a dangerous DPS machine.
That’s just how the LB was set up. If you let Mr. Ranger McLongbow chill at 1500 range and pewpew while you smash your face into the bunker Guardian, then the Ranger should be punishing. It’s a tradeoff. At max range, a LB Ranger should do more damage than other comparable DPS builds. If caught inside his preferred range, he’s going to hit like a wet noodle.
That provides a tangible benefit for staying at range. Right now, their is no “range bonus” You NEED to stay at max range just to keep up with other specs, who do not have a range requirement.
I like this commentary. If you could pick one thing that screams Ranger would it be a bear or a longbow? LB hands down.
The class has always been known as ranged dpsers. I mean it’s right there in the name!! :P Making Rangers dangerous from long distance and vulnerable up close has always been their schtick. My vote just on LB: 20% projectile-speed increase and damage increase, and a 10% rate-of-fire increase.
To be honest, I think ANet simply wanted to try a fresh outlook on Rangers. They did give them pretty decent melee skills, more than typical rangers or archers have normally been used to. And the ever-present pets were obviously supposed to close the gap in damage output (in GW1 the pets were always optional, and only a few Rangers out there ran pet builds regularly). It’s a combination of having decent melee, perma-pets, and utility skills(spirits etc.) that probably caused the ranged nerf to the ranger.
It is rather odd though…rangers who are bad at range. :P
I troll because I care
I never really saw the issue with the old Longbow’s damage, even with the bugged Eagle Eye.
Using a LB as a Ranger always struck me as similar to playing an AD carry in LoL/DotA/whatever. You hit VERY hard from long range, but if you’re cornered or caught out of position, you’ve maybe 1 or 2 escape skills, but they can only buy time for teammates to save you. Alone, a LB Ranger gets melted. In groups, he’s a dangerous DPS machine.
That’s just how the LB was set up. If you let Mr. Ranger McLongbow chill at 1500 range and pewpew while you smash your face into the bunker Guardian, then the Ranger should be punishing. It’s a tradeoff. At max range, a LB Ranger should do more damage than other comparable DPS builds. If caught inside his preferred range, he’s going to hit like a wet noodle.
That provides a tangible benefit for staying at range. Right now, their is no “range bonus” You NEED to stay at max range just to keep up with other specs, who do not have a range requirement.
I like this commentary. If you could pick one thing that screams Ranger would it be a bear or a longbow? LB hands down.
The class has always been known as ranged dpsers. I mean it’s right there in the name!! :P Making Rangers dangerous from long distance and vulnerable up close has always been their schtick. My vote just on LB: 20% projectile-speed increase and damage increase, and a 10% rate-of-fire increase.
To be honest, I think ANet simply wanted to try a fresh outlook on Rangers. They did give them pretty decent melee skills, more than typical rangers or archers have normally been used to. And the ever-present pets were obviously supposed to close the gap in damage output (in GW1 the pets were always optional, and only a few Rangers out there ran pet builds regularly). It’s a combination of having decent melee, perma-pets, and utility skills(spirits etc.) that probably caused the ranged nerf to the ranger.
It is rather odd though…rangers who are bad at range. :P
Well it’s not really a -new- outlook, in GW1 rangers were essentially Druids, being ones with nature and blah blah blah, but if you didn’t follow the lore, you wouldn’t know that especially if you were one of those who ran a Marksman Expertise build where you didn’t use anything BUT marksmanship.
I feel like they’re just Tryin to hammer in the “They’re ones with Nature!!” Thing in GW2, and then lettin warriors and thieves be the “marksman” (should they so choose), I say this because my play style hasn’t changed like at all from GW1 to GW2 (with the exception of not needing a separate build for Melee and the obvious game mechanic changes) but then again I was one of those few pet + QZ rangers…
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I agree with slimjim with warhorn hunters call. It bugs me casting this to not only get obstructed but stay obstructed if they LoS. It should hit them regardless, and blinding me or LoSing me shouldnt have any effect on it.
That doesn’t even make sense. So someone uses an ability to blind an ability and you want it to hit? If that is true, then let’s make all dodges and evades, not dodge and evade.
Turrets hit even if engineers are blinded, so do minions, clones, spirit weps, pretty much everything in this game. Hunters call calls a flock of birds to attack him, they shouldnt be connected to if I see them or am obstructed. Its not like it hits so hard that it needs that feature.
Just to clarify. Are you saying that if you are blinded or los and you cast the ability, you want it to go off? Or are you saying that after you’ve casted it, and someone runs los or then blinds you the damage is negated?
@Pyrial, he’s saying AFTER its been cast if they LoS us or Blind us then the birds don’t do damage, it’s stupid… Being blind/LoS while CASTING it makes sense that it’d miss but not afterwards…
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
@Durzlla Well…it’s new to the classical “ranger.” The GW1-type ranger was both not very well known to the global mmo audience, and was generally skilled toward the Marks/Exp build which you already mentioned. The other builds (Beast Master, Spirit Master, Touch Ranger, etc) were all there, just not very popular. Why? My guess is they required more panache and patience. The Barrage/Splinter build was rediculously overused…but it was highly effective. Personally I used a barrage/needling/I Am the Strongest(Norn Shout) build with a few pet skills thrown in.
The classic ranger was part thief, warrior, druid, with a dash of mage. He was a master of the bow, and a lot of times could dual wield sword and dagger. He could hide/move in shadows, set deadly traps, was a novice healer, and knew a few handy spells. The animal companions, or pets, while very present, were more of a side note.
The archer, on the other hand, was all bow.
I’m not saying GW2 has the wrong idea, I actually like what they’ve done with rangers. I just think many people get the wrong idea because of the name. Just like guardians are not pure tanks, but more like battle-mages; Rangers in gw2 are more like beast-masters…who can also use a bow and sword.
I troll because I care
@Durzlla Well…it’s new to the classical “ranger.” The GW1-type ranger was both not very well known to the global mmo audience, and was generally skilled toward the Marks/Exp build which you already mentioned. The other builds (Beast Master, Spirit Master, Touch Ranger, etc) were all there, just not very popular. Why? My guess is they required more panache and patience. The Barrage/Splinter build was rediculously overused…but it was highly effective. Personally I used a barrage/needling/I Am the Strongest(Norn Shout) build with a few pet skills thrown in.
The classic ranger was part thief, warrior, druid, with a dash of mage. He was a master of the bow, and a lot of times could dual wield sword and dagger. He could hide/move in shadows, set deadly traps, was a novice healer, and knew a few handy spells. The animal companions, or pets, while very present, were more of a side note.
The archer, on the other hand, was all bow.
I’m not saying GW2 has the wrong idea, I actually like what they’ve done with rangers. I just think many people get the wrong idea because of the name. Just like guardians are not pure tanks, but more like battle-mages; Rangers in gw2 are more like beast-masters…who can also use a bow and sword.
Yea round abouts. Im obsessed with archery and archers of history but honestly I love the concept of ranger in gw2 except for the pet, I love my pets but sometimes I want to have the enemies to myself…Im stingy like that. I do love being able to hold my own in melee and being a master of the longbow. Sadly that master is more like a padawan to everyone else. Wow lots of jedi references here eh. Guess 1h sword will do that too ya.
I agree with slimjim with warhorn hunters call. It bugs me casting this to not only get obstructed but stay obstructed if they LoS. It should hit them regardless, and blinding me or LoSing me shouldnt have any effect on it.
That doesn’t even make sense. So someone uses an ability to blind an ability and you want it to hit? If that is true, then let’s make all dodges and evades, not dodge and evade.
Turrets hit even if engineers are blinded, so do minions, clones, spirit weps, pretty much everything in this game. Hunters call calls a flock of birds to attack him, they shouldnt be connected to if I see them or am obstructed. Its not like it hits so hard that it needs that feature.
Just to clarify. Are you saying that if you are blinded or los and you cast the ability, you want it to go off? Or are you saying that after you’ve casted it, and someone runs los or then blinds you the damage is negated?
What Durz said, if we get blinded or LoSed after we casted it, it should still hit them regardless. Plain and simple, its a easy concept to grasp.
@Durzlla Well…it’s new to the classical “ranger.” The GW1-type ranger was both not very well known to the global mmo audience, and was generally skilled toward the Marks/Exp build which you already mentioned. The other builds (Beast Master, Spirit Master, Touch Ranger, etc) were all there, just not very popular. Why? My guess is they required more panache and patience. The Barrage/Splinter build was rediculously overused…but it was highly effective. Personally I used a barrage/needling/I Am the Strongest(Norn Shout) build with a few pet skills thrown in.
The classic ranger was part thief, warrior, druid, with a dash of mage. He was a master of the bow, and a lot of times could dual wield sword and dagger. He could hide/move in shadows, set deadly traps, was a novice healer, and knew a few handy spells. The animal companions, or pets, while very present, were more of a side note.
The archer, on the other hand, was all bow.
I’m not saying GW2 has the wrong idea, I actually like what they’ve done with rangers. I just think many people get the wrong idea because of the name. Just like guardians are not pure tanks, but more like battle-mages; Rangers in gw2 are more like beast-masters…who can also use a bow and sword.
Yea round abouts. Im obsessed with archery and archers of history but honestly I love the concept of ranger in gw2 except for the pet, I love my pets but sometimes I want to have the enemies to myself…Im stingy like that. I do love being able to hold my own in melee and being a master of the longbow. Sadly that master is more like a padawan to everyone else. Wow lots of jedi references here eh. Guess 1h sword will do that too ya.
I can see where you’re coming from, when i want to just 1v1 a mob (which almost never happens granted) i usually send my pet off to deal with the mobs friends and family and have an epic duel with the mob, now that i think of it, this happens religiously for me against veterans…. Those fights tend to be my pet running around killing adds, occasionally giving me some regen or support lightning, but mostly it’s just me and the mob fighting it out with sword, spirits, bow, and summoned animals of the wild lol.
That being said our longbow needs a buff… it literally hits like a wet noodle so much so that i find that if i don’t hit the #1 skill it doesn’t even matter anymore as long as i hit them with hunters shot and rapid fire…
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
The option to play without a pet for an increase damage on ranged weapon…like a skill called Forever Alone: your sadness and loneliness became rage, damage, speed, attack speed are incremented by 20%
Actual Speculation:
Pet QoL changes will be at the top, guaranteed. (e.g. attack while moving, ability to attack walls, etc.)
Spirits will either be significantly buffed or overhauled.
Signet of the Hunt will probably be getting its effects made on par with the newer Thief versions.
Signet of the Wild and Signet of Stone will get CD reductions and a possible rework in the case of Wild.
Signet of Renewal and Protect Me will get QoL change to work at any range.
Sic’ Em and Guard will get either buffed or reworked to be worth using.
Longbow damage increased, possibly through traits.
Greatsword either gets a small damage buff on 1 or gets some new mechanic to be usable.
Sword no longer roots.
I am almost certain the patch is going to focus on pets and utilities. As much as I would like buffs to the Longbow or Greatsword, A-Net obviously thought they were too strong before given the drastic nerfs. I’d like to see some better traits in BeastMastery and Marksmanship minors re-worked, but I doubt A-Net is concerned with out traits given how much better the rest of ours are.
(edited by DoomBunny.2903)
The option to play without a pet for an increase damage on ranged weapon…like a skill called Forever Alone: your sadness and loneliness became rage, damage, speed, attack speed are incremented by 20%
A bit emo :P Maybe something more along the lines of Lone Hunter.
@Durzlla Well…it’s new to the classical “ranger.” The GW1-type ranger was both not very well known to the global mmo audience, and was generally skilled toward the Marks/Exp build which you already mentioned. The other builds (Beast Master, Spirit Master, Touch Ranger, etc) were all there, just not very popular. Why? My guess is they required more panache and patience. The Barrage/Splinter build was rediculously overused…but it was highly effective. Personally I used a barrage/needling/I Am the Strongest(Norn Shout) build with a few pet skills thrown in.
The classic ranger was part thief, warrior, druid, with a dash of mage. He was a master of the bow, and a lot of times could dual wield sword and dagger. He could hide/move in shadows, set deadly traps, was a novice healer, and knew a few handy spells. The animal companions, or pets, while very present, were more of a side note.
The archer, on the other hand, was all bow.
I’m not saying GW2 has the wrong idea, I actually like what they’ve done with rangers. I just think many people get the wrong idea because of the name. Just like guardians are not pure tanks, but more like battle-mages; Rangers in gw2 are more like beast-masters…who can also use a bow and sword.
Yea round abouts. Im obsessed with archery and archers of history but honestly I love the concept of ranger in gw2 except for the pet, I love my pets but sometimes I want to have the enemies to myself…Im stingy like that. I do love being able to hold my own in melee and being a master of the longbow. Sadly that master is more like a padawan to everyone else. Wow lots of jedi references here eh. Guess 1h sword will do that too ya.
I can see where you’re coming from, when i want to just 1v1 a mob (which almost never happens granted) i usually send my pet off to deal with the mobs friends and family and have an epic duel with the mob, now that i think of it, this happens religiously for me against veterans…. Those fights tend to be my pet running around killing adds, occasionally giving me some regen or support lightning, but mostly it’s just me and the mob fighting it out with sword, spirits, bow, and summoned animals of the wild lol.
That being said our longbow needs a buff… it literally hits like a wet noodle so much so that i find that if i don’t hit the #1 skill it doesn’t even matter anymore as long as i hit them with hunters shot and rapid fire…
Even then its still meh. I die a little on the inside when I set up a perfect rapid fire burst only to see it hit glass cannons for….7k, wtf? Ive got almost 3400 attack, I should be hitting for 14k rapid fires, sure my pet occasionally does damage, when its not dead. But in pvp where aoe is rampant he dies in seconds. I wanna be able to nuke people down when pet isnt there. So hopefully they make that possible.
Actual Speculation:
Pet QoL changes will be at the top, guaranteed. (e.g. attack while moving, ability to attack walls, etc.)
Spirits will either be significantly buffed or overhauled.
Signet of the Hunt will probably be getting its effects made on par with the newer Thief versions.
Signet of the Wild and Signet of Stone will get CD reductions and a possible rework in the case of Wild.
Signet of Renewal and Protect Me will get QoL change to work at any range.
Sic’ Em and Guard will get either buffed or reworked to be worth using.
Longbow damage increased, possibly through traits.
Greatsword either gets a small damage buff on 1 or gets some new mechanic to be usable.
Sword no longer roots.
I am almost certain the patch is going to focus on pets and utilities. As much as I would like buffs to the Longbow or Greatsword, A-Net obviously thought they were too strong before given the drastic nerfs. I’d like to see some better traits in BeastMastery and Marksmanship minors re-worked, but I doubt A-Net is concerned with out traits given how much better the rest of ours are.
Dont forget projectile speed increase. Thats a must. AND..And….and….QUIVERS…worth a shot.
Dont forget projectile speed increase. Thats a must. AND..And….and….QUIVERS…worth a shot.
I don’t think projectile speed is going to change. The obstructed bug might be fixed, but it seems unlikely they’d increase the projectile speed, as that would require changes to the Warrior and Thief as well.
Quivers, are most likely on the bottom of the Ranger Priority List. Although, they could pull a Blizzard and give us quivers so we forget about the balance issues for a month. All they need to do is add them as a new back skin and the Ranger forums would go ape.
@Durzlla Well…it’s new to the classical “ranger.” The GW1-type ranger was both not very well known to the global mmo audience, and was generally skilled toward the Marks/Exp build which you already mentioned. The other builds (Beast Master, Spirit Master, Touch Ranger, etc) were all there, just not very popular. Why? My guess is they required more panache and patience. The Barrage/Splinter build was rediculously overused…but it was highly effective. Personally I used a barrage/needling/I Am the Strongest(Norn Shout) build with a few pet skills thrown in.
The classic ranger was part thief, warrior, druid, with a dash of mage. He was a master of the bow, and a lot of times could dual wield sword and dagger. He could hide/move in shadows, set deadly traps, was a novice healer, and knew a few handy spells. The animal companions, or pets, while very present, were more of a side note.
The archer, on the other hand, was all bow.
I’m not saying GW2 has the wrong idea, I actually like what they’ve done with rangers. I just think many people get the wrong idea because of the name. Just like guardians are not pure tanks, but more like battle-mages; Rangers in gw2 are more like beast-masters…who can also use a bow and sword.
Yea round abouts. Im obsessed with archery and archers of history but honestly I love the concept of ranger in gw2 except for the pet, I love my pets but sometimes I want to have the enemies to myself…Im stingy like that. I do love being able to hold my own in melee and being a master of the longbow. Sadly that master is more like a padawan to everyone else. Wow lots of jedi references here eh. Guess 1h sword will do that too ya.
I can see where you’re coming from, when i want to just 1v1 a mob (which almost never happens granted) i usually send my pet off to deal with the mobs friends and family and have an epic duel with the mob, now that i think of it, this happens religiously for me against veterans…. Those fights tend to be my pet running around killing adds, occasionally giving me some regen or support lightning, but mostly it’s just me and the mob fighting it out with sword, spirits, bow, and summoned animals of the wild lol.
That being said our longbow needs a buff… it literally hits like a wet noodle so much so that i find that if i don’t hit the #1 skill it doesn’t even matter anymore as long as i hit them with hunters shot and rapid fire…
Even then its still meh. I die a little on the inside when I set up a perfect rapid fire burst only to see it hit glass cannons for….7k, wtf? Ive got almost 3400 attack, I should be hitting for 14k rapid fires, sure my pet occasionally does damage, when its not dead. But in pvp where aoe is rampant he dies in seconds. I wanna be able to nuke people down when pet isnt there. So hopefully they make that possible.
Well… i never said longbow did very well with damage lol, it needs a buff tbh, however i’m just saying when i want to 1v1 things that’s what i do, i have barely any attack on one of my builds and my rapid fire is like 5k… so we just need to scale better on bows (swords and axes we scale REALY well though)
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna