Path of Scars still feels useless

Path of Scars still feels useless

in Ranger

Posted by: Dojo.1867


There were multiple threads where people discussed this skill and the general opnion was that it would need some form of utility to be viable for an offhand weapon slot (with another very situational skill being whirling defense). They added 85% damage and …

… it still feels really bad.

The animation time always was rather long exspeciall if you also calculate the flight time in. Hitting a person more than twice is actually hard enough that it would require some kind of reward (added bonus) for the returning axe. People suggested daze on first hit and stun on second for example. Right now we still have a skill with very minor damage compared to just keeping autoattacking (to not lose the target).

They didn’t listen at all and the single buff we got with the latest patch isn’t worth anything due to that. This is really disappointing to me but reflects their balancing politics since release. This is just very very lackluster or honestly … just plain bad game design.

Path of Scars still feels useless

in Ranger

Posted by: Agadar.4931


Preaching to the choir, man. Preaching to the choir.

Path of Scars still feels useless

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


It wasn’t buffed….

If you used Offhand training, which you should have been doing if you used Axe Offhand (Damage increase + Range + Cooldown decrease) you didn’t see a damage upgrade.

It only people who didn’t use that talent that will see it, and very few people did this…Because it blows horribly.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Path of Scars still feels useless

in Ranger

Posted by: Himei.5379


I use it as a battle opener, nothing else. Get into the right range for it, and the axe will double hit right after each other since its at max range. It’s a great burst damage starter to get into Melee range. If I can crit for both paths, I would do 3200+ damage before jumping into melee with sword and Quickness on pet swap. Amazing way to solo farm.