Pet bug - dead on F4
Hasn’t happened to me… anything else you can think of that could have caused this?
Which map were you in?
Doing It With Style
It just happened again during a fight – this time it happened on the jaguar. He spawned dead after F4
Happened to me too actually.. I thought I missed something…
Strange, I was in EB for a good 2 hours and didn’t get this… Anything else do you think might trigger this? Like the pet before it had a condition of some sort, or you swapped out your pet that died with a condition on it?
What I’m trying to say is that the recent change on the pet keeping cooldowns when put in the stable/swapped might be keeping conditions as well and kills them there. This is just speculation though.
Have you filed a bug report?
Doing It With Style
It happened at least 2-3 times again. One time using snow leo and jaguar the jaguar was dead on switch.
Just before we had a fight in WvW in Stonemist – my river drake died, I switched to my jaguar and he was dead too… that is really really bad. I have a 0/0/20/20/30 spec atm and I have no idea what might be causing this but it really has to be fixed because its really game breaking for bestmasters if their pet is dead for no reason.
I filled a bug report ingame but I mentioned the same things as here.
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