Positive Side to Being a Ranger.
Put on your flame suit! It’s gonna be a hot thread! XD
Also, you’re not alone :P I like the patch. Wanted more, but I’ll take what I can get :P
Doing It With Style
Put on your flame suit!
It’s gonna be a hot thread! XD
Also, you’re not alone :P I like the patch. Wanted more, but I’ll take what I can get :P
Lol I have it on and I’ve reinforced it. Lets hope it holds up!
I agree. It would have been nice to get more
Patch-wise Rangers do tend to make out pretty good generally speaking. Most of the time it’s buffs. It’s not that they aren’t going in a good direction, it’s just they aren’t going in a good direction terribly fast.
(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)
in dungeons, i’m usually the last one who dies, tho i, as a ranger, of course get all the aggro.
“a survivability that is almost as good as a memser.
a DPS that is almost as good as an ele.
a defense that is almost as low as a marshmellow.
a bunch of spirits, which are almost completely useless.
- almost jack of all trades…even the useless ones: Ranger"
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
I was, ironically, a bit relieved to see the laundry list of changes made to Engineer. Aside from all the “we were told we sucked the most” drama-llama whinging that people will cry foul on with, I think it was a good sign to see that many changes to one class in one patch – that means it’s something they actually can manage to do, and hey, maybe it’ll happen in the future for us.
I’m not banking on hope or maybes anymore.
I love the playstyle of the class, bunker melee ranger can be so much fun hopping around when outnumbered.
Problem is it sounds like you’re more of a PvE guy,, which is great but completely different gameplay.
I’ve loved and defended this class forever, but I can’t honestly say we are on par with other classes. We are very good 1v1 and PvE/tPvP, we are embarrassingly underpowered group oriented combat compared to all other classes.
[sYn] Borlis Pass
OP doesn’t realise that the overall affect of the ranger changes was yet more nerfing to the ranger, especially to builds that were effective in wvw.
For pve, you can leap around all you like with your greatsword and have your pet hit stationary targets (oh and yippee they fixed AR, took long enough to even realise it might be a problem?) but try it in wvw and when you finish dieing for the 20th time or waiting for your kitten pets to come off cooldown after their suicide runs then come back and say how great it was to nerf 50% of the dps on qz.
Rangers are the masters of ranged attacks, according to Anet’s own blurb..and yet any other ranged class does more damage and it just got worse with the QZ nerf, as pet damage can’t be counted when it misses/get dodged/crippled/dead with no backup buff for when your pets are down.
It’s almost like playing half a class, and wondering when the other half will come along.
Sad thing is so many people have invested so much into their rangers and waited so long in the hope that Anet will fix the broken class that they find it difficult to change to a class that isn’t broken and will keep on hoping….
Of course the PVE crowd will be happy with the AR fix (which should never have existed if anyone at Anet had thought about rangers when designing fractals…)..GS damage increase assumes you think you are a tank and can take all that aoe and melee damage when you leap into a pile of people, or you’re a PVE’r and think using a GS is cool- but if you thought that, there are a lot of other classes that use a GS to much greater effect.
Remember the promise to fix spirits MONTHS ago..it’s pretty clear they don’t know how to fix rangers pvp without making them OP in PVE- which is really very easy, just have different skills or skill affects in pve and pvp/wvw.
Edit: forgot to mention the positive about playing ranger in wvw is that you are almost always targetted last as almost everyone else is more damage and more use than you.
Another positive is it’s so Underpowered that it’s actually a challenge to kill anyone 1v1 (or more vs1) of a similar skill level in wvw, which makes it fun for a while.
(edited by Victory.2879)
They didn’t buff cats. They removed their crit spike based on the panther build people found. The patch notes are worded in a very deceptive manner.
Wraath – [DDH] Darkhand
Ranger of Blackgate
More of the intelligent talk about a class is on GW2 reddit than on here. I played a ranger since opening of game and I been enjoying it alot even still out of my 6 toons its my third most played next to my mesmer wvw commander and elementalist. I even play it more than my guardian and warrior with thief being in the bottom rung of the barrel. Problem is people want more for ranger but they are asking for the wrong stuff first. Pets need a fix AI and defense wise sure but we dont need to do so much more amounts of ranged DPS damage it would make warriors start crying to Anet for not paying attention to them anymore. Rome wasnt built within a day and they cannot make every class equally overpowered as most Stats > skill styled players want. So I say if you cannot stand playing ranger, noone is holding a asuran raygun towards your head and demanding you to keep playing one, try other classes. Thats why we have 5 character slots with option to buy more.
Tizzle Mindwrack – Crazy Asura Lore Keeper of [AARM]
Half joke/ half serious.
The good side of being ranger is ability to take blow after blow. After months on it you’re completly different person – rageless. 1/2 hp in one hit – ain’t even mad. No way to escape? – ‘’keep calm and turn on your second cheek’’.
But I’m glad for you that you have fun on it, I really am.
downed state of a ranger is also pretty awesome.
everytime when fighting a boss in a dungeon, i’m like “stop resurrecting me and keep that big guy off me instead of killing yourself trying to heal me!”
not to mention the trollface, that you can put on in sPvP when someone’s about to give you the final blow: downed skill #2 —> problem?
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
One of the “many” pros of being a Ranger is having not lost to a Guardian or Necro yet in a 1 vs 1 duel since I discovered my new build.
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~
Ranger has loads of positives, otherwise we wouldn’t all still be here now would we? People complain because they care, and because a really fun class that performs well on paper is not working as intended due to issues with chore class mechanic (pets)
- Tons of evades
- high, consistent condition damage
- dual damage source (ranger + pet)
- tons of CC
- dual bows (if you like bows)
- best group heal in game (arguably)
- longest range in game (1500)
- traitline that grants both precision and crit damage (big advantage, if I remember correctly only 2 other classes have this but I may be mistaken)
- broad array of useful weapons
- most access to quickness of all classes
- most fun class in the game.
- Pets don’t scale with ranger stats
- poor condition wipe
- massive damage loss in dungeons (pets can’t stick to target without dying)
- pets can’t hit moving targets well in pvp
- pets are unresponsive
- arrows easily avoided in pvp
- nonsensical trait allocation and too many unappealing traits (though to be fair we aren’t the only ones)
- No single specific shining point (maybe cc?)
Scarlett Daguer (Thief) | Gritt Bloodstone (Warrior) | Sirius Zand (Guardian)
- Whiteside Ridge [EU] -
The biggest positive that I observe is the interactive playstyle. Yes warrior does damage but that is really his main focus. Ranger can interrupt, chose his fighting distance very efficiently and brings superior mobility for both, offensive and defensive use.
I almost feel like running runes of a soldier to switch between weapons even faster.
I dislike having to waste one utility slot for decent movementspeed and one slot for condition removal/stunbreak while both really don’t do anything else.
hey i just started this game and tried a necro first now have a ranger. I love the ranger i hope it keeps being fun.
It sure is fun in WvW (not my vid).
One of the “many” pros of being a Ranger is having not lost to a Guardian or Necro yet in a 1 vs 1 duel since I discovered my new build.
Hey, I would like to duel you sometime, I’m from Maguuma so we can easily meet in WvW do some build testing.
Haven’t had chance to duel for while after Marjy went MIA from CD.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
The biggest positive is the composite damage that the ranger deals . You can go both condition spec and have the pet deal physical damage .
The second biggest positive is the tons of single target and AOE crowd control
Finally the endurance regeneration and generous amount of dodges and evasive weapon abilities .
All of these things make him a solid support and a great 1v1er , sometimes a 1v2 . However , pretty meh in dungeon and fractal runs
for me the positive side is that I can always play my warrior…
I just hate that I invested so much in my ranger…
Positive side to ranger is they can harvest nodes easily with speed buff and pet. The downside is having to have to run a dungeon with a ranger cause you know it’s gonna take longer than it should….oh wait that downside is for whoever gets stuck with a ranger in the group
Am I legendary yet!?
in dungeons, i’m usually the last one who dies, tho i, as a ranger, of course get all the aggro.
“a survivability that is almost as good as a memser.
a DPS that is almost as good as an ele.
a defense that is almost as low as a marshmellow.
a bunch of spirits, which are almost completely useless.- almost jack of all trades…even the useless ones: Ranger"
Wether you die or not is irrelevant. A warrior that dies 5 times more than you still does 50 times your dps, so i’d take a kitten 2 clicking warrior anytime over a useless as kitten ranger who can’t do anything else anyway but maybe staying alive. When the warrior is alive, he’s at least useful.
You compare the dps to an ele, which has already low dps like many other classes, why not compare it to thief, mesmer or warrior? And no, it’s not nearly the same.
Defense is the only thing we have, but that’s not needed anyway in dungeons. You go full zerker and rush it, that’s how you play it.
Spirits only almost useless? Have you ever seen one using it? Even the anet drones and defenders in this subforum who defend this broken and kitten class all day long don’t use it.
Ranger is not a jack of anything but a jack of kitten.
Positive side to being a ranger, we can’t go anywhere but up. It can’t possibly get any worse than it is, can it?
Positive side to being a ranger, we can’t go anywhere but up. It can’t possibly get any worse than it is, can it?
ANet: Challenge Accepted.
I love where this discussion is going ! I also love my evades. I’ve actually learned a lot just from playing my ranger, especially how to dodge.
Yes I do play mostly PvE and my guild specifically brings me to instances because I’m the last to fall if I fall at all. Most likely I finish the encounter and end up rezzing them. I admit I don’t play as much wvw as I should and I haven’t been in spvp in a while. The only reason I’m not in wvw is because I don’t like the invisible enemies that reappear on top of me (ie that culling feature gw2 has where it only renders x amount of people on your screen).
From what spvp I played I loved my survivability when my pet did my damage. All I had to do was keep my opponent in melee range and if they were ranged pull out my spider or devourer. Thieves couldn’t even bring me down 1v1 although I couldn’t really bring them down either but hey at least they didn’t get a kill.
I still use my ranger in open world PvE if I need to farm bloods or something, otherwise I have not found a fun gameplay for them. I don’t like them in WvW because the pets die so quickly, I don’t like them in PvE dungeons or fractals because the pet dies too easily and I don’t like them in sPvP because I like to help the team and I can’t do that as a ranger.
To be brutally honest, I actually really like my Ranger in Dungeons, there are a lot of places it really does shine. It is not as good DPS Warrior yep, but Zerker Warrior really only work well in a few Dungeons. I’ve seen a lot of Zerker Warriors in T. Arbor, and it’s never pleasent. Hell we had a Warrior join a group only a couple of days ago, say “wait a moment while I get my Dungeon Armor” and then spend 90% of every fight on the floor.
Ranger can put out an awful lot of bleeds with a shortbow and QZ. Team up with a Necro and suddenly rooms of mobs just melt.
They have good team healing if you go close range, which is where I like to be with my Ranger, if your close it’s easier to remain behind your target and get in Piercing shots against extra mobe. If teamed up with a Hammer Guardian your team survivability just shoots up.
Pets can be used to great effect to pull in things like Ascalonian Warriors and Nightmare Court Wardens that have Leaps that can down a lot of classes. With a decent level in BM they can also have really good tanking ability, especially if you back them up with decent healing. I’ve had pets tank the Cave Troll in AC without dying quite a few times.
I’m not claiming they are the best class, but I feel a lot of the issues come with the people you team with. I’m SO used to people only thinking your pet grabs agro and you do less damage than Warriors. Having played 7 classes now, I actually see what the Rangers do well, and I get a lot of advantages teaming with a good one. As I said if I’m playing my Necro and see a Shortbow/Condition Ranger I celebrate.
I find it funny and confusing how people portray the state of Rangers.
Having played a Warrior in WvW a bit….it’s hard. Even with a good ‘tanky’ spec, it’s hard to get by when conditions are thrown at you. You can use a shout spec to curb a lot of the conditions (but my favorite is Warhorn) but you’ve got to be really on your toes to not go down in situations were you’re outnumbered.
…so people’s perception of Warriors against other players, I can sort of understand…it can hit pretty hard if you spec for it and that’s about it. It’s not tough facing an average Warrior mainly because they are predictable.
Now when it comes to Rangers vs other players, I’ve heard bad stuff about them but then I’ve heard good stuff about them. So after watching that video linked above, I’m curious what the general perception of Rangers are against other players? IMO, the stuff Warrior has doesn’t compare and while I wouldn’t call Rangers the top PvP profession nor Warrior the bottom, I’d probably say Ranger definitely has the edge over a lot of the melee professions because of the versatility I’ve seen. The pet seems predictable but the Ranger not so much…
Rangers are awesome 1v1 fighters. Our chance of success drops rapidly as soon as it becomes a 1vX fight. That is because Ranger dps is very single target, except for melee. Even with melee, our pets don’t aoe and our dps is based around having a pet. So while a ele can burn multiple targets with the full force of their dps potiential, a ranger, at most, is only putting 60% of its dps ability in aoe form.
And this is critical because winning a 1vX fight is about pressure. Applying pressure to all the targets forces them use heals, to fight defensively, it breaks up THEIR dps output.
My bezerker Necro wins 1vX fights far more reliably then ANY of my ranger builds, and that is why. I wade into the fight and I send multiple people tumbling back.
Half joke/ half serious.
The good side of being ranger is ability to take blow after blow. After months on it you’re completly different person – rageless. 1/2 hp in one hit – ain’t even mad. No way to escape? – ‘’keep calm and turn on your second cheek’’.But I’m glad for you that you have fun on it, I really am.
I lawled at this, and have to agree. I remember a post a little while back where someone remarked that if any other profession got the kind of attention (or lack thereof) as the Ranger, their players would find ways to torch Lion’s Arch.
In some ways I think the Ranger profession is designed to build up the restraint/patience/passivity of its players. Think about it: we’re good at sustain, condition damage, and traps, all of which either pay off over time or require us to wait for/bait our opponents to come to us.
“Eventually all these arrow attacks will kill ’em!”
“Eventually these conditions will bring ’em down!”
“Eventually we’ll get our day!”
After playing a guardian decked out in soldiers gear I got depressed at how easy it is to play compared to ranger. Crit ranger is still my favorite build amongst my classes except for maybe boon removal condition necro.
Positive to being a Ranger: Victory is so much sweeter in WvW when you achieve it =)
I 1v3 some FA kids, and maybe they were slightly bad, but I still beat them alone. Dancing over their bodies… Ugh… it just makes me feel alive.
There are plenty of upsides to being a Ranger and having played all of the classes thoroughly, I think I have a bit of an edge on some people. If you can understand how classes work, you can beat them. It’s not just about understanding how your own class works. Only thing that maybe needs work in my opinion is some pet AI; but I do just fine as of right now. I can be patient a while longer.
Me and Scuzzle Butt(my jaguar) We good.
Well if I recall correctly, all classes were nerfed in terms of speed buffs. Anet said something like those buffs were too OP and usually leaving the victim without a response. So, if everyone was nerfed, how come ranger is being less useful now? We got some nice improvements for the GS and pet and hopefully more are on the way. Did you know that on warrior thread people think the dev’s favor rangers and completely ignore their favorite class?
In every mmo there will always be an Overpowered Classes & an Underpowered Classes.
GW2 included.
I dont know why, i’ll always prefer the most UP Classes of all usually.
Even in GW1, i rather play a Necro than a Mesmer or Snare/Interuptor Rangers.
Or in games like RIFT as a Mage instead of Super OP Rogues or Wars.
So in GW2 i’ve started as a War to a Thief to a Ranger finally.
So yea Ranger is my main now lol
Most of my Killing Blows in sPvp are with my Thief but still i prefer the worst class of all compared to the other classes in GW2…
The Ranger
Yeah they really sold the Ranger in that video.
Really nothing works like any of that, and pets, don’t even get me started on my dead pet.
Great job with the video, terrible job with the Ranger.
Let’s not be frank. All those preview videos of professions were misleading.
Check the Warrior one, popping Eviscerate on a target way further than 300 range, one shotting it, then popping it 2 more times right after, leaping big distances and taking them out super quick.
Or the elementalist one, Water Trident spamming the foes down…
OK, I am the odd ball here. The update did not affect me (other than my Black Widow Spider) all that much. I am so very happy ArenaNet fixed the pet rez, it was really scary watching my pet do 1300 points of damage to me every few seconds! Rangers have always been very functional and fit my play style very well. I have never understood why some people complain about pets in dungeons, unless of course those doing the complaining just don’t want to adapt to dungeons. It took me about five minutes to figure out how to manage my pet in AC, proved the method in HotW and SoF. Since then I rarely lose my pet, there are some areas of each dungeon that are exceptions of course. I played a ranger main in Guild Wars, a ranger that went through all three chapters, acquired all pets (most were never used in PvE or PvP just capped, levels and turned in) and maxed out her Hall of Monuments using a single pet (Wolfie) and a single GP build with lots of survivability in it. Yeah, I got lots of complaints about not doing enough damage, that usually (but not always) ended when I rezed the complainer.
I have found that Rangers are, just like in the original game, one of the strongest PvE profession in the game, if it suits your play style. I have tried Necromancers, Elementalists, Warriors and Thieves and I just don’t get how to play them. My ranger consumes about 95% of my game time, and I have no regrets that my ranger is my primary.
Now if only there was a good looking legendary, but that is another story.
Its very easy to farm underwater
That’s pretty much it.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
There was a thread recently in the Thief forum that had to do with Thieves having problems finding groups for dungeons, and one person commented that the problem isn’t so much with Thieves, but with how a lot of the PvE content is designed.
I’m generalizing a bit here, but think of a lot of GW2’s bosses as the Arab/Cairo Swordsman from Raiders of the Lost Ark. You can either defeat him the “deleted scene” way, i.e. by whipping and evading him, or you can just shoot him. Sure, the deleted scene way is arguably more fun and a test of skill than the latter, but if you’ve already done it and are now only doing it to repeatedly farm the guy’s wallet, it’s easier and faster just to shoot/dps him.
The best part of being a Ranger is knowing you arent doing it the easy way. Sure the other classes mock us, people openly claim we can do nothing and contribute nothing but when you are out there in the dungeons picking those same people off the floor or putting them there in the arenas it feels great.
Let them lord it up with their face roll easy classes, guardians im looking at you, they will never be as good as you fellow Rangers. They don’t have to squeeze everything they can out of their class and always be on top of their game just to keep up. Ranger class is hard mode, be proud of that, the rest of them are too scared or too bad to even attempt what you’re doing. They all deleted their Rangers and abandoned the class because they can’t cope, they aren’t up to the challenge and need their training wheels.
Remember that the next time someone calls your Ranger kitten
Personally, I love it. Everyone is convinced the rangers suck . . . especially in PvP and WvW. There’s nothing more redeeming than the opposing class running away from me, after a jump, and realizing they’re not going to win against THIS ranger.
What Rhaps said is spot-on.
There are No Positive Side of being a Rng; it’s all Delusions and Manipulations
I’m sure many will Not Agree with me because i speak the Truth
Is this Positive Side of being a Ranger Enough?
Unless I’m missing something, please! brief me.
(edited by Burnfall.9573)
I enjoy doing 60 to 100 percent damage to myself every time I fire Barrage at a zerg in WvW. Saves the enemy the hassle of having to kill me.
I am glad that I am able to enhance the playtime of thieves who two shot me with heartseeker spam, or mesmers who can destroy me with their clones in less time than it takes me to kill one of their clones. I’m glad the thief who two-shotted me in WvW today didn’t even bother to stealth. He didn’t need to.
I am glad the developers will continue to make minor, band-aid fixes to the class over the next few years just so people can come to the forums and say “at least it’s something!” just like Blizzard did with the hunter class over 4 years.
I am glad the Elder Scrolls Online is just around the bend. Hopefully they won’t play the same game Blizznet has.
(edited by Cuchullain.3104)
The Rangers are the USMC of Guild Wars 2. While other branches/class have thier specialties. The Ranger can do it all. Rangers are consistant. You can measure a classes success in many ways. The ranger many not be the best dps but he is up there. Healing,support,cc out of 8 classes he ranks 3 or 4 catagory by catagory.
So yes some classess are the best at such and such but when you do have that class ranger are a viable option.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
only positive about rangers is node and underwater farming lol, they suck at anything else.
No I’m not trolling. I’m being serious. The only thing I’ve been seeing on these forums is a bunch of QQers and rarely do I see anything constructive or positive. So here it goes:
I for one am HAPPY about the patch notes. I mean at least we GOT things. Maybe this makes me the 1%.
I’m very pleased with the AR for pets (I finally got to test this in a fractal last night and didn’t have to switch my pet nearly as often as I usually do), I’m happy for the increased greatsword dps (not as good as sword/axe but the greatsword is more of tanky melee weapon imo), Drake no longer heals enemies, Cats do extra crit damage (more dps for my bm build), and supposedly they fixed the pet rez bug – I haven’t actually gotten to test this to see if its really un-bugged.
As for the quickness things its not like everyone got nerfed or anything. I still use Quickening Zephyr, with the pet swap quickness which I can do every 15 seconds.
There you have it Anet, at least one of your rangers isn’t complaining.
The quickness nerf hit power rangers very hard (harder than most, if not all other classes because of the heavy reliance on it from pet swap and QZ to keep ranger DPS on a level comparable to other classes). The class often underperformed in a DPS role (the only viable one, their support skills are terrible and control is either unecessary or equally done by other classes with additional options) before the nerf, it is even worse with it.
The addition of AR was more of a bug than an improvement. The dungeon shouldn’t have made it to launch without giving pets AR, that shows how little consideration and critical thinking goes into content and how it impacts on the ranger (and primarily the pet – the fact dungeon content is balanced around dodge roll which pets can’t do is a prime example of this). Giving pets AR is more like a bug fix than it is a buff.
Drakes no longer heal enemies? It’s hilarious that it ever happened – not only to pets often let you down, they actively helped your enemy. The details of the cat DPS and crit changes seemed to me more like they were trading base damage for crits (or something in that ballpark). Last I heard it wasn’t a DPS increase or decrease, it was just shuffling numbers around (and fixing a bug introduced in a prior patch).
Pet res is still bugged. Since launch one of our most important downed skills doesn’t work (it’s also a utility skill) and even after the “fix” – it still doesn’t work.
Finally you missed one of the biggest nerfs in this patch. Pet skills will no longer refresh their cooldowns when swapped in and out of combat. I don’t think I read a single post (seriously, not a single post) complaining pets were OP and they could use their F2 skills too often (I’m not saying they don’t exist, I just never saw people call it out as a balance problem let alone have people complain about it like culling stealth or the power level of D/D builds). Not once did I ever see anyone say it was a problem and the class was negatively impacting the play experiences of others by being able to use the crappy F2 skills every time they swapped pets instead of waiting out their cooldowns. I never saw someone complain about how OP pet skills were or how effective pets were (aside from some underwater complaints) and in fact the seemingly majority opinion was that pets generally suck or under perform and are often close to useless. So what do they do? Make them worse by having cooldowns persist between pet swaps.
The ranger patch notes confuse me as much as they make me sad. I see a lot of problems with the class (despite all the good things about it) and I see a PvE meta where the class is becoming less and less popular yet I keep seeing big nerfs (crossfire, quickness, pet skill cooldowns) and necessary changes that aren’t being made. Pets and support options desperately need to be addressed and they aren’t. So as happy as you are with your bug fixes (some of them weren’t even fixed) and your minor buff on a still weak weapon, these aren’t the changes the class needs, in fact, this patch hurt the class more than it helped.
The trapper ranger build is made specifically for 1vX duels . With 2 traps, torch and axe you have a lot of AOE, while your pet , usually dog , keeps up the pressure and controls their positioning .
Beastmasters, however, are amazing at 1v1 , but can do 1v2 vs certain class combinations .
The hardest class for me to duel are confusion mesmers, because its insane damage taken if you use shortbow … and Elementalists, because they are just that OP
They need to create a PvP forum to discuss the ranger because the PvE situation is like a whole different game. Bosses have defiant nullifying several skills and several OHKO attacks that pets can’t dodge, nullifying the pet and warriors are able to land 100% of One hundred blades because mobs don’t move out of the way (so the skill is able to be OP in PvE while being often close to useless in PvP) but ranger attacks are harder to dodge so they are made weaker (although rapid fire is essentially the same thing yet it doesn’t do as much damage). Discussing the class feels like you are talking about apples and oranges when people comment about PvP when you are talking about PvE.
It has been mention multiple times that the solutions to boss OHKO on pets could be solved by giving pets AOE damage mitigation . Yet ANet has repeatedly refused to do so
No I’m not trolling. I’m being serious. The only thing I’ve been seeing on these forums is a bunch of QQers and rarely do I see anything constructive or positive. So here it goes:
I for one am HAPPY about the patch notes. I mean at least we GOT things. Maybe this makes me the 1%.
I’m very pleased with the AR for pets (I finally got to test this in a fractal last night and didn’t have to switch my pet nearly as often as I usually do), I’m happy for the increased greatsword dps (not as good as sword/axe but the greatsword is more of tanky melee weapon imo), Drake no longer heals enemies, Cats do extra crit damage (more dps for my bm build), and supposedly they fixed the pet rez bug – I haven’t actually gotten to test this to see if its really un-bugged.
As for the quickness things its not like everyone got nerfed or anything. I still use Quickening Zephyr, with the pet swap quickness which I can do every 15 seconds.
There you have it Anet, at least one of your rangers isn’t complaining.
The quickness nerf hit power rangers very hard (harder than most, if not all other classes because of the heavy reliance on it from pet swap and QZ to keep ranger DPS on a level comparable to other classes). The class often underperformed in a DPS role (the only viable one, their support skills are terrible and control is either unecessary or equally done by other classes with additional options) before the nerf, it is even worse with it.
The addition of AR was more of a bug than an improvement. The dungeon shouldn’t have made it to launch without giving pets AR, that shows how little consideration and critical thinking goes into content and how it impacts on the ranger (and primarily the pet – the fact dungeon content is balanced around dodge roll which pets can’t do is a prime example of this). Giving pets AR is more like a bug fix than it is a buff.
Drakes no longer heal enemies? It’s hilarious that it ever happened – not only to pets often let you down, they actively helped your enemy. The details of the cat DPS and crit changes seemed to me more like they were trading base damage for crits (or something in that ballpark). Last I heard it wasn’t a DPS increase or decrease, it was just shuffling numbers around (and fixing a bug introduced in a prior patch).
Pet res is still bugged. Since launch one of our most important downed skills doesn’t work (it’s also a utility skill) and even after the “fix” – it still doesn’t work.
Finally you missed one of the biggest nerfs in this patch. Pet skills will no longer refresh their cooldowns when swapped in and out of combat. I don’t think I read a single post (seriously, not a single post) complaining pets were OP and they could use their F2 skills too often (I’m not saying they don’t exist, I just never saw people call it out as a balance problem let alone have people complain about it like culling stealth or the power level of D/D builds). Not once did I ever see anyone say it was a problem and the class was negatively impacting the play experiences of others by being able to use the crappy F2 skills every time they swapped pets instead of waiting out their cooldowns. I never saw someone complain about how OP pet skills were or how effective pets were (aside from some underwater complaints) and in fact the seemingly majority opinion was that pets generally suck or under perform and are often close to useless. So what do they do? Make them worse by having cooldowns persist between pet swaps.
The ranger patch notes confuse me as much as they make me sad. I see a lot of problems with the class (despite all the good things about it) and I see a PvE meta where the class is becoming less and less popular yet I keep seeing big nerfs (crossfire, quickness, pet skill cooldowns) and necessary changes that aren’t being made. Pets and support options desperately need to be addressed and they aren’t. So as happy as you are with your bug fixes (some of them weren’t even fixed) and your minor buff on a still weak weapon, these aren’t the changes the class needs, in fact, this patch hurt the class more than it helped.
And even with the quickness nerf I still use Quickening Zephyr. The only time I switch that and Sick ’Em out is when I want to “tank” which is super fun imo. I even have my Steve right next to me giving me a healing Aura and Protection every so often.
:D Statement still stands. I love rangers and I’m still happy with the patch notes. Its only made my ranger better for PvE (example: greatsword, AR, pet rez bug fix).