Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: DHawk.2687


21.5k Rapid Fire? I see you are also misinformed.

you do know that you stack up to 13 vuln on your target right, all you need to do as a power spec is knock the thief back, use skill 2 maybe immob and collect the loot
been there done that

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

You do know that each arrow of RF stacks 1 vuln? It is not there at the beginning. So the 1st arrow does 101%, 2nd 102.1% 3rd, 103.03%, 4th 104.06%, 5th 105.1% etc. The vulnerability doesn’t really make that much difference to the RF skill. It is what comes after that counts.

20+k RF is possible, but not on a lvl 80 medium armor. To get it off to 1 shot someone, you need to lock them down, use SoTH, SoTW, and have 5 or so might as well as quickness to land it. It is not as simple as press 2 to win.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: DHawk.2687


You do know that each arrow of RF stacks 1 vuln? It is not there at the beginning. So the 1st arrow does 101%, 2nd 102.1% 3rd, 103.03%, 4th 104.06%, 5th 105.1% etc. The vulnerability doesn’t really make that much difference to the RF skill. It is what comes after that counts.

20+k RF is possible, but not on a lvl 80 medium armor. To get it off to 1 shot someone, you need to lock them down, use SoTH, SoTW, and have 5 or so might as well as quickness to land it. It is not as simple as press 2 to win.

fact is that your 2 skill is a higher and easier burst than a thiefs backstab, it’s a 1500 (technically a little more) range and auto tracks even when in stealth
the highest a thief can go is around 14k if he’s lucky 15k thats it
and that only if the enemy has vuln and you have full might and every single stack and buff you could think of

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: DHawk.2687


it’s basically a stronger backstab that doesn’t need to be performed out of stealth or into the back at max range
yeah but thief is op right XD

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I’ve never in my life stated thief is OP.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


I’d just like to make mention that the only place I’ve seen Rapid Fire realistically hit for any of the numbers being mention is at PvE Tequatl, and you have to be hitting multiple hitboxes to achieve that 99% of the fight.

In PvP, a full Rapid Fire channel realistically does 6-8k damage. As a matter of fact, the only thing that pushes it to be anywhere close to strong is the fire/air double procs that boost the damage up by 2k on each end of the range I listed.

Signet boosts would muliply that damage range by 1.5, but that doesn’t make Rapid Fire too strong, it makes the modifier the thing to look to alter.

An honest evaluation would be that damage with thief/mesmer is competitive, but the way in which it occurs is not. Mesmer/Thief can burst instantly from stealth and have tools to be able to lockdown the target to guarantee damage. Ranger has to “pew pew” in the open for a longer period of time with less instant damage and hope the target isn’t smart enough to Line of Sight or dodge.

That’s actually what makes Beastly Warden so strong; it’s our first strong tool for locking a target in place to burst them. However, even though we have strong tools, we don’t comparatively have strong tools.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

You do know that each arrow of RF stacks 1 vuln? It is not there at the beginning. So the 1st arrow does 101%, 2nd 102.1% 3rd, 103.03%, 4th 104.06%, 5th 105.1% etc. The vulnerability doesn’t really make that much difference to the RF skill. It is what comes after that counts.

20+k RF is possible, but not on a lvl 80 medium armor. To get it off to 1 shot someone, you need to lock them down, use SoTH, SoTW, and have 5 or so might as well as quickness to land it. It is not as simple as press 2 to win.

fact is that your 2 skill is a higher and easier burst than a thiefs backstab, it’s a 1500 (technically a little more) range and auto tracks even when in stealth
the highest a thief can go is around 14k if he’s lucky 15k thats it
and that only if the enemy has vuln and you have full might and every single stack and buff you could think of

Fact is that backstab is a single hit that deals 60% of the damage that RF can deal in 2.5s with all 10 hits, it is hardly burst. So BS combined with stealth and basi venom, you can pretty much guarantee it, then do it again with steal 4s later.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


you test a class against truly good players, not scrubs in WvW …

So you are saying that there are no good players in WvW? You do know that sPvP players, your standard, not mine, also play WvW?

You have some b@lls, I’ll give you that. But that is about it.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


The fact that single skills are reaching the 8-10k range is proof enough that the balance in the game is off.

The pet is probably the reason we don’t see rangers in sPvP as much as other classes. For two reasons, one is that any delay the pet has is bad, and the second is that rangers are ‘nerfed’ by nature because of the splits with the pet.

Also, I don’t think WvW and PvP can be compared like I’m seeing here. The standards of play are nowhere near comparable between them. So a skilled person in WvW might be bad in PvP and vice versa.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Redemer.2601


The fact that single skills are reaching the 8-10k range is proof enough that the balance in the game is off.

The pet is probably the reason we don’t see rangers in sPvP as much as other classes. For two reasons, one is that any delay the pet has is bad, and the second is that rangers are ‘nerfed’ by nature because of the splits with the pet.

Also, I don’t think WvW and PvP can be compared like I’m seeing here. The standards of play are nowhere near comparable between them. So a skilled person in WvW might be bad in PvP and vice versa.

except RF alone cant deal 8-10k dmg it usualy does more like 6-7k dmg unless the guys dodges true U can pop SotW to get some more dmg but since RF has a pretty obvius animation makes it easy to dodge some of the arrows, U can usually avoid atleast 4 of them

btw about balance being of icebow last time i tried it (in pve ofc) it did about 4k critts while my barrage does 1500 crits and as I understand it it even hits twice for each hit from barrage and in acuallity barrage is imo rangers highest dmg LB

so no RF cant do 8-10k dmg unless you got some serius might stacking and SotW and for a full RF hit you usually need QZ but that is a doubble edged blade since more arrows per sec means if he dodges he will dodge more