Purchasable pet skins!

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Alright here’s my idea and I’m pretty sure ANet would make bank because I for one would buy all of them. Make skins for ranger pets and put them in the BLTP!
Some examples:
Phoenix skins for birds
Mist wolf for canines
Dragon skins for drakes
I would collect them all! Get to work guys!

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Here’s my post about the lunar wolf which would be an awesome skin minus the immense amount of mist.

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: arkealia.2713


Could also get some legendary pets (like Rainbow Phenix from gw1)

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I’d rather see Phoenix’s as their own pet due to how much bigger they are than the other birds…

But i would like to see the Lunar wolf as a pet option for sure!

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Don’t make me buy my own mechanic. Purely cosmetic maybe.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Don’t make me buy my own mechanic. Purely cosmetic maybe.

I assumed it was literally a skin nothing more, IE you pull out a Wolf and I’m the pet menu get an option to “reskin” the wolf as a lunar wolf. Make it so you don’t even double up like with HoM (IE you couldn’t run Lunar Wolf + Another wolf with same F2 to get double F2).

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Don’t make me buy my own mechanic. Purely cosmetic maybe.

I assumed it was literally a skin nothing more, IE you pull out a Wolf and I’m the pet menu get an option to “reskin” the wolf as a lunar wolf. Make it so you don’t even double up like with HoM (IE you couldn’t run Lunar Wolf + Another wolf with same F2 to get double F2).

^ This.

Just for cosmetics purposes; no new added skills or mechanics.

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Discussed about it already, and AN knows about it.

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


When was it discussed?

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


If you guys were able to apply custom skins to your pets , how would us “outsiders” know what to expect? Its like an ele without attunement icon , gl countering them.

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


well im imagining the skins would keep the pet the same species. just put armor on them or something. id like to see some pet changes. because the drakes are friggin aweful looking.

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: kokiman.2364


Let legendary accessories change the appearance of the professionmechanics
*Ranger → Pets get different skins
*Engineer → Turrets/Kits look different
*Thief → “funny” effects like money falling out of the monster if you steal something
And so on

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Celebratty.1632


Panda bear, actual jaguar, hound of Balthazar, and phoenixes would be cool to have.
Mainly panda.

Lulu [LGN] Anvil Rock
Garbage at every profession 2015

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Panda bear, actual jaguar, hound of Balthazar, and phoenixes would be cool to have.
Mainly panda.

We have an actual Jaguar… you’re either thinking of a Leopard or a Panther…

EDIT: Herpa kitten , you’d think being a bio major i’d realize the black Jaguars are a mutation xD. I’d like to see a skin that’d allow us an actual Jaguar (make it so it’s the same pet you just change whether he’s black or goldish)

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

(edited by Durzlla.6295)

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Celebratty.1632


Panda bear, actual jaguar, hound of Balthazar, and phoenixes would be cool to have.
Mainly panda.

We have an actual Jaguar… you’re either thinking of a Leopard or a Panther…

EDIT: Herpa kitten , you’d think being a bio major i’d realize the black Jaguars are a mutation xD. I’d like to see a skin that’d allow us an actual Jaguar (make it so it’s the same pet you just change whether he’s black or goldish)

I know your secret now, hehe.

Lulu [LGN] Anvil Rock
Garbage at every profession 2015

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


I think it’s an absolute terrible idea the thought of buying my petskins makes me cringe, add rare pets in the open world instead make them bloody hard to find too and make me hunt that kitten down for months until he’s mine not only that make him champion level and force me to solo him before taming is possible.

I want it that way and afterwards I can love him forever.

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I think it’s an absolute terrible idea the thought of buying my petskins makes me cringe, add rare pets in the open world instead make them bloody hard to find too and make me hunt that kitten down for months until he’s mine not only that make him champion level and force me to solo him before taming is possible.

I want it that way and afterwards I can love him forever.

Omg… It’ll be like finding a baby krait dragon (it wasn’t them, but it looked like them) or rancor all over again…. MAKE IT HAPPEN ANET!!

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


I think it’s an absolute terrible idea the thought of buying my petskins makes me cringe, add rare pets in the open world instead make them bloody hard to find too and make me hunt that kitten down for months until he’s mine not only that make him champion level and force me to solo him before taming is possible.

I want it that way and afterwards I can love him forever.

Omg… It’ll be like finding a baby krait dragon (it wasn’t them, but it looked like them) or rancor all over again…. MAKE IT HAPPEN ANET!!

I hunted all the rare pets in WoW one of my favourite things to do in that game especially early on when they were truly rare and had individual skills and attack speeds and whatnot the lack of good guides and how the petmechanic worked then really made it a hard task too cause not only were they hard to find you had to leave your current pet at a stable and go alone to tame a new one if my memory serves me right.

edit: I just recalled you had to bring a “garbage pet” that you could set free once you found a keeper that’s how it was done, and you also had to use the pets you tamed to learn their skills and each rank of each skill to be able to pass it on to other pets otherwise you’d be left with a rank1 lowbie attack on your high lvl pets, kitten you had to work hard for it then and yet I didn’t dislike it one bit I hate how it was simplified later on.

(edited by Manekk.6981)

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I never played a hunter until cata, I got one to 20 and all my lv 50 (or what ever lv cap was in vanilla) told me Hunters never get groups and I should play a Druid because I’ll get in groups and it’s still naturey…. Wish I were a hunter…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


I never played a hunter until cata, I got one to 20 and all my lv 50 (or what ever lv cap was in vanilla) told me Hunters never get groups and I should play a Druid because I’ll get in groups and it’s still naturey…. Wish I were a hunter…

Hunter, Ranger, Archer, Beastmaster, I don’t care what they call them it’s always where it’s at

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I never played a hunter until cata, I got one to 20 and all my lv 50 (or what ever lv cap was in vanilla) told me Hunters never get groups and I should play a Druid because I’ll get in groups and it’s still naturey…. Wish I were a hunter…

Hunter, Ranger, Archer, Beastmaster, I don’t care what they call them it’s always where it’s at

I was only not a hunter because i was mislead xD

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


I think it’s an absolute terrible idea the thought of buying my petskins makes me cringe, add rare pets in the open world instead make them bloody hard to find too and make me hunt that kitten down for months until he’s mine not only that make him champion level and force me to solo him before taming is possible.

I want it that way and afterwards I can love him forever.

That sounds good and all but that’s too much expansion for just one class, leaving all the other classes with the short end of the stick. I think skins would be a perfect implementation because it’s purely cosmetic and wouldn’t change the dynamics of the game; let’s say they were only for PvE so it doesn’t confuse PvP players as to which pet you are using.

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


I think it’s an absolute terrible idea the thought of buying my petskins makes me cringe, add rare pets in the open world instead make them bloody hard to find too and make me hunt that kitten down for months until he’s mine not only that make him champion level and force me to solo him before taming is possible.

I want it that way and afterwards I can love him forever.

That sounds good and all but that’s too much expansion for just one class, leaving all the other classes with the short end of the stick. I think skins would be a perfect implementation because it’s purely cosmetic and wouldn’t change the dynamics of the game; let’s say they were only for PvE so it doesn’t confuse PvP players as to which pet you are using.

no no no, horrible horrible idea it’s the worst crap I ever heard, buying pets? really you want to buy your pets in the gemstore? no offence but wtf is wrong with you people?

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Yeah if supporting the game is the issue, add new weapon sets. They have far greater appeal than pets (they are used by every class, a pet is specific to the ranger). If adding new pets to the class is the issue (even if it’s just skins) then it should be part of an expansion or content update. I’d love to see pets added for completing challenging content (like the phoenix could only be tamed after defeating Shiro or the black widow could only be tamed by completing an Underworld quest) but I’m against gem store pet skins.

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


I think it’s an absolute terrible idea the thought of buying my petskins makes me cringe, add rare pets in the open world instead make them bloody hard to find too and make me hunt that kitten down for months until he’s mine not only that make him champion level and force me to solo him before taming is possible.

I want it that way and afterwards I can love him forever.

That sounds good and all but that’s too much expansion for just one class, leaving all the other classes with the short end of the stick. I think skins would be a perfect implementation because it’s purely cosmetic and wouldn’t change the dynamics of the game; let’s say they were only for PvE so it doesn’t confuse PvP players as to which pet you are using.

no no no, horrible horrible idea it’s the worst crap I ever heard, buying pets? really you want to buy your pets in the gemstore? no offence but wtf is wrong with you people?

You don’t have to buy them, they’re just cosmetic. If it would bother you that much just don’t buy them, and the people who would want them could get them. I would love for them to be free but just like all other skins in the BLTP, ANet is gonna sell them to make profit to help keep the game running that’s how these things work.

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


I think it’s an absolute terrible idea the thought of buying my petskins makes me cringe, add rare pets in the open world instead make them bloody hard to find too and make me hunt that kitten down for months until he’s mine not only that make him champion level and force me to solo him before taming is possible.

I want it that way and afterwards I can love him forever.

That sounds good and all but that’s too much expansion for just one class, leaving all the other classes with the short end of the stick. I think skins would be a perfect implementation because it’s purely cosmetic and wouldn’t change the dynamics of the game; let’s say they were only for PvE so it doesn’t confuse PvP players as to which pet you are using.

no no no, horrible horrible idea it’s the worst crap I ever heard, buying pets? really you want to buy your pets in the gemstore? no offence but wtf is wrong with you people?

You don’t have to buy them, they’re just cosmetic. If it would bother you that much just don’t buy them, and the people who would want them could get them. I would love for them to be free but just like all other skins in the BLTP, ANet is gonna sell them to make profit to help keep the game running that’s how these things work.

Still a horribly bad idea, there’s a multitude of things they could and are selling there that would feel natural pet skins is not one of them.

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Nettles.5328


All I want to do is make my sylvari leaf puppy look like the sylvari leaf puppies from the Nightmare Court. That would make me so happy. I would totally spend money on that.

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Mastruq.2463


I like the idea, but if they do this I would like at least HALF the new skins to be available through play. Since living story started the majority of the the game’s new skins have been gems/gold only or RNG (which is supposed to lead to gems too).

I want to play to gain some special stuff at least once in a while, and I dont mean jumping through 20 mini-game hoops with a 2 weeks countdown.