To the OP Please stop arguing for mediocrity as a standard for a class.
Ranger Pets are kitten. Lets just be honest here. Its not that they should be. On paper their damage should be a really good over all balancing point to anything the Ranger class lacks in that department, but because of the basic issues with the pet its self that “balance” simply does not exist.
What are the issues with the pets? Well we could write a short book on the subject, but lets just say Pet tracking and Pet AI were done better in EQ1 than they are in Guild Wars 2.
Part of the issue is with pet combat animations. It is slow, easy to avoid and in effect roots the pet during combat for short periods at a time. What I mean by this is a pet will get locked into a given attack animation and once it starts cannot change its facing. This causes the pet to miss many of its attacks.
Another part of the issue is that the pet is far to easy to kill except in the case of one build. So 1 potential build gets a strong pet and the rest get …… kitten. I always though having the option to have more than 1 build was the point of Guild Wars in general. If i wanted to play the same build as everyone else I would still be playing one of several other games where X class is exactly the same as everyone else playing X class.
Many of these issues could be resolved by speeding up the attack animation and letting the pet travel during the attacks. Another part of the issue could be resolved by giving the pets universal stats that let them survive with out the rangers stats or build effecting that at all.
So a Power build Ranger’s pets would hit just as hard and live just as long as a “bunker” ranger. The only difference would be the Ranger. If the pet is intended to be part of a Rangers damage then only 1 build really gets that benefit. The rest are just kinda screwed.
On weapons. Please for the love of Kitten stop trying to argue over rangers being a ranged or a melee class because they don’t perform as well as any other class at either.
Lets compare them side by side with what could be stated to be the most balanced over all class in the game right now. The Warrior.
Ranged: Lulz… that’s all I have to say there.
Longbow. Warriors win here hands down. Their attacks and options here are better than anything the Ranger has. Warrior longbow has far better sustained damage. It has better attacks and combines not only solid direct damage, but integrated condition damage. Warrior Auto attack has higher consistent damage than Rangers Auto attack. Because of the 2 shots they will average out over 1400 damage a shot with a power spec. Rangers can hit from 700 to 2200. That is a huge range. Testing this with a power based warrior I have had 2800 damage crit’s with auto attack. You can stack more damage on there as well because warriors get traits that increase their damage against a target that is suffering from burning and or bleeding targets.
Then warriors second ranged option. Rifle. Again stronger than Rangers longbow or short bow. Almost a carbon copy of Ranger longbow, but with bleeds added to the attacks. Again integrating both condition damage and power, but with far better synergy than Ranger. Further Unlike ranger short bow Warriors do not have to be flanking or behind a target to apply their bleeds that last more than twice as long.
Long sword. Again Warriors integrate condition damage with damage far better than rangers. Rangers do have more avoidance on this department.
The Ranger Auto attack chain can cause a player to be stuck so to speak. It can be very hard to actually stop attacking and can get you killed because you keep trying to jump back to your target. It can actually interrupt a player trying to use a different ability. Such as spiking a downed player or even using a healing skill.
Axe: This is actually probably one of the few shining points behind the Ranger class. The Axe is probably the most group friendly weapon Rangers have. With the changes to Path of Scars it had some real punch added. Although Whirling defense really needs to have the “root” effect removed from the skill.
Off hand skills are fairly par for the course in all honestly. Except in the case of Torch. In this case I look at the Guardian off hand as they are the closest match. Guardian 4 skill is simply better than ranger 4 and 5 combined. Why? Because a guardian can set 3 targets on fire With out relying on a small ground effect for more damage than Ranger 5 skill AND throw the flame at a target hitting for close to the same damage as the Ranger 4 skill… All on a 12-20 second timer. The Guardian #4 attack hits up to 3 targets for close to 4600+ fire damage over 3 seconds and can be thrown do do another 1500+ over 3 seconds. Compare that with Ranger 4 and 5 combined…
DB Night Crew