Rate my bunker - The Annoying Ranger

Rate my bunker - The Annoying Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Raven.9603



“The Incredibly Annoying Ranger That Someone has Probably Discovered Way Before Me” or TIARTSPDWBM. Just kidding.

What you get:
-High healing power, perma fury/swiftness/regeneration boons for you and your pet.
-Perma protection for your pet.
-30 survival’s condi-clearing.
-More regen from SotW
-Perma protection for the Ranger. Yeah I said it. 9 seconds of protection off of Nature’s Protection every 30seconds, +3.8 sec of protection on dodge. This can lead to almost perma protection if you time your dodges, i think perma is actually achievable IF you take “vigor on heal”, but i felt that was overkill.
-RaO stability: 38 mother-kitten seconds.

Personally I despise the “shout” playstyle. 1 sec cast time for guard is a PITA, but with boon duration, the regen it gives lasts 19 seconds so it doesn’t really need to be done on cooldown, plus your getting 9 seconds of regen from the minor trait activating. If you decide to take “33% longer regen duration”, thats even less you have to mash the Guard button.

-1 stun breaker kind of rough. Shared Anguish helps a little if you go that route, but its hard to know when its up.
-No SoR for condi clear. This is truely reliant on counter regen and wilderness survival, or swapping to Healing Spring.
-Pet swap. If pet dies or needs to be swapped, it may put you in a position where your pet doesn’t have fury. I don’t think this is a big deal because of perma-regen/protection/sotw on the pet, its not going to die if xsorus tries to kill it, but there are times when its nice to swap to get it into a better position.

what do you think?

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

(edited by Raven.9603)

Rate my bunker - The Annoying Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Malpractice.7850


Havent looked at it thoroughly yet, just read over quickly.
The condition clear is meh, u can do the -condition duration% food!

Rate my bunker - The Annoying Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Tsohg.1798


Post a video of you being extra annoyin

See that hill? Thats where i’ll be, raining hell upon you.