Read This Feb 17th CDI Topics
I actually wouldn’t mind if they were taking extra time to make sure their introductory paragraph directs responses better. Last thing we need is a whole discussion to go down a road that isn’t technically feasible or possible from a project management standpoint.
If they aren’t willing to commit a TON of time and money into fixing Rangers, then they need to cancel the CDI as anything short of that is just going to be a modified failure.
Indeed, it’s pretty disturbing. Other CDIs are up, why Ranger one is delayed?
I’m not saying that they don’t care or such but…. Ranger is probably the only class which is totally broken and works against laws of physics.
Honestly, I wouldn’t mind erasing current Ranger class and redoing it.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Its available now in the Profession balance forum.
You don’t always need a ton of time or money to solve something.
Sometimes the best solutions are simple as heck. (Natural Pet AOE reduction was the ticket in WoW. There was nothing too development intensive about that).
But you do need to know what the technology is and isn’t capable of, and what the team is and isn’t capable of. No matter how much time and money was thrown their way.
/edit: Ah, thank you Nuzt.
Funny that my original-not-in-format post got deleted. Had to go back and rewrite it in the format they want. So, for that, I just started reporting all the other posts that were NOT in format… because apparently thats the only way you’re supposed to be replying in that thread.