Thoughts on Sword

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Forgotten Legend.9281

Forgotten Legend.9281

i caught a little of the CDI while i was on the road (truck driver here, and i didn’t read the forums while i was driving, but when i stopped for lunchbreaks and such)

i recall the community basically wanted to swap the functionality of sword 2 to leap INTO combat, and then the second skill in the chain jump out of combat. i don’t like this suggestion, mainly because the second skill in the chain resets so quickly. there wouldn’t be time enough to use the escape before it resets. there wouldn’t be enough time for 1 full autoattack chain to complete before the escape skill resets back to the leap skill.

personally, i like the current functionality of 1st: evade out of combat, then leap back into combat. on demand escape is why i use the weapon to begin with. and the autoattack chain already has a leap.

i would suggest, since the auto attack chain already has a leap as the third attack in the chain, simply move that attack to the front of the chain instead of the end. the second attack would be the damaging attack, and the third would be the interrupt.

i suggest moving the interrupt to the end of the chain due to it’s synergy with Moment of Clarity. the interrupt seems like it would be a better payoff for sticking with a target til the end of the autoattack chain, and the GM trait would payoff granting extra damage on the leap, just as it does now, since the chain, when rotating 1-2-3-1-2-3, the leap still follows after the interrupt as it does now.

– The Baconnaire

(edited by Forgotten Legend.9281)

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Axelwarrior.9084


You mean sword 2.

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Forgotten Legend.9281

Forgotten Legend.9281

You mean sword 2.

you’re absolutely right. i really have to do something about my bacon deficiency. edited and corrected. thanks.

– The Baconnaire

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Ariete.6509


A 400 leap on #1 1st of the chain does sound ok, but the possible spam abuse is a problem, altough the interrupt built in the chain is a step too further in my opinion.

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: solrik.6028


The huge advantage of being able to leap out and then leap back is that you have just enough time to leap out, heal (or use a skill) and then leap in. There is very little chance to be interrupted

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: law.9410


The only changes I’d like to see are: reduced pre-cast on sword #2, and make the AA chain interruptible

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Touche Amore.2083

Touche Amore.2083

The only changes I’d like to see are: reduced pre-cast on sword #2, and make the AA chain interruptible


Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Deamhan.9538


I’d rather it be a situation depended skill. What I mean by this is if you are out of melee range from your target, the skill is leap toward. If you are within melee range, it is leap away.

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I agree with making the AA go, Pounce/slash/kick instead of slash/kick/pounce.
Then you have a small gap closer to start battle, just make it fail unless you are in range.

The only changes I’d like to see are: reduced pre-cast on sword #2, and make the AA chain interruptible

Agree with this also. I’d just like to see another 1s before #2b swaps back to #2a.

Then, all they would need to do is improve the pathing of #3 so that you hit your target most of the time, make them actually path to the mob, not away. Mostly a problem on uneven terrain, but it seemingly dodges away from your targeted mob a lot of the time. Same problem with Dagger #4. Then it would be perfect weapon!

Actually, I think it needs two stacks of might for the pet per AA cycle, not one. Think about it like this, if your pet has 25 stacks of might and you have none, its like a anyone else having 7-8 stacks. Assuming the pet is alive that is.

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Rezz.8019


I use skill 2 on sword for 2 reasons only:
1. to activate the field, usually water for extra heal, that way I just use it normally.
2. To escape, there is really plenty of time for you to turn around and use it again. If you can’t move your camera fast enough then you can set up a hotkey in controls to instantly turn around. Also what makes the skill more awesome is that cooldown is so low and if you don’t have chill/cripple or whatever on you there is no way they will catch you.

When you use it to escape, make sure you don’t have anything selected on your screen, you can just left click on the ground before using it.

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

1h Sword is my fav weapon in the game. Granted, while dodge does need to be fixed in order to make it more newby-friendly, I would hope it does not take away from the feeling of leaping everywhere with a chainsaw like a maniac.

However, #2 feels very useless, no matter whether it leaps forward or backwards. I cannot recall many PvE situations it would be needed, especially since we already have dodge to move backwards from a fight.

I wish they would change #2 into something else entirely.

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Advent.6193


I actually like the #2. Especially since I mainline S/D; #2 away, #5, #2 back in. Then I can feel free to save #3/4 for when I need to evade attacks. Hell, the only thing Sword needs is the AA modified, which we’re supposedly getting this month.

You want a Ranger weapon that needs honest assistance? Let’s swap this convo over to MH Axe.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Rym.1469


Ikittenapcloser was on the first place in chain, we’d zip around the maps in no time, faster than thieves, just by mashing #1 on sword

Edit: That autocorrect is ridiculous ;P

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


I think it would be better all-round for #2 to leap in then out with evade so ranger can property fill the role of “mobile melee DPS” with evade as the core mitigation mechanic.

The auto clearly needs fixing, weapon skills shouldn’t cause you to lose control of your character.

downed state is bad for PVP

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Jocksy.3415


I think it would be better all-round for #2 to leap in then out with evade so ranger can property fill the role of “mobile melee DPS” with evade as the core mitigation mechanic.

The auto clearly needs fixing, weapon skills shouldn’t cause you to lose control of your character.

It would make sense IF sword AA was ranged.
If one does 2 -go in, then what? attacking would break the #2 chain, so either attack and have no “get out” ability or #2 in, #2 out, then wait for weapon swap CD?
I do not figure any combat mode that would make use of a “retreat” on the 2nd hit.

I’ll just state a few fights figure, to illustrate

a) AA target.
b) Target shows animation of healing = #3 – poison strike
c) Target shows animation of big attak, I dodge
d) Target shows animation of big close-range attack = #2, wait for attack, #2 back in.

a) AA target
b) target is hurting me, I’m low on life, I have 3 seconds before my heal hits in, #2, switch angle, #2, switch weapon to ranged, heal, wait for ennemy to close in, switch back to sword

a) AA target
b) Big AoE incoming – with steady focus, better not dodge out of it, = #2 back, AoE lands, then #2 in, AA again, losing few DPS over time.

Number 2 back is a “get out of there” move, with a possibility to go back in fight fast.
Proposed #2 would just be a gap closer with no reason to use the back move…

And gap closer, we have on GS… don’t see the point in making sword more like GS…

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


I love the sword as is. I feel no need to change it.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


If one does 2 -go in, then what? attacking would break the #2 chain, so either attack and have no “get out” ability or #2 in, #2 out, then wait for weapon swap CD?

No. #2 would leap forward and the skill would flip to the ‘leap back’ option and stay like that until 1) the leap back is used or 2) the CD for the leap forward is up and the skill chain resets.

Alternatively, make the current #3 the 2nd in chain to the leap forward on #2, and make #3 the leap backward. Then you could choose to leap forward or back in any order.

downed state is bad for PVP