Weapon Skills Changes Suggestion for the CDI

Weapon Skills Changes Suggestion for the CDI

in Ranger

Posted by: DanSH.6143


Hilt Bash – Applies 2 seconds of knockdown if used from behind or from the sides. 1 second stun otherwise.

Explanation: The greatsword should be more reliable. Hilt Bash already has a very short range to compensate for the control effect.

Barrage – Apply a longer duration of cripple every pulse. Maybe 3 seconds each pulse

Explanation: This skill already roots the player for a decent amount of time, foes can leave the Barrage field before being applied with more than 1.5 seconds of cripple.

Hunter’s Call – Apply 1 second of blindness every second, for the duration of the skill.

Explanation: This skill already deals low damage. It needs to offer some kind of utility to compensate.
This suggestion fits the concept of the skill perfectly.


Weapon Skills Changes Suggestion for the CDI

in Ranger

Posted by: Archon.6480


Very nice suggestions!

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