It’s no great secret that the Ranger class could use a little help right now. We’re held back by the very mechanics that we’re supposed to be aided by.
As I see it, these are the changes that should EVENTUALLY be looked at. Don’t get me wrong. Every profession has a long list of issues, so we can’t expect to see a whole lot of these any time soon, but Guild Wars 2 hopefully has a long life ahead of it.
The Marksmanship line as a whole needs work. The minors are borderline worthless on a Ranger as they imply a burst role – in other words, they are misplaced Thief traits. Opening Strike is really only useful in short fights, such as those in open world PvE. They fall off quickly against decent players and bosses. The majors are largely lackluster as well, considering they emphasize Signets – which need work.
Trap traits need to be moved from Skirmishing to Wilderness Survival. Feel free to change the name of Survival utilities and move them to Skirmishing in return. It simply makes no sense for a condition damage utility to be in the critical line. In addition, the Grandmasters need work (Moment of Clarity), The
Axe trait needs buffing – add some Cooldown reduction to it or something. Even better – why not make the trait Precision + Prowess in reasonably generous numbers?
Sharpened Edges and Companion’s Might both suck. Sharpened Edges inflicts too little bleeding to be relevant and Companion’s Might gives such a short Might duration that it is impossible to stack to any significant number.
Wilderness Survival is borderline perfect as is.
Nature Magic sucks because spirits suck. Combine the spirit-based traits more – such that we have 2 large spirit traits, as opposed to 4 small ones. Use the additional room to add in non-spirit traits.
Beast Mastery majors need improvements or outright reworks.
Improve their attack animation. The easiest fix would probably be to have them leap into every attack, much like the Ranger’s Sword auto-attack. In other words, make them difficult to kite. Adjust their damage accordingly.
Separate their stats between PvP and PvE. Use the resulting opportunity to beef them up for PvE and WvW, where they need it the most.
Increase spirit health drastically and improve their traits.
Move Traps from Skirmishing to Wilderness Survival.
Rename Survival skills and move them to Skirmishing with improved trait support.
Improve shouts and trait support.
Improve signets. Combine traits.
Buff damage of all weapon types, especially MH axe, Greatsword, and Longbow.
Fix the Sword rooting mechanic on the auto-attack.
Drastically improve under-water Spear. It’s really bad in its current state.
Give us more options for Direct Damage builds. Longbow is currently our only Direct Damage focused weapon (all others being hybrid weapons) and it blows.