What is the best Ranger Gear from AC exp

What is the best Ranger Gear from AC exp

in Ranger

Posted by: Saturn.1246


Hi, I am a new lv 80 Ranger and i got a lot of tokens from AC EXP since i been doing that dungeon from lv 35, in the near future I do intend to do CoE for the power/Precision/critdmg gear and runes. currently like i said i got a lot of ac tokens and i wanna use them and use them well. I’ve searched the web and coudln’t find anything that could be good for rangers with full ac gear/weapons

so I’m hoping someone can suggest me a build that works great with ac gear and what stats should i get…

the Power/Vit/Tough
or the Power/Condition/Healing
or the Power/Condition/Precision?

all 3 sets have the runes of the monk

and the type of play i like is something that is head on in their face and able to pull back and do rng and awesome dmg (i feel as long as I do strong dmg i am doing strong support as well w/ my aoe heal and combos)

I was thinking of something like a spirit build have my spirits follow me around and go in there with longbow/ duelaxe/ and switch off with greatsword when i need to kill burrows or something related to that

Thank you for taking the time to read and thnx to anyone for helping in advance =)

What is the best Ranger Gear from AC exp

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


If you are wielding the shortbow, power/cond/prec. If you are going melee, power/vit/tough. I’d avoid the power/cond/heal as rangers don’t have a lot of healing skills. You will also most likely want to run different runes. Runes of the Monk are not exactly designed to benefit rangers much.

I’d also avoid running spirits as they die way too easily, even when you are fully traited into them. If spirits get buffed more in the future, then you may want to consider them again.

If you are looking for power/prec/crit and don’t mind the appearance, you might also want to run CoF. CoF can be run much more quickly, and it is easier to boot.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

What is the best Ranger Gear from AC exp

in Ranger

Posted by: Saturn.1246


OHh thank you didn’t know spirits were still very weak even when fully speced into healing

and thank you i hope most people in cof dont’ mind me not being in full extoics donno how strict that dungon is to newbies AC is all i know since i been playing guildwars 2

What is the best Ranger Gear from AC exp

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


OHh thank you didn’t know spirits were still very weak even when fully speced into healing

and thank you i hope most people in cof dont’ mind me not being in full extoics donno how strict that dungon is to newbies AC is all i know since i been playing guildwars 2

You shouldn’t need to worry. If you know what you are doing, you’ll be all right. I’ve yet to see anyone ask me to ping gear. And if you find a group asking for that, run and find a decent group instead.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer