Why we didn't get buffed
WvW rank 245
I know two good Ranger commanders and a lot of great Scouts using ranger
And urdriel stop act like " every F2 Needs 10s to channel"
that this is uncool everybody knows but 1) never 10s, 2) not everytime
Ist an issue but not the rule
Nevertheless yes would be cool if it gets fixed, but actually not possible. Deal with it and do the best of it
the skrittfinisher was my idea!
WvW rank 245
I know two good Ranger commanders and a lot of great Scouts using rangerAnd urdriel stop act like " every F2 Needs 10s to channel"
that this is uncool everybody knows but 1) never 10s, 2) not everytime
Ist an issue but not the rule
Nevertheless yes would be cool if it gets fixed, but actually not possible. Deal with it and do the best of it
never 10s??? 10,15. and pet casting the skill when you are downed after 20 secs………
Not every time, but , too often……..
Pet AI is tied to Monster AI, will forever be, because monster AI is programed with counters and actions against Pet AI. Thus to change the Pet AI, they have to change the counters to Pet AI within the Monster AI. If not, pets will be insanely OP.
I’m sorry, but this is kittenhey made a bad decision when they implemented pets in this game by having our pets tied to the pve side of things. For pvp, that simply won’t do.
Ranger pets should have been a separate entity from the get go, because then they wouldn’t have painted themselves into the corner they currently are standing in.
Don’t come here saying this can’t be fixed, or come dragging something about how “pets will be insanely OP”.
To counter the current PvE meta, pets need the following;
Better micromanagement of their skills
An AI controlled Evade (like devourers got)
An AI controlled self heal (Similar to that of sentry guards in WvW)
Proper Gear Scaling
Recognition of and proper pathing when faced with an AOE field (meaning they realize there is a red circle and tries to walk around it if possible, or use a leap through it)
Dynamic attack system rather then reactive (meaning they hit and start chase, instead of hitting and looking at the enemy in a dumbfounded way for a second before trying again)
This is how advanced the pet AI must be for it to work flawlessly. The downside is that if this was implemented, the AI would be equal in combat ability to a newbie human player. In a more understandable language; That pet would be able to think of a smart way to rip you a new one.
The second this is added to pets, the become entities of their own, they would do tremendous DPS, as they would be alive way more then dead. They would evade attacks, counter attacks, tank and DPS better. This would simply force the PvE side to follow, giving PvE bosses more tricks, more armor, stronger/faster attacks. In short, it would force a big powercreep in PvE. Once there is a powercreep in PvE, it will soon move into WvW. PvP would be utterly destroyed balance wise just overnight. A BM ranger would simply demolish anything effortlessly. Even more so then before BM nerf, as the pets would hit you consistently and reliably, and not die as easily.
Yes they made a poor decision when not splitting the two properly from the get go. However what is done is done. No time to cry about it now when it is far far too late. At this point the whole game requires a remake if we are to trust what Anet has told us.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
Ehh, Since when is BM Bunker nerfed into the ground.
It was nerfed this is true, But if you’re thinking BM Bunker isn’t able to kill people very easily you’ve not been watching my updated Guides.
Spirit Ranger also cracks me up, Because I play a Venom Aura Thief, and that build is 100x more powerful in a solo and group setting then Spirit Ranger.
im not comparing ranger with other classes, i talk about the build rangers can use.
The builds we can use lets see;
Zerker Glass Cannon:
Cavaliers DPS Tank:
Celestial Versatility;
This build can be tweaked to your liking, regardless of role. Change trinkets for specialization. Works great with Rabid Trinkets
BM Power Bunker;
The ultimate attrition build. Killing anything can take forever.
BM Condi Bunker;
Sol’s Trapper; (WvW adaptation)
Roaming Regen Ranger (RRR) by Faux;
The Beastcannon Build; (PvE Burst) Updated 9.02.14 (Due to runes/armor unavailable at creation)
Didnt include Spirit Ranger because it is a billion variants of it afaik. The main thing is the spirits, which is like 20 into Nature Magic, and Condition damage for the burn procs.
There is many more builds, including special builds for guild raids and such.
Rangers have far from the worst build selection.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
(edited by Prysin.8542)
Pet AI is tied to Monster AI, will forever be, because monster AI is programed with counters and actions against Pet AI. Thus to change the Pet AI, they have to change the counters to Pet AI within the Monster AI. If not, pets will be insanely OP.
I’m sorry, but this is kittenhey made a bad decision when they implemented pets in this game by having our pets tied to the pve side of things. For pvp, that simply won’t do.
Ranger pets should have been a separate entity from the get go, because then they wouldn’t have painted themselves into the corner they currently are standing in.
Don’t come here saying this can’t be fixed, or come dragging something about how “pets will be insanely OP”.
To counter the current PvE meta, pets need the following;
Better micromanagement of their skills
An AI controlled Evade (like devourers got)
An AI controlled self heal (Similar to that of sentry guards in WvW)
Proper Gear Scaling
Recognition of and proper pathing when faced with an AOE field (meaning they realize there is a red circle and tries to walk around it if possible, or use a leap through it)
Dynamic attack system rather then reactive (meaning they hit and start chase, instead of hitting and looking at the enemy in a dumbfounded way for a second before trying again)This is how advanced the pet AI must be for it to work flawlessly. The downside is that if this was implemented, the AI would be equal in combat ability to a newbie human player. In a more understandable language; That pet would be able to think of a smart way to rip you a new one.
The second this is added to pets, the become entities of their own, they would do tremendous DPS, as they would be alive way more then dead. They would evade attacks, counter attacks, tank and DPS better. This would simply force the PvE side to follow, giving PvE bosses more tricks, more armor, stronger/faster attacks. In short, it would force a big powercreep in PvE. Once there is a powercreep in PvE, it will soon move into WvW. PvP would be utterly destroyed balance wise just overnight. A BM ranger would simply demolish anything effortlessly. Even more so then before BM nerf, as the pets would hit you consistently and reliably, and not die as easily.
Yes they made a poor decision when not splitting the two properly from the get go. However what is done is done. No time to cry about it now when it is far far too late. At this point the whole game requires a remake if we are to trust what Anet has told us.
So, as fix the pet would make pets OP, we must deal with a bad pet AI…… smart design.
Look at GW1 ranger, and look at GW2 ranger…………
“Deal with it” is a cheap excuse.
WvW rank 245
I know two good Ranger commanders and a lot of great Scouts using rangerAnd urdriel stop act like " every F2 Needs 10s to channel"
that this is uncool everybody knows but 1) never 10s, 2) not everytime
Ist an issue but not the rule
Nevertheless yes would be cool if it gets fixed, but actually not possible. Deal with it and do the best of itnever 10s??? 10,15. and pet casting the skill when you are downed after 20 secs………
Not every time, but , too often……..
give me a Video link to Show that this happens. Show me and the devs how Long it Needs to Trigger when the pet is next to you.
Or do it Needs so Long because u let ur wolf running around 20m far away? Or u spam F2 so often that u Interrupt itself? Never used the tactic to call ur pet back and then activate F2 that the pet Triggers it faster because the next attack is already interrupted and dont Need to act it before the Special attack?
U just state Things without any evidence.
I read just read weak arguments. The only one is “Pet mechanic (30% of our dmg) is broken”. Anet said how the state is, Prysin told us what would happen if pets acts like intelligent Players.
One strong Thing that would help the ranger is my suggested Little window to Display the next pet attacks. With that help we can time our F2 and when it Needs to Long then it was our mistake because we didnt catched the right Moment.
the skrittfinisher was my idea!
I think the reason why we aren’t getting buffs is because Anet is trying to avoid power creep through constantly buffing the weak points of any particular class, which is why most of the time, we see Anet nerfing the strong points of a class. The problem with that though is that you cannot avoid power creep without doing the exact opposite. And over time, because of this reverse power creep, each class also ends up with muddled roles and be unimpressive compared to whatever the baseline class is in the game (the one that Anet is balancing all others against, which in this case is the warrior)
WvW rank 245
I know two good Ranger commanders and a lot of great Scouts using rangerAnd urdriel stop act like " every F2 Needs 10s to channel"
that this is uncool everybody knows but 1) never 10s, 2) not everytime
Ist an issue but not the rule
Nevertheless yes would be cool if it gets fixed, but actually not possible. Deal with it and do the best of itnever 10s??? 10,15. and pet casting the skill when you are downed after 20 secs………
Not every time, but , too often……..give me a Video link to Show that this happens. Show me and the devs how Long it Needs to Trigger when the pet is next to you.
Or do it Needs so Long because u let ur wolf running around 20m far away? Or u spam F2 so often that u Interrupt itself? Never used the tactic to call ur pet back and then activate F2 that the pet Triggers it faster because the next attack is already interrupted and dont Need to act it before the Special attack?U just state Things without any evidence.
I read just read weak arguments. The only one is “Pet mechanic (30% of our dmg) is broken”. Anet said how the state is, Prysin told us what would happen if pets acts like intelligent Players.
One strong Thing that would help the ranger is my suggested Little window to Display the next pet attacks. With that help we can time our F2 and when it Needs to Long then it was our mistake because we didnt catched the right Moment.
sry but i dont have enough cpu to make a video and play GW2 at same time., but you know it is true, dunno why the hell you are defending Anet and his crappy class balance.
Wrong. We were not buffed because somebody still believes that pets make a difference. To admit that pets are practically useless would mean they admit they were fundamentally wrong.
I’d like to say, I’m the only guy I know that has a rank legend ranger In wvw. My main role in wvw party’s is to scout and take camps.
The ranger is not welcome in pvp battle but because of bear bow it’s fairly effective to kill npc at camps.
If the class had major pet changes and better ranges abilities you might find more in actual pop fights in wvw. Barrage is quite lackluster unless you are zerker but even then you will only see 2.5k crit per tick and retal kills you.
If pets were considered an extension of the ranger instead of an Ai npc. The ranger class would be OP. This is where the class is classed as broken. A slight buff makes it OP.
A slight nerf makes it UP.
Keepin the class where it is at the moment keeps it In it’s UP state.
Basically the range class is too sensitive to changes, this is why the class needs changes in a overhaul level
Alt: lvl 80 Mesmer
(edited by Zardul.3952)
okay urdriel no problem
then show me a random youtube video where this happens
when its everytime so that f2 triggers after 10s you dont need to search for long
i do not defend anet. some balance things are actually really worse. i think a reason coukd be because both balancer play warrior as main (just look the guys cheer when the word “warrior” falls ).
i just want to see a evidence for the 10s delay. except u say us its not true. 10s is too high i am sry its just around 5s guys.
theni stop urdriel
the skrittfinisher was my idea!
okay urdriel no problem
then show me a random youtube video where this happens
when its everytime so that f2 triggers after 10s you dont need to search for longi do not defend anet. some balance things are actually really worse. i think a reason coukd be because both balancer play warrior as main (just look the guys cheer when the word “warrior” falls
i just want to see a evidence for the 10s delay. except u say us its not true. 10s is too high i am sry its just around 5s guys.
theni stop urdriel
when you need the skill instant what is the difference between 5s or 10s??
(edited by urdriel.8496)
sure. 5s are a bit more realistic then ur exaggerated 10s.
the skrittfinisher was my idea!
sure. 5s are a bit more realistic then ur exaggerated 10s.
So, you accept 5s?? You are recognizing a delay of 5sec on pets skills (sometimes, and if server is lagging a bit 10s), and you think that we are in a good place,change f1-f4 skills of all other classes to have 5sec delay and wait in the forum for the crying wave.
(edited by urdriel.8496)
You stand there, I’ll stand here and tick 12k before you have time to defend yourself.
Bow = sniper rifle. Not semi-automatic. Find a good position, and ambush your enemies with sneak attacks, that’s how you play it properly. I wouldn’t mind some buffs, but honestly I don’t feel Ranger is underpowered the community is just too lazy to learn that kitten , kitten a bow isn’t a melee weapon…
Besides Thieves that can sneak up on you in stealth, it’s really not that hard to spot the enemy before they spot you and demolish half their health bar with Rapid Fire.
In short… We could use some buffs like trait re-organization or sturdier pets… But besides that any serious increases to damage would make us pretty ridiculous. Or well, the ones that know how to play the profession.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
You stand there, I’ll stand here and tick 12k before you have time to defend yourself.
Bow = sniper rifle. Not semi-automatic. Find a good position, and ambush your enemies with sneak attacks, that’s how you play it properly. I wouldn’t mind some buffs, but honestly I don’t feel Ranger is underpowered the community is just too lazy to learn that kitten , kitten a bow isn’t a melee weapon…
Besides Thieves that can sneak up on you in stealth, it’s really not that hard to spot the enemy before they spot you and demolish half their health bar with Rapid Fire.
In short… We could use some buffs like trait re-organization or sturdier pets… But besides that any serious increases to damage would make us pretty ridiculous. Or well, the ones that know how to play the profession.
demolish their health with rapid?? is a good joke, im sure that you can kill some noobs with rapidfire(5sec channel skill).
LB sniper rifle? where is the burst?
and… sneak attacks? ofc you can use LB #3 to enter in stealth, but , sneak attacks?
Do you know that rapid fire have less dps than autoattack when your foe is far from you? RF have more dps than AA when your enemy is near.
(edited by urdriel.8496)
the most survivability of thiefes r their stealth and their evades
but they have less toughness and vitality
when a thief get a hit he loose a good amount of points.
what if when u r the noob who cant demolish a thief with LB? nevermind?
the skrittfinisher was my idea!
the most survivability of thiefes r their stealth and their evades
but they have less toughness and vitality
when a thief get a hit he loose a good amount of points.
what if when u r the noob who cant demolish a thief with LB? nevermind?
less toughness and vit?? do you only fight against berserker thieves?
Anyway, if the thief see you first, and know how to play, he will evade a nice amount of damage of rapid fire( of all of it), LB AA “can” be evaded if you move in zigzags, now he is near melee distance(perhaps at uhmmm, 50% hp? he enter stealth and attack you), you can try to use #3 or #4 an pray to hit with the skill, while swaping to a melee weapon , but you said that you can kill him with LB so you will NOT swap weapons no?? because LB have a infinite burst damage, after this thief will clean his dagger/sword in your clothes,and will change to another target.
ofc i cant guess the fight(perhaps you can timing a nice sicem and kill him, who knows?) ,but to kill a normal/good thief is hard to do, he doesnt need armor or buffs to mitigate damage, he have one of the best mechanic of this game,Stealth .
You can fear a Meteor Shower, you can fear a eviscerate ,a backstab, a maul, etc…but LB doesnt have any skill to be feared of.
(edited by urdriel.8496)
the actual meta is berserk i think for thiefs so yes a lot of?
i not said i kill thiefes with only longbow. i said that we can with lb take a lot of health out of the thief. a weaponswitch is needed for everyone.
i have no interest anymore to teach u the truth. some people r just unteachable. i can say personally and for all normal/good rangers (u probably not urdriel, i hope someday) that rangers r not as weak as a lot of players think. ranger have so much potential but so much rangers that dont want to see it. instead of learning and playing how to be a good player, they go to this forum want to QQ about whatelse and what its really sad – they find some others who cry too. not thats everyone just a few that cry a lot of and loud.
i hope after the next big balance patch the rangers will be happy. but probably not because there is one bug fix on spirit elite and our EB. even we get thousand buffs. special people will cry “no buff will ever bbalance out the nerfs we got in the past”
the skrittfinisher was my idea!
Run this build
If you have trouble small manning or solo i’ll be surprised.
Again, If you’re still using Cats or Birds as BM Bunker, you’re doing it wrong.
Spiders or go home.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker
Run this build
If you have trouble small manning or solo i’ll be surprised.
Again, If you’re still using Cats or Birds as BM Bunker, you’re doing it wrong.
Spiders or go home.
I haven’t seen anyone use sick em. You like it?
How do you find your pets speed getting to a target without sig of hunt or active swiftness?
the actual meta is berserk i think for thiefs so yes a lot of?
i not said i kill thiefes with only longbow. i said that we can with lb take a lot of health out of the thief. a weaponswitch is needed for everyone.i have no interest anymore to teach u the truth. some people r just unteachable. i can say personally and for all normal/good rangers (u probably not urdriel, i hope someday) that rangers r not as weak as a lot of players think. ranger have so much potential but so much rangers that dont want to see it. instead of learning and playing how to be a good player, they go to this forum want to QQ about whatelse and what its really sad – they find some others who cry too. not thats everyone just a few that cry a lot of and loud.
i hope after the next big balance patch the rangers will be happy. but probably not because there is one bug fix on spirit elite and our EB. even we get thousand buffs. special people will cry “no buff will ever bbalance out the nerfs we got in the past”
Truth !=QQ.
Run this build
If you have trouble small manning or solo i’ll be surprised.
Again, If you’re still using Cats or Birds as BM Bunker, you’re doing it wrong.
Spiders or go home.
Used sic em for the first time today. Pretty much fell off my chair laughing. The Thief was running in circles totally panicked cause he couldn’t stealth. Must be a L2P issue