Your positive experiences with your ranger

Your positive experiences with your ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Fabled Sheep.4725

Fabled Sheep.4725

So I’m a newer player to GW2, and recently got my first toon to level 80; my Sylvari ranger. I’ve been having a lot of fun with it, despite what other people say about the class. There have been moments where I’ve thought “why can’t I get those high numbers like that warrior over there :(”, but I’ve never been upset with my ranger, and I really love the versatility of her, as well as my cute pets :3 I play WvW often with my guild, and I don’t do that badly, considering I don’t have great gear. I also started playing sPvP for the first time the other night, and I didn’t get slaughtered and massacred like many people would have you believe, and managed to win a few 1v1s, and I wasn’t just dying constantly.

I really don’t like how many of the posts/threads here are negative, so I wanted to make a more positive thread where we can all just share some nice things we’ve done with our ranger in PvE, sPvP, or WvW. One of my best moments so far would be when I managed to hold off a D/D elementalist and an engineer in sPvP long enough for a Guardian to show up and help me take them both down. It was an awesome feeling ahah.

P.S. please no “lol rangers suck”

(edited by Fabled Sheep.4725)

Your positive experiences with your ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: DaisyRogers.6837


My favorite experience?

My entire career as a Ranger I can only remember two instances I’ve had to run from a champion fight, Orr is included (not talking World Bosses). The rest I have soloed or had some bum join in just as I was about to gank it. I honestly can’t remember the last time i had support during a Group Event a (accomplish most unless enemies are spawning too quickly for me to make progress).

Rangers are unique in that they can trait heavy into armor and defense without losing too much offensively. Thankfully the Pet is not tied to ranger stats. BM I have found to be the ultimate build for PvE. PvP starts running into issues because of pathing issues (which devs are working on), but there are ways to mitigate this. WvW I stick to small group raids when ever I play it.

But yeah, I love the independence of the ranger while at the same time supplying awesome support in groups (whenever I manage to stumble across one). And I do love the pet, I feel so naked playing other classes without it, it is a mechanic I have come to love bugs and all. I like team play, and as a ranger I get it even when I am solo. Many of your weapon skills are meant to compliment the pet as well. It is a One Team one fight for me and my wolves.

Your positive experiences with your ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Xander.4539


I was pleased to see that he can jump.

Your positive experiences with your ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: ManLove.2457


My favorite experience?

My entire career as a Ranger I can only remember two instances I’ve had to run from a champion fight, Orr is included (not talking World Bosses).

I know how these feels, just the other day i actually tank 2 champions waiting for my party to rez, like a 13oss.

If you can see this then I broke something badly…

Your positive experiences with your ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Lysico.4906


Best part, when I rolled a new class.

Your positive experiences with your ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Luriyu.6873


i’ve had so many great experiences solo-ing WvWvW when the enemy controls the entirety of the border land. it’s really fun to play trying to act-sneakily, taking out camps, dolyks and the roamers who are trying to kill you.

Your positive experiences with your ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


I own everyone in 1 on 1.

Your positive experiences with your ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: StrykRaishou.7459


It’s really satisfying to use RaO+QZ and Rapid Fire+River Drake lighting breath all at the same time.

Your positive experiences with your ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: DarkHeart.1760


I’ve been having a lot of fun with it, despite what other people say about the class.


Man, the first toon I rolled was my norn ranger, really big bad kitten I leveled him to the 40s in a few days and was having a blast and then I started reading the forums about how awful rangers were (not to mention how awful norns are) so I shelved him for about 2 months and tried out EVERY OTHER CLASS… I was waiting for this big fix that was supposed to equal out the playing field that never came.

Came back to my Ranger this weekend after deciding that I just didn’t find any other class that I wanted to “main” (I really love my asura necro too, but the pet AI there is a million times worse than ranger and what’s a necro w/o minions??). I have been having a blast. It’s such a fun a versatile class. You can go melee and range and neither option seems boring (unless you just 11111111111….). The pets are fun, you can tell them what to attack and they actually do it (unlike minions). Traps are fun, signets are ok, RaO is a great elite. I’m still figuring it all out, but I’m looking forward to testing the rest of the utilities out too.

Hit 60 this morning and I’m working on my own “all purpose” build, because I carry about all our weapons and I like to vary it up between LB, SB, S/WH, GS, etc. Sure, I can’t kill as fast as my Warrior or go solo as easy as with my Guard… but I don’t have to , because Thunderbutt my trusty bear is usually fighting by my side

Your positive experiences with your ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


When I managed to solo a friggin Champion by myself when it was 3 levels higher than me. Greatest moment of my Ranger career.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Your positive experiences with your ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


I find it very easy to farm in groups and loot nearly every corpse. Their AoE combined with piercing arrows (linear AoE) lol, and the enemy group’s tendency to run at you in a straight line, it’s very easy to dish out a ton of damage.

The result.. bags are full in less than 20 min of farming