221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
suggestion- more stealth and damage
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
rangers should have access to stealth like a thief and do a lot more damage.
thanks and make it so!
If you wanna say Rangers need some unique combat techniques (Kiting and Pet sux!!1!), I agree.
If you want the Ranger to deal more damage, I agree.
If you want the Ranger to stealth himself all the time, I disagree.
We got enough classes (mainly Thiefs and Mesmers) who can stealth and use this as mechanics.
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels
I have always supported stealth for Rangers. Very restricted though.
- It takes time to stealth. Say 10 seconds to complete the process. Can’t be in combat
- Can’t move when in stealth
- If you attack someone from stealth it breaks stealth.
Fits the whole ‘scouting’ thing without being an offensive skill.
I have always supported stealth for Rangers. Very restricted though.
- It takes time to stealth. Say 10 seconds to complete the process. Can’t be in combat
- Can’t move when in stealth
- If you attack someone from stealth it breaks stealth.Fits the whole ‘scouting’ thing without being an offensive skill.
that would be boring and useless.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
More damage? Hell yeah.
More stealth? only a tiny bit more.
I’m for more raw damage and less stealth. For example replace the lb #3 with some devastating attack. Or something which blinds and damages.
Scouting: rather some abilities to run away / evade / pacify / confuse. Like support for running through mobs without being slowed or aggroed, not unseen. Maybe even party wise. This I think would make rangers welcome in dungeon groups…
rangers should have access to stealth like a thief and do a lot more damage.
thanks and make it so!
If you wanna say Rangers need some unique combat techniques (Kiting and Pet sux!!1!), I agree.
If you want the Ranger to deal more damage, I agree.
If you want the Ranger to stealth himself all the time, I disagree.
We got enough classes (mainly Thiefs and Mesmers) who can stealth and use this as mechanics.
Rangers would be better balanced with stealth abilities. Besides, the devs believe that stealth is in a good state so it shouldn’t be a problem.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
no kitten no more stealth … thieve and mesmer can do that, you can roll those 2 classes.
I don’t want this game to become stealth fest
I think maybe a support skill that stealths for like 5 second on a 45 second cooldown would be fine but we don’t need anything near as what thieves or Mesmer have.
as for more damage, I actually think some of our weapons are in a good place right now compared to where they where.
on the stealth topic I actually think our class needs 1.) better movement abilities more swiftness and maybe a shadow step instead of stealth and 2.) more condition removal
lol you want even more damage?
Talk about balance
Full melee Ranger since August 2012
imo, rangers shouldn’t have a whole lot of stealth. the stealth added to hunter’s shot was okay, but it’s weird to put it on longbow, even though most of the time you’ll probably be keeping your distance.
I might be okay with If Hide in Plain Sight (20pt wilderness survival) was changed so you could move while camouflaged, because if you get stunned or dazed in the same spot while camouflaged, it’s almost pointless because your enemy (especially in pvp) probably knows you’re still in that same spot and will keep attacking…so, idk. that would be the very most stealth rangers should have…
and ranger damage is good where it’s at, because a lot of damage comes from your pet just being with you and if u have a few BM traits here and there that give u loads of might from ur pet
I think maybe a support skill that stealths for like 5 second on a 45 second cooldown would be fine but we don’t need anything near as what thieves or Mesmer have.
as for more damage, I actually think some of our weapons are in a good place right now compared to where they where.
on the stealth topic I actually think our class needs 1.) better movement abilities more swiftness and maybe a shadow step instead of stealth and 2.) more condition removal
Mesmer cd is 40- 90 sec as well and how u feel ?
no more stealth. Thieve can use bow as well. Go roll them
imo, rangers shouldn’t have a whole lot of stealth. the stealth added to hunter’s shot was okay, but it’s weird to put it on longbow, even though most of the time you’ll probably be keeping your distance.
I might be okay with If Hide in Plain Sight (20pt wilderness survival) was changed so you could move while camouflaged, because if you get stunned or dazed in the same spot while camouflaged, it’s almost pointless because your enemy (especially in pvp) probably knows you’re still in that same spot and will keep attacking…so, idk. that would be the very most stealth rangers should have…and ranger damage is good where it’s at, because a lot of damage comes from your pet just being with you and if u have a few BM traits here and there that give u loads of might from ur pet
It’s almost as if you have been missing the past year – have you even checked the pet situation ?
Pets miss 90% of their attacks if target moves, so no pet doesn’t give any damage since it cannot land a hit & they are utterly useless.
I think those 30% damage reduction (because of the pet) should be given back to rangers if pets cannot be fixed & remove pets entirely … it just drags the whole class back.
As for the stealth option I think there should be because it’s silly when most other classes have either good stealth &/or mobility while the ranger is crippled with almost none if caught.
Lore-wise .. it’s a ranger for christ’s sake & should be in the whole thing of not being spotted while in the open & have better mobility & options to escape at least while in open fields.
The current state is that rangers should avoid open spaces since if they get caught they are dead in most cases … a ranger … in the wild … to not feel sure in it’s native environment (and have the upper hand while in the wilds) is as if speaking of a shark being bullied by a pig while both swimming in the ocean.. honestly a pathetic situation & class development.
Conclusion – Anet should have named the class something else but definitely NOT a ranger because it might be everything BUT ranger in it’s current state.
(edited by Sasajoe.1509)
I think maybe a support skill that stealths for like 5 second on a 45 second cooldown would be fine but we don’t need anything near as what thieves or Mesmer have.
as for more damage, I actually think some of our weapons are in a good place right now compared to where they where.
on the stealth topic I actually think our class needs 1.) better movement abilities more swiftness and maybe a shadow step instead of stealth and 2.) more condition removal
Mesmer cd is 40- 90 sec as well and how u feel ?
no more stealth. Thieve can use bow as well. Go roll them
As mesmers go I can chain stealth with my PU mesmer for up to 17 seconds I don’t think that’s a bad escape method – they have more than 1 stealth skill you know ?
So i think since the ranger should be well aware with camouflage (if speaking irl / lore-wise ) why shouldn’t GW2 rangers have more stealth options, it’s only common sense ?
I don’t want easy. Stealth is cheesy as hell. The classes that people think are good are super easy mode. They all have mechanisms that are abused to no end. Stealth being one of them.
The Ranger is what a Ranger is meant to be (not an archer). If anything Rangers need movement skill but honestly have that with the 1h and the gs.
You don’t hold points when you stealth. You force your teammate to take more pressure when you stealth. There is no honor in stealthing.
People keep saying anet should name the ranger something Else. Two of the most Famous Ranger are more like anet Ranger than Any other game. Aargorn From Lord of the rings ans Dritzz Do’ urden from The Dark Elf Trilogy and Forgotten Realms campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. These are true Rangers. It is not Anet idea of a Ranger that is flawed its those that think Rangers are Archers. (aside from the fact that anyone using a bow is an Archer).
Rangers do need something to make them a bit more unique. Stealth is not unique and will only hurt the class more not help it. Stealth is a selfish skill Rangers do not need more stuff that only benefits them.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
(edited by Serraphin Storm.2369)
imo, rangers shouldn’t have a whole lot of stealth. the stealth added to hunter’s shot was okay, but it’s weird to put it on longbow, even though most of the time you’ll probably be keeping your distance.
I might be okay with If Hide in Plain Sight (20pt wilderness survival) was changed so you could move while camouflaged, because if you get stunned or dazed in the same spot while camouflaged, it’s almost pointless because your enemy (especially in pvp) probably knows you’re still in that same spot and will keep attacking…so, idk. that would be the very most stealth rangers should have…and ranger damage is good where it’s at, because a lot of damage comes from your pet just being with you and if u have a few BM traits here and there that give u loads of might from ur pet
It’s almost as if you have been missing the past year – have you even checked the pet situation ?
Pets miss 90% of their attacks if target moves, so no pet doesn’t give any damage since it cannot land a hit & they are utterly useless.
I think those 30% damage reduction (because of the pet) should be given back to rangers if pets cannot be fixed & remove pets entirely … it just drags the whole class back.
As for the stealth option I think there should be because it’s silly when most other classes have either good stealth &/or mobility while the ranger is crippled with almost none if caught.
Lore-wise .. it’s a ranger for christ’s sake & should be in the whole thing of not being spotted while in the open & have better mobility & options to escape at least while in open fields.
The current state is that rangers should avoid open spaces since if they get caught they are dead in most cases … a ranger … in the wild … to not feel sure in it’s native environment (and have the upper hand while in the wilds) is as if speaking of a shark being bullied by a pig while both swimming in the ocean.. honestly a pathetic situation & class development.
Conclusion – Anet should have named the class something else but definitely NOT a ranger because it might be everything BUT ranger in it’s current state.
Pets seem to do fine imo. I haven’t had any struggles with any of my pets when I played last week.
And I agree with the general lore of a ranger and remaining unseen and all that, but the ranger class would have to have a complete re-design because there are so many traits and utilities that have an effect on/from your pet just being there.
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