Adressing the Outburst of the Rev Community

Adressing the Outburst of the Rev Community

in Revenant

Posted by: Death.7143


Note: All changes are referred to BEFORE the recent patch

With the recent power rev changes the community is very upset and it is understandable. I am here to give you a very reasonable balance change to rev, while also allowing condi to have similar power, allowing more versatile builds for rev. In the forum post about upcoming changes for season 5 Anet stated this: “It’s undoubtedly one of the more difficult professions to play, but when mastered it is devastating on the battlefield.” Excuse me if I’m wrong, but you basically just said that power rev is rewarding skillful gameplay and is hard to master. So this is where the community went haywire, because you completely ignored that fact and nerfed it to the ground. I have come up with some reasonable changes that would make power rev and condi rev BOTH on equal footing while keeping the common weaknesses that it has.

Starting with power rev, the obvious weakness was condition builds (some argue thief too but it is not as much of a needed fix as condi). Increasing the condi cleanse of Cleansing Channel (Invocation) to 2 condi’s and giving shield 4 a condi cleanse of 1 is the perfect amount. It gives power rev a better stability of conditions without having to rely on lucky removals from staff, while keeping the weakness. As for Precision Strike (sword 2), decreasing the damage by 12% and increasing the chill duration to 2s (instead of 1.5s) for each missile allows for more utility while nerfing the high damage to a more reasonable number. Also, to increase optimal weapons/playstyles, Grasping Shadow (sword 5) has an awfully high energy cost for a move that is bugged and gets blocked or blinded half the time. A simple solution is to make this unblockable and fix any bugs that occur with it. This keeps the risk/reward feel of it without getting prevented and wasting a hefty 15 energy. For Surge of the Mists (staff 5) I would not reduce it by 50%, but by 20% to prevent marauder revs from near 1 shotting glass builds. Also keeping Warding Rift (staff 3) at 12s was perfectly fine.

For condition rev, there were multiple amulets and traits you could choose from that would generally make the same effect. This was very good, however power was superior and mace felt a little vulnerable. This lack of evades and balance of heal vs. dps was its main weakness. You could run Mallyx and Glint and have very good sustain with resistance although your mobility was very limited. Shiro provided evades and chill/cripple/immob removal, although you lost the burn/chill on glint, as well as the best heal a rev can have. To fix these changes, I would first like to agree with anet’s change to Pain Absorbtion. It allows condi rev’s to run more tanky builds without loosing the stun break from Invocation and wasted power traits from the trait line. But some weapons are under-used such as mace and axe offhand. They do not provide enough protection such as evades/blocks as sword and shield do. This results in an awkward build that uses power weapons (sword/shield – staff) for defense and legend skills/sigils as your only way of proper dps. Before I suggest any changes please note that I do not play condi rev as often, and am only suggesting smaller changes to allow build diversity in condi rev while remaining on par with other builds. If you do play condi rev a lot feel free to leave any trait/legend skill changes below, but for now I think these small changes will do a lot of good. Allowing axe offhand to have an evade while traveling during Frigid Blitz (axe 4) provides a nice balanced weapon set. Mace on the other hand has 2 options. The first is to simply add an evade on Echoing Eruption (mace 3) and be done. The second and more flavorful option is to make a redesign of Echoing Eruption. Much like sword 2, the ability to do a very fast rotation combining Precision Strike, Equilibrium, and Hydromancy Sigil was deadly and required a bit of practice. I feel like Echoing Eruption should be similar. Removing the animation lock on the skill, allowing fast reactions/combo’s like dodges and Geomancy Sigil can provide a very nice condi burst, similar to power. This keeps skill cap high, while also being “devastating on the battlefield.”

My goal was to provide reasonable changes to rev allowing for a greater diversity of builds. I know this post was very lengthy, but I felt it was long overdue and much needed. Thank you all and any feedback is appreciated.

(edited by Death.7143)

Adressing the Outburst of the Rev Community

in Revenant

Posted by: Wolftacus.8460


I couldn’t agree with you more, I think some condi cleanse is needed for sure. And I do feel that they went a little to far with the damage nerfs, and giving us nothing in return for compensation.

Adressing the Outburst of the Rev Community

in Revenant

Posted by: Omega Zoa.3859

Omega Zoa.3859

Good thread, but, sadly A-Net does not see the suggestions players make, only the nerfs. I remember awhile back someone complained how enchanted daggers hitting through shield or something is op, and lo and behold next patch they listened to him…while neglecting the many suggestions to reworks to class and fix the glaring bugs.

“Might makes Right” – the ability to commit an act is sufficient justification to do it.

Adressing the Outburst of the Rev Community

in Revenant

Posted by: Buran.3796


I think your read about the lacks of the condition build is wrong. What makes that build useless is a mix between being unable to pressure at range and being unable to get stability on demand, which is whgat makes most of other classes condition builds both viable and superior.

Adressing the Outburst of the Rev Community

in Revenant

Posted by: Death.7143


I think your read about the lacks of the condition build is wrong. What makes that build useless is a mix between being unable to pressure at range and being unable to get stability on demand, which is whgat makes most of other classes condition builds both viable and superior.

As I said in the post, I am not as experienced with condition build, but just wanted to provide a similar build diversity/playstyle. Those changes are definitely needed although I think Anet is trying to give rev more stun breaks than stability, considering the most recent patch.

Adressing the Outburst of the Rev Community

in Revenant

Posted by: steve.2945


The only way you can get anet to listen is if more streamers addressed their concerns too. Remember when aurora peachy complained about the compact placement? anet was all over it.

Proud TTS member

Adressing the Outburst of the Rev Community

in Revenant

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I think your read about the lacks of the condition build is wrong. What makes that build useless is a mix between being unable to pressure at range and being unable to get stability on demand, which is whgat makes most of other classes condition builds both viable and superior.

Idk why people are hating on the condi build, maybe because most of them haven’t tried Glint/Mallyx. Being a boonbot and also having access to short team resistance is very good as a pseudosupport, and it’s a soft counter to both DH and ele. Increasingly useful to the team in this new condi meta, especially with burn DH being a thing again. If you focus on its raw damage numbers, they’re pretty high, but not so much as power rev. But it also lacks power rev’s glaring weakness to condi.

Adressing the Outburst of the Rev Community

in Revenant

Posted by: Kevin.5980


I feel that Mallyx’s elite should change to something like doubling stacks of condition output instead of torment ticks. But of course, increasing the upkeep cost similar to impossible odds. This way it would make more sense to keep the Elite on.

For example,
AA/weapon procs gives 2 stacks of torment instead of 1 during the upkeep period .In this way, Rev could effectively do something like a burst condition damage in a short time.

But this is a lazy idea, which directly changes Mallyx into a condition version of Shiro which is also bad since again it forces users to AA all the way.

Adressing the Outburst of the Rev Community

in Revenant

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Yeah I suggested a while ago that it should do what it does now, but remove immunity to blind and give immunity to movement-impairing conditions. Blind is kinda whatever to a condi rev, but movement-impairing conditions directly impact your ability to hit people with the elite’s pulsed torment since they can just walk away from you. And yeah it should have the same upkeep as glint’s elite since, while slightly more useful, it doesn’t have a massive CC on-demand while you use it.

Adressing the Outburst of the Rev Community

in Revenant

Posted by: Buran.3796


I think your read about the lacks of the condition build is wrong. What makes that build useless is a mix between being unable to pressure at range and being unable to get stability on demand, which is whgat makes most of other classes condition builds both viable and superior.

Idk why people are hating on the condi build, maybe because most of them haven’t tried Glint/Mallyx. Being a boonbot and also having access to short team resistance is very good as a pseudosupport, and it’s a soft counter to both DH and ele. Increasingly useful to the team in this new condi meta, especially with burn DH being a thing again. If you focus on its raw damage numbers, they’re pretty high, but not so much as power rev. But it also lacks power rev’s glaring weakness to condi.

From June to October Glint/Mallyx condi Herald was the only build I’ve been using. Is dead. Wasn’t that great but at least if you were able to lock in close combat you had your chances against some classes due you have a wide access to stability and condition inmunity.

But after the October patch the boon duration was halved and you no longer can get stability on demand, so you can’t stand in cqc without being cc’ed and you still can’t do condi damage with the hammer. Condition builds from Mesmer, Thief, Warrior, Ranger and Guardian -to name a few- run un circles around you. And if a team needs to counter condis a shout Tempest is x10 better than condi Rev.

Adressing the Outburst of the Rev Community

in Revenant

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Really? I have trouble with condi mesmers, but I can beat condi warr (even dueled and won against a legendary who I know is good), condi thief should be a guaranteed win, and I haven’t tested against burn guard much. Ranger beats me no matter what they play, always outranging me. Tempest is good for a strong condi clear but mallyx offers more sustained resistance if you’re running a +boon duration build. Resistance is preferable imo since it instantly invalidates all conditions, shouts only remove one condi at a time and have CD. Try using sword/axe mace/shield in conquest and see what happens.

Adressing the Outburst of the Rev Community

in Revenant

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Tips for fighting condi thief: like all thieves they have terribad condi clear. Start in glint, pressure with either axe 4 at the end of one of their evades, or sword 2, switch to Mallyx, wait until they run out of dodges (covering with resistance for the time being) then hit them with banish enchantment followed by either sword 3 or mace 3. While they’re up close, Mallyx elite gives lots of pressure by itself. They really can’t keep up one you’ve hit them twice.