First off, I love the Revenant so far and want to offer my sincere thanks to Roy for his wonderful creation!
That said one of the holes I saw with the Revenant this BWE was the lack of ranged weapon options. The biggest area being in condi spec. The Hammer is a nice weapon, but doesn’t play well with condi builds and every time I’d switch to it for some range I felt that it put a halt to my effectiveness when playing a condition build.
Proposed Solution: give the mace the same treatment as the underwater spear received
- This would put good use to the amazing mechanic that has become available recently and applied to spear. It seems a shame not to use this new mechanic more
- The mace is a good condi weapon, but sometimes range is just needed and this would allow more seamless weapon usage as (mentioned above) the hammer just feels out of place in that type of build
- This would encourage smart placement and more interesting battle presence since you get different results depending on range
Proposed change (though would love to see other ideas here):
- 0-160 range – slightly more direct damage than current and slightly less condi duration applied
- 161-600 range- Less direct damage than current, about the same condi duration applied
- 601-900 range – Very little direct damage, add poison to the second attack, slightly increase torment duration
It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.