The base spec is still missing (like arcane for ele)
isn’t invocation the base spec?
Yes. So Glint is elite. OP is wrong
I mentioned this in another thread, but i really feel like legends shouldn’t be an ‘always active’ thing like ele attunements – right now we kinda just ‘attune’ to a legend, it’s just not very unique (especially since it doesn’t bring new weapon skills with it)
What i’d like to see is, i guess, something a bit more like necro death shroud – except we can equip two of them at once, and rather than building energy outside legend channeling, attuning to a legend generates a certain amount of energy and gives us additional, slowly decaying energy gen. When energy drops to zero, we are forced to drop the legend and it goes on cooldown (and a shorter cooldown on our other equipped legend)
Weapon skills would be defined at least partially by whatever legend we channeled, but also by what weapon was in use. This could be as simple as adding extra effects to weapon attacks (inflicting conditions in mallyx, for example), but i think it would be neat if it changed at least the autoskill/chain for each of our equipped weapons.
Incidentally, this would make the limited selection of weapons and lack of a swap mechanic feel much less restrictive.
Finally, and purely for aesthetic purposes, it would be cool to get some kind of visual transformation upon channeling a legend. Nothing as severe as lich form – more like what we see already with Mallyx & Jalis elite skills. Just something to make it feel like you were actually empowered by these past legends.
Apologies for hijack :P
isn’t invocation the base spec?
kitten i forgot that – ty you’re definitively right.
Not even a transformation, just a animation even. An acknowledgement that we have stepped into the mists maybe.
Crystal Desert