(edited by Cecylio.1286)
Some questions, some rants
Hi, i prefer run dragón stance instead of shiro,more sustain from buff brake stun plus blindness longlast protection plus cc extremely useful on downed player pushing them out of point,perma swiftness and reveal invisibility when needed..
Embrace the darkness pulse torment and with diabolik inferno put burning when you use an elite skill every 10sec..conditions on rev aren’t that issue due you have resistance every 5 second when cast any of the mallyx skills..and the heal from dragon stance of well times let’s you refill preventig a burst or high pressure conditions if you ha demon stance on cd..it’s quite tanky and you can manage to survive 2/3 vs1 quite long or at least quite enough to be helped.. In 1v1 you are outstanding even against eles stacking up might and attacking with relentes assoult dropping down 90% lifepoint and overloading them after swich to mallyx with Condi
1.Empowering Misery. I believe they put healing skills on a longer cooldown for Revs due to the fact that we could hit 2 in a row if we change our legend. The class is made to be toggled between the two often, so that pretty much answers a lot of your questions – and no 2 legends can counter every single offense, that would be pretty OP.
2. Embrace The Darkness applied torment every 1 sec to nearby foes, which is a nice perk. If you happen to have the Corruption Tree, the last tier allows you to use “Diabolic Inferno” which applies burning when you hit your Elite skill. Many guides suggest you toggle Embracing the Darkness on and off to burn aoe. It works pretty well, but most people don’t run with the corruption tree once they unlock Herald.
3. Stun Break. Changing your legend will break a stun.
4. Combo. While leveling Shiro/Mallyx is probably best, it’s what I used, but the Dwarf spinning hammer is pretty cool too, at least for tagging a lot of mobs on events. If you’re in love with Mallyx, then I couldn’t suggest Shiro highly enough. Mobility and incredible damage is what he brings to the table.
I would use Shiro to Charge the target (Phase Travel), or to run at high speeds (Impossible Odds) to my destination, if you’re getting stunned, you can Reposting Shadows to get out, and then Charge back to them via Phase Travel. I spent most of my time in Shiro, and i think once you realize how mobile it is, you will too. Not to mention that you can burn anything down in seconds if you use Impossible Odds + auto attack.
Thanks for answers. I think I’ll stick to Shiro/Mallyx then. Mallyx is pretty mobile too and has great aoe. I can always torment enemies and make them run (double the damage >:-) after me in Assassin Stance. I don’t have to worry about all that, cause they’ll be long gone.
I don’t know how bad is my english, but… about 2nd part of OP… I wanted to ask, why is the skill not working sometimes – not working, like, I click it and nothing’s happening. Awkward :o
P.S. Maybe someone will read it before balance patch – 2nd skill on Mace (Revenant’s) does not seems to work while the terrain goes up (like stairs or just some hill). I hope it’s understandable, again sorry for bad english :P
(edited by Cecylio.1286)
The burn on elite trait has a 10 sec internal cooldown.
Herald of Ventari
Does anyone think the fact that Rev has double the amount of Heals, Utilities, and Elites make it a little OP just for that fact?
I used to main thief. I wasn’t winning as much so i switched to Rev. Now it’s hard to lose a match in PVP.
Does anyone think the fact that Rev has double the amount of Heals, Utilities, and Elites make it a little OP just for that fact?
I used to main thief. I wasn’t winning as much so i switched to Rev. Now it’s hard to lose a match in PVP.
This is a fair question, but in truth the Rev is so different from other profs that it’s kinda comparing apples and oranges. Rev doesn’t have a trump card level elite, they’re more attuned to very powerful 30-50 second cooldown utils. While double utilities sounds amazing on paper, energy constraints + cooldowns as well as necessarily rigid builds (due to having a non-customizable utility bar) make them highly predictable in PvP.
I’m not saying Rev isn’t OP necessarily, that’s highly subjective and it depends on the context and I don’t know nearly enough about PvP to make that call anyway. But the principle design isn’t the problem, at least.
Congrats on your winning streak though.
Here I am again, still confused about Revenant. I think I don’t like Rev, cause I don’t understand it. Legend swap feels like I’m changing a class, not just skill bar.
F.e. Mallyx’s weapons are obviously Mace/Axe, but there are no alternative condition damaging weapons. It feels like every Legend requires specific weapon. Why would you use Mace/Axe while on Shiro/Jalis? Shiro – Sword/Sword, but not other weapon, Jalis – Hammer is perfect match.
It’s hard for me to combine dps Shiro with healer Ventari, or condi Mallyx with boon/support Glint. I just don’t see connection. What stats to use? Which traits?
In a sense you are changing class. I think in this way the revenant is probably most comparable in some ways to, say, the druid in World of Warcraft. You’re probably best off specializing in a certain direction, but I’d recommend against overspecializing in one stat or another just to min/max, to allow some flexibility. Your weapon doesn’t matter as much if you’re making heavy use of your legend’s utilities, since your energy will mostly be spoken for so you’ll often be mostly auto-attacking anyway unless you have a certain strategy in mind w/ specific weapon skills. (most obvious example: Shiro + Unrelenting Assault)
Sadly, the Revenant is kinda unfinished feeling in a lot of ways. If you don’t know what your second legend slot should have, you really can’t go wrong with Glint in PvE most of the time. Her buffs are massively useful regardless of your spec. Keep an open mind and don’t be afraid to experiment with switching legends/traits out of combat, if you gave yourself enough wiggle-room w/ your own stats/sets to do so.
Think of your legend utilities as being more similar to weapon skills themselves than traditional utils (even our Elites have relatively very low cooldowns) and the class rhythm will make a lot more sense.
Other than that though, I’m still learning too. I think we all are. That this profession is brand new is still very evident, so don’t feel bad being one of the pioneers I say .
(edited by midnight tea.3681)
Here I am again, still confused about Revenant. I think I don’t like Rev, cause I don’t understand it. Legend swap feels like I’m changing a class, not just skill bar.
F.e. Mallyx’s weapons are obviously Mace/Axe, but there are no alternative condition damaging weapons. It feels like every Legend requires specific weapon. Why would you use Mace/Axe while on Shiro/Jalis? Shiro – Sword/Sword, but not other weapon, Jalis – Hammer is perfect match.
It’s hard for me to combine dps Shiro with healer Ventari, or condi Mallyx with boon/support Glint. I just don’t see connection. What stats to use? Which traits?
You don’t have a true secondary condition weapon, but Shiro is amazing regardless of weapon: Great Stun Break, mobility, great AoE Stun, and Quickness. All of those compliment any build.
Glint can also be used in any build because Boons are pretty universal and the activated skills have multiple uses (both for Condi, Power, and Support), but the most important one is definitely Facet of Nature.
Jalis and Ventari are more “set” in their ways, and Mallyx can sorta do some Power with Unyielding Anguish and Embrace the Darkness’+10% stat boost, but he shines the most with Banish Enchantment in Condi and being pretty much the only Legend that can survive for a while against Conditions, assuming they don’t strip Resistance off of you.
I’m using this build right now, and it’s okay, but still nowhere near perfection. Jalis has really useful skills and I need Hammer as a ranged option, but overall Dwarf stance is kinda weak. And it works better with Sword/Shield than Hammer, lol.
About Shiro. I just don’t like it, not my style. It’s hard enough for me to play as Thief/Daredevil (great mobility, yes, but my fingers are too slow).