[Suggestion] Legend-specific 1-5 skills

[Suggestion] Legend-specific 1-5 skills

in Revenant

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


The forum is unfortunately getting full of posts often very similar, and the best way I found to solve that was adding one more :p
Many people felt that the class lacks versatility because of only one weapon set and the possibility to switch utilities does not make up for it simply because 1) utilities are not as central to the play style as the weapon set 2) since we are constrained in the choice of utilities (we take all the legend or nothing), it feels like we have as much or even less “desirable” utilities as the other classes, and not more. Moreover, the weapon skills are often very specific (1 range, 1 support, 1 condition melee) to compare with for example the elementalist attunements which allow support, defense and damage in the same weapon.

Many suggestions have been made in the forum, in particular a simple weapon swap. However, I would argue (as some others did) that it would not fit the theme as much. Some suggested that the weapons behave differently according to the legend currently invoked. This would imply way too much work as one would need 5 skills per legend per weapon. Some suggested to simply add an effect to the skills depending on the legend, like a condition if using Mallyx etc…. But that would still not fix the range problem and only partly fixes anything else actually.

So my suggestion (actually not only mine) is to have for each legend a set of 1-5 skills where you “become the legend”. One could thus swap between the usual weapon and the legend-specific skills. In total, one would have access to an equivalent of 3 “weapon sets” and 2 “utility sets” so 25 skills, just like the elementalist. But in terms of development time, this would be much less than elementalist because adding a weapon set and a legend would mean developing 15 new skills as opposed to the 25 (5×4+5) for an elementalist. Also, the effect when you become the legend could use the ones currently used for the elite of Mallyx and Jalis. I really love in particular the Mallyx effect and I would love fighting more like this.

Since there is currently 5 legends, the developers would have to create 25 new skills, which is a lot of work, but flexibility is really badly needed on the revenant and I feel that is the best way to do it.

[Suggestion] Legend-specific 1-5 skills

in Revenant

Posted by: Spitzilla.4193


I read most of the suggestion on the forum and for me this one has some flavor to it.

As Revenant was designed about legends and invoking their powers, I like the idea of using this legend which gives you all (1-5 and 6-0) specific skills where you can swap (dropping from invoking stance) back to your 1 chosen weapon.

For Necromancer when you enter death shroud you can not use utility skills, therefore when Revenant is not invoking any of the legends (F1 or F2), he does not have any utility skills, but it has his one chosen weapon, (1-5) skills only. And ofc weapon skills will not have energy cost. Energy will become resource when you invoke one of 2 legends (F1 or F2) as it is currently implemented.

I’m picturing this as, your main target is to use legends as much as you can + you will drop from legends invoke to lets call it “no invoke form” where you have only weapon skills.

So Revenant will have 3 stances:
1. So called “no invoke form” (lets make it F3) – only weapon skills available, utility skills are grayed
2. F1 legend which has specific 1-5 and 6-0 skills
3. F2 legend which has specific 1-5 and 6-0 skills

For visual play style, when you invoke the legend it should be presented lets say like ghostly version of legend above character, something like “Nero in Devil May Cry”


On the other side the others players (enemies) can see which legend is invoked by Revenant character.

[Suggestion] Legend-specific 1-5 skills

in Revenant

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


I’m not sure about the “no utilities when using your weapon”. The death shroud (or other transforms like Lich form, Rampage etc…) is meant to be a powerful transformation that you can’t have all the time and with extra survivability, so the lack of utility is not as much of a problem. Here you’re saying you should have utilities ONLY when using the transforms, which sounds dangerous.
The way I meant it was rather you are invoking on a legend but you only “become the legend” when you decide so. So you always have utilities available.
Essentially, in my system, “F1” would be “become the legend” and “F2” would be the legend swap.