So I’ve noticed everyone is providing all this feedback focusing on DPS or Sword Revenant, which makes sense since, you know, we just got access to swords and Shiro. However I felt like the Support Rev and more specifically Ventari and Salvation were the weakest aspects of the Revenant this time around. I played around in sPvP and PvE with Ventari and wanted to consolidate my feedback.
Rev’s support in general is too slow, Guild wars 2 is a fast game.
Guild wars 2 is a game of seconds sometimes. That is why short duration damage absorbers that you pop at the right time are very favoured in PvP. Ventari and a ton of Rev support is painfully slow, which kills it’s viability. You’re already reacting to the enemy, why layer even more delays on top of that?
Let’s take a simple scenario; a few allies around you have 3 conditions on them that are doing a lot of damage to them that they need removed:
-As a Guardian, just pop Virtue of Resolve, done.
-As a D/D Ele, Switch to water, then dodge roll and maybe use cleansing wave. A little longer but shouldn’t take too long too fully execute.
-Rev, Dodge once (Trait), Switch to Ventari, Summon the tablet, if necessary move the kitten tablet to your allies THEN hit the condi-cleanse once you have enough energy after you used some of it to move the tablet.
There are a lot of examples I could pull up but overall same message, really the tablet should Auto-summon when you switch to Ventari and commanding the tablet to move should be an instant action. If necessary nerf the healing or the cooldown or something if you’re worried about Revs moving it all over the place.
Rev’s support requires too much investment to utilize sometimes.
Ok, so you want to create a healing Rev, that’s fine, after all you can model it after a bunker Guardian and those guys are awesome in sPvP right now. However different game-modes need different kinds of support and the Salvation line should be able to provide that small amount of support more hybrid DPS specs. Traits like Eluding Nullification (Cleanse condi on dodge) is alright but Momentary Pacification and Blinding Truths (Daze on elite, blind on heal) are weak.
Maybe consider merging them and even creating a new grandmaster support trait that works outside of Ventari, like… when your channeling a skill pulse protection to nearby allies. Something can fit on a DPS spec for a little bit of support without requiring a lot of investment. Speaking of merging:
The Healing traits should all be able to be taken together
Even with all the effort your putting making Healing Rev a thing, it’ll still probably be a niche spec so all the healing traits should be able to be taken together. The biggest problem is that Natural Abundance (create healing fragment when using legendary centaur skill) and Selfless Amplification (Outgoing healing is better) are two different Grandmasters. So you need to either demote to Master or Merge them together otherwise a Cleric Rev is just going to Min-Max them against each other for total healing and one will be ignored over the other.
Bunker/support Rev needs to able to counter pressure
This has more to do with Jalis then Ventari but the Rev really needs a way to counter heavy pressure. Bunker Guardian is again a good place to look, when a bunker Guardian is being attacked he can use a lot of active defence to counter it (Renewed focus, Shelter, Aegis, etc) while a Ventari/Jalis Rev has next to nothing, Maybe consider making Rite of the Great Dwarf grant Invulnerability while your casting it (so basically function exactly like renewed focus).
Anyway, those are my thoughts so far, despite all my criticism I do think Rev is turning out to be a fun profession to play and I just want every possible play-style to be viable on it.