To Arena. Net
Before I begin, this thread isn’t about “Complaining” or “Trolling”, it is about Thief Class Behaving akittens Worst; resulting in inducing Seveer Tyranny and Oppression among the other classes and its Devoted Players.
We can all agree that there are no Rules for “Playing Games A.K.A Stealth and Hide and Seek” in Guild Wars 2 but there comes a time where a Line must be drawn and Enforced; no matter what’- in Not Resulting in Non-Deserving Rewards.
And when that drawn line is Broken, Heavy Punishments and Severe Consequences Must be Initiated.
Unfortunately, there is no denying that this class Have Not been Diciplined for any of their Actions, instead, they are Rewarded for their Malicious and Sadistic Crimes.
Ok, enough of this, here goes my 20 Questions for The Parent of the Classes; Arena.Net.
1. Thief Class is Guilty of Intionally Inflicting Irony, Tyranny and Unfair Play Mechanics to the Masses of your Devoted Hardcore and your Casual Players.
When are you going to Put a Stop to this, Once and For All?
2 . Nearly 1 Year into Guild Wars 2 Anniversary., yet No Signs of Interest in Resolving this Matter from you Arena net.
Is there a Valid Reasson why Thief class haven’t been Disciplined and Punishished for crossing the Line since?
3. As we all know, Thief is the only class who Posssesses the most Exceeding Skills, Traits lines, Stengths, Powers, Mobilities, Speed, Stealth-Perma-Stealth, Invulnerability, Escapability, Reversing Time and Immunity to conditions in all Class Combined.
What are your Justifications in Intentionally Allowing this Class Overpowerdness Mechanics Madness Overbearing Guild Wars 2 World?
4. Not only Thief Class is Guilty of causing Irony and Unfair Play Mechanics but they are Guilty of making Guild Wars 2, -Un-Enjoyable, Stressful, Unsafe and causing no Desire to Pariticipate in the Wonderfulness that Guild Wars 2 World have to offer.
-Many have Entirely Quit Guild Wars 2 due to this class of Robbing thier Pride, Joy, Great Work/Effort and Valuable/Precious/Devoted Time and thire Energy into Guild Wars 2 World due to Theif Injustice Practises.
As the Parent of the Classes, If Any, what Steps are you taking to make Guild Wars 2 World Fun, Equally Enjoyable Competitve and Safe? (instead of Instantly being Killed by 1-5 stabs) ?
5. As the saying goes, “No Crimes Go Un-Punished”, well Unfortunately, only in Guild Wars 2, you will find 1 Class who who is given Free Priveldge to committ many Unjust Crimes on Demand; due to being given 110% Power and Full Control without having any Punishments or Consequences whatsoever.
If any, What are the chances in Saving your Faithful, Committed and Devoted Guild Wars 2 players from this Class Madness?
6. If any, if you do consider in Saving us, what are our Assurance; that this Unjustice Unfair Madness Will Never Happen Again? (for the the duration of Guild Wars 2 World)
7. Lastly, I Hope you choose the side of Justice, Peace and Fairness For all….for The Sake of Guild Wars 2 World.
Would that be an Option Arena.Net?
8. I Do Look Forward in Guild Wars 2 World Success for the Very Long Duration.
It all lies in your hands as the Parent of the Classes… and if you’re really Serious in putting Fun and Fair competition back in Guild Wars 2 World.
Will you take the Consideration at least as soon as possible?
My Hope, is for you to make it happen, Once and for All; as the saying goes, "putting the Final nail in the coffin)
Remind Thief Class who is in Control of Guild Wars 2 World..
Until than, we all await for your next move…
(With all Sincerity, Humiity and Respect, I look forward in you Arena. Ner in responding to this Crucial Concern Matter)
Thank You! Aren.Net, in Advance.
-A Devoted Concern Player-
(edited by Burnfall.9573)