Bleed Thief D/D & P/P [PvP movie]

Bleed Thief D/D & P/P [PvP movie]

in Thief

Posted by: Nande.6810


So I made this pvp video on my down time when I had no internet a while back and just forgot to post it here really, but here it is! Done a few tweaks here and there but the main idea to it is still the same! Hope you enjoy!

No idea how to properly embed it, gave up.

During Beta I was fed up with any sort of Bursty-gimick build, so I was playing around with a few builds and stumbled upon this bleed build with D/D & P/P, going all out for as much invis utility, with stun breakers and shadow steps and condition damage.
Me and my buddy was working on this build quite a lot and this is the end product, in my opinion an solid build that fairs well vs every class and is not “cool down” dependent nor cheesy.
You need to play smart tho, this is NOT a run in, spam one key and win build.
Your rotation will generally look something like this:

1. Spend all your ini on Death blossom and get as many bleeds up as possible.
2. Swap to P/P within melee range so your weapon rune will bleed them even more.
3. Spend as many utility skills as you want to go invis and use #1(P/P) from invis which bleeds up your target more, keep your distance and take minimal damage and let your bleeds do the work for you. You can also interrupt heals and kills here which is neat.
4. Wait til you get enough Ini to bleed your target up more with Death Blossom, swap within melee range so your runes bleed them up too.
5. Rinse and repeat!

Build can be found in description.

Might make another one sometime int he future with better highlighs and showing of the utility P/P brings to the table since people seem to underestimate that set quite a lot.

Also sorry for any typos in the actually movie if there are any!
Feedback is appreciated.
Thanks and hope you enjoy it!

The Bleed thief (d/d & p/p)

(edited by Nande.6810)

Bleed Thief D/D & P/P [PvP movie]

in Thief

Posted by: Neb.5347


This is a good build, but the second pistol is kind of useless. I go D/D P/D. That way you still get the ability to cripple and invis one more time if you are in an oh kitten situation. You can also teleport around wit the P/D 3 ability.

Bleed Thief D/D & P/P [PvP movie]

in Thief

Posted by: Neb.5347


Won’t let me edit my post…

Anyway, I use the Scorpion wire as an interrupt instead of the pistol daze. It works out pretty well and screws over people that think they can stand at a high ground and shoot at me

Bleed Thief D/D & P/P [PvP movie]

in Thief

Posted by: Nande.6810


Ya it’s a pretty solid build :P That’s why I said P/P is underestimated :P Headshot is just plain awesome in many situations and doesn’t have a CD and black powder bring sweet utility to team fights and decent defensive ability.

I don’t like the Idea of spending ini on going stealth and putting up Sneak attack bleeds since they are shorter then DB, which means DB is stronger for the same cost pretty much so I prefer the utility of P/P =) I would rather spend a stealth utility for sneak attack or just wait up my ini so I can swap back to D/D for stronger bleeds :P IMO ofc.

The Bleed thief (d/d & p/p)

Bleed Thief D/D & P/P [PvP movie]

in Thief

Posted by: Nande.6810


Um, wont let me edit my post again, but somehow my youtube link linked to something else O_O No idea how that happened. Oh well, changed it back now at least!

The Bleed thief (d/d & p/p)