Change Wish List

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Nephrite.6954


What:Hard to Catch
Type: Stun Break Trait
Suggestion: Ground targetable teleport
Why: Because it teleports you to enemy’s Aoe.

What:All Thief Traps
Suggestion: Throwable Traps
Why: Because Traps are almost useless while in combat(spvp)

What: Sleight Of Hand
Type:Grand Master Trait
Suggestion:Current Skill now with a buff that transfer a condition on you to your foe.
Why: Because almost all thieves uses this awesome trait and it’ll provide another reliable condition removal.

What:Scorpion’s Wire
Type:Utility Trick
Suggestion:Increase Velocity up to 20% more
Why:Inspired by Scorpion from Mortal Kombat

What:Throw Gunk
Type:Stolen Bundle
Suggestion:Throws Smoke Grenande that’s applies blind field on targeted area!
Why: Because I’m trying to blind turrets

Lastly I want a new trait that grants 5seconds of fury per dodge, because furious retaliation sucks. Thrill of the crime is wicked though:3

(edited by Nephrite.6954)

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Originally by: Kayji.4390

What: My Dream List for Thief Changes

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Changes that I would make #1:

What Offhand Sword Baseline Skills being added
Why To give the Thief a bit more Build Diversity through its adding of 2 OH Skills + 3 new Dual Weapon Skill. I don’t see Offhand Sword as an E-Spec Weapon, it should be implemented as Baseline Weapon Option for the Thief with the next Balance Patch
Type New Skills
4) Needle Strikes Perform 3 consecutive very fast thrust attacks that ignore enemy defense and are unblockable. The hits cause each 3 stacks of Vulnerability, if they are critical hits for 10 seconds.
5) Silent Kills Shadow Step into the back of your target to stab quickly your sword from behind into the back of your foe. This Skill has increased chance to cause a critical hit base on your maximum Initiative- 2% per Point and will stun your enemy for 2 seconds. When used out of Stealth, the maximum Range of the Shadow Step will be increased by +300 If this Attack kills, you will get healed also.

Dual Wield Dagger MH
Mirror Slice Parry incoming Melee Attacks for the next 3 seconds with your Offhand Sword, letting Shadow Clones perform for you for each blocked Attack Counter Attacks that deal 50% more Damage back to the source of the attack, than the attack would have caused damage to you. These Counterattacks are unblockable and steal boons that you absorb.

Dual Wield Pistol MH
Kiss of Death
Shadow Step to your target to strike it once with your sword, stealing with this attack first up to 2 boons, followed by a surprising fast overcharged Pistol Shot direct to the body at nearest distance, that will launch the foe away and burns it for 5 seconds with x Stacks of burning.

Dual Wield Sword MH
Dance of Unendless Blades
Perform an attack, similar to Whirlwind attack, that lets you attack all targets in line of sight dealing multiple hits and causing with each Hit a Stack of Torment, while automatically reflecting projectiles, while you perform this skill.
This is a new type of initiative Skill, a Charged Initiative Skill, that has no Base Initiative Cost, but consecutively costs Initiative over time, so longer you charge it to perform the Dance. So its Cost is basically 1 Initiative every second.
So practically an weaker short range on demand Daggerstorm with no projectiles, that costs initiative over time

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Changes that I would make #2:

What Deadly Arts Traits
Type Traits
Why For Game’s Balance Sake! and better Build Diversity

Serpent’s Touch Merge it with Dagger Training. All Dagger Attacks should have a chance of poisoning foes.
Change the Poison Effect from Dagger Auto Attack 3 to a random Venom Effect, so that Auto Attack 3 randomly either Chills, Heals you, Immobilizes or Torments to make the Auto Attack more useful for Condi Builds, while also having 25% to get a healing from your Auto Attack Chain. Poison comes on top of that then from Serpent’s Touch

Mug Increase the Healing Portion of Steal by 50%, Let it also remove 2 Conditions from you and give them to your foe.

Ricochet Increases the Range of Pistol and Shortbow Attacks to 1200, while letting Shortbow AA bounce once more and Pistol Shots bouncing off targets now once.

Trappers Respite Merged with Deadly Trapper

Lotus Poison Targets that are weakened already when you Poison them, receive now x stacks Confusion instead, making this way the pulsing of Choking Gas more useful.
Merged also with Potent Poison, that Poisons last now longer and deal more Damage

Revealed Training Gain now Resistance and Stability when you get revealed for the time as long you are revealed

Panic Strike Merge it with Exposed Weakness and let it cause Fear also if you hit a target that is below 25% Health.

Improvisation Becomes now Major Master

Executioner Becomes now Minor Grandmaster

3 complete new Major Grandmaster Traits

Merciless Strikes
Adds a Chance, that your Critical Hits with Daggers or Swords cause Torment, while Torment on yourself is now only half as effective.

Unseen Cruelity
Kill someone with a Finishing Move and all your Enemies in your near will get Feared for 2 seconds and receive 10 Stacks of Vulnerability and 10 seconds of Weakness.
You gain now Stealth for the Animation Time when you start a Finishing Move

Deadly Venoms
Reduces Venom Recharge Times by 20% and increases Venom Charges by 100%.
Activating Venoms also removes from you now Conditions

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Changes I would make #3

What Critical Hits Traits
Type Traits
Why For Game Balance, cause Thief needs to get up on par with all other Classes that got skyrocket buffed to the moon, while the Thief has since 3 years total crap traits that should have been merged alot to make space for new Traits that help to creat Build Diversity.

Minor Adept
Keen Observer Removed the Threshold Nonsense, Deal now also 10% more Damage, while not having full Endurance (Old Fluid Strikes Trait merged, also merged with Side Strikes, by adding additional Critical Hit Chance to the fix 5%, if you hit from behind/sides)

Flawless Strike Merged with Signets of Power, named now Flawless Signets
New Effect: Reduces Signet recharge Times, Gain Might on Signet Activation. Gain Ferocity for every Signet in your Skill Bar. Removed the Threshold nonsense

Unrelenting Strikes Moved to Major Adept, merged with Sundering Strikes

Ankle Shots Move to Major adept

Minor Master
Practiced Tolerance Changed back to its old Way, of increasign Vitality based on Precision

Ferocious Strikes Moved to Major Master, Remove Threshold, put in instead, which have Conditions, increase the Critical Damage based on the Number of Conditions on the Foe and Critical Hits add Stacks to all Conditions that the foe suffers on for additional 2 seconds.

Hidden Killer Moved to Major Master. Add Effect to it, that it increases Max Stealth Durations by 100% (if Mesmers can have a 100% Boost for Stealth, so can Thieves)

Critical Eye Auto Block received Critical Hits with ICD. Reduces the Chances to receive self Critical Hits by 50%. Counterattack blocked Critical Hits with an unblockable guaranteed Critical Attack, that will remove first up to 2 Boons before it hits and gives them you. Gain +200 Ferocity when you Counterattack. through this Trait.

Minor Grandmaster
Invigorating Precision Moved from Major Grandmaster. Added Effect, that it removes now Conditions from you also too ,when you critically hit, with an ICD of 10s and reduces the duration of CC Effects on you based on your Vitality. Every 100 Points 1,5% lesser CC Durations. So with IP and say 1700 Vitality, a Stun/Daze/Knockdown/Fear/Taunt/Launch/Sink would last on you 25,5% less long.

No Quarter Gets added the effect, that you gain now also with ICD Protection for 3 seconds, after being critically hit and that dealing Critical Hits, while having Protection increases the Duration of Protection

Critical Quickness
Criticals give you now Quickness on ICD of 10s for a Duration of 2s and increases also Initiative Regen by 25% Under Quickness is Initiative Regen increased to 33% and you regain 50% Endurance back after a Dodge immediately (Old Feline Grace Effect)

Power of Inertia
Gain Might when you critically Hit a Target and Stability, after successfully dodging an Attack. Gain addionally Resistance when you hit critically for a second, if you had more than 3 Conditions on you.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Change: Health
What: bring lowest health tier from 11k to 13k
Why: More so for all low health tier professions, but thief being the main target since they don’t have very strong healing or access to heavy condition removal or protection making any hits very threatening.

Change: Support options
What: Improve healing power coeficients and add more methods of boon sharing/stealing
Why: Zerker or die is getting old, and condition builds are far behind on thief. I want to be rewarded for playing dirty.

Change: Venoms
What: Revert change to DV and BV when residual venom was made baseline.
Why: DV got a nerf and BV didn’t need an additional charge, it was meant for initiation and petrify is a glorified term for stun which does not stack anyways.

Change: Ice drake Venom
What: Make it “Karka Venom”, transfer a condition with your next 3 strikes.
Why: Gives a nice support option for venom share and also helps with a strong thief weakness. Also fits the thief’s dirty playstyle. Chill is very uncommon for a thief and not to mention DV is a much more solid option than ice drake as a condition.

Change: Venoms
What: Adjust cooldowns/charge amounts for venoms. (Spider 25 seconds/6 charges; Skale 35 seconds/5 charges; Skelk 40 seconds/10 charges (slightly lower healing values); Devourer 50 seconds/3 charges (1.5 seconds per hit); Basilisk 40 seconds/1 charge (petrify can no longer be removed by stun breakers, still non-stacking, lasts 1.5 seconds); Karka 40 seconds/3 charges)
Why: Not all venoms are equal, and to make better use of their corresponding traits and give venoms a little more unique effect.

Change: Meld With Shadows
What: Additional effect reduce revealed duration by 1 second as well
Why: Compared to PU although a traited effect, this trait does very little and thief should be the master of stealth outside of having “stealth” skills.

Change: AI (Thieves Guild and Ambush)
What: Double health pools, add effect to ambush “Taunt” on trigger for 2 seconds. Add effect to thieves guild Gain stealth when cast to you and your thief allies for 3 seconds.
Why: Gives them a little more of a fighting chance, ambush for that deceptive trickery, and stealth since they enter the fight doing nothing for a few seconds and cycle through an extremely predictable fighting pattern which can be avoided and in many cases, ignored entirely.

Change: Concealed Defeat
What: Swap places with shadow protector as a master trait
Why: Since shadow protector was made into a useless shamble, the difficulty of choosing between concealed defeat and shadow’s embrace is frustrating now that we can’t pick 2 adept/master traits anymore. Its good to have strong competing traits but to have an obvious tier, then a bad tier, and then an obvious tier to pick traits from isn’t sparking any diversity for SA users. Thieves using SA need SE so as nice as CD looks, I still can’t see it being used in its current place.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Changes I’d make #4

What Shadow Art Traits
Type Traits
Why Cause its so badly needed, it isnt funny anymore.

Minor Adept
Merciful Ambush Removed, becomes a new Reviving Mastery and replaced with a new Trait, that is

Meld with Shadows Moved from Minor Master, merged with Shadow’s Embrace

Last Refuge Merged with Conceiled Defeat, new Effect:
Deceptions recharge faster. When getting downed or when getting under a health threshold, you create a Smoke Screen at your Place

Shadow Clone Create when you go into Stealth a Shadow Clone of yourself which will taunt nearby foes and attack foes with your equipped Weapon Skills and your Build like being 100% the same for the next 10 seconds ICD 20s
Attacks of your Clone won’t reveal you.

Dark Assault Merged Hidden Thief + new Effect of giving a Condition over to your foe and stealing a boon, if the foe had more boons than you, when using Steal. (Mechanic gets fixed, that you instantly stop auto attacking after steal, so that you don’t immedeately reveal yourself in many cases, so that yu have a chance to change your position before you attack again…)

Minor Master
Resilience of Shadows Moved from Minor Grandmaster

Shadow Protector You and your Allies gain Regeneration and Resistance, when gaining Stealth, as long as the Stealth is up.

Venomous Aura Merged with Leeching Venoms.
New Effect: Gain Might on Venom Activation and share your activated Venoms with nearby Allies. Whenever you or your allies in your near hit Targets with Venoms, they siphon life with their Attacks

Shadow Flare
Critical Hits from Stealth will cause Burning, Blindness and Torment.
Reduces Reveal on you by 1 Second

Minor Grandmaster
Shadow’s Rejuvenation Moved from Major Grandmaster

Cloaked In Shadows Removed, becomes a new Movement Mastery and exchaned out with a new Trait that is:

Assasins Creed Increases Precision and Vitality for every Thief and summoned Thief in your range of 600 by +50 (Max +300) If a nearby Thief or you kills someone with a Finisher, gain for 5 seconds all Boons. ICD 10s Increases Leap Distances and Shadow Steps by +250

Avenger of Darkness
Gain Stealth if you get hit by an Attack that stuns you, knocks you down, fears you ect. and perform automatically a Shadowstep, that stunbreaks you into the Back of your Target, causing a Counter Attack, that will give the CC effect back to your foe, if you use your next attack from Stealth, before the Stealth expires.
Increases Damage from Stealth Attacks by +10%

Elusive Thief
Stealth grants you now Stability and Swiftness as long the Stealth is active.
After getting outside of Stealth will you dodge automatically the next incoming hits for the next 3 seconds.
Gain Super Speed now instead of Swiftness whenever you gain Swiftness.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Originally by: TheSwede.9512

What: Some Proposed Thief Changes

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Changes that I’d make #5

What Acrobatics Traits
Type Traits
Why Because the last Patch totally destroyed this whole Traitline!!*

Minor Adept
Feline Grace Moved from Minor master. Gain Swiftness upon dodging an Attack and regain 33% of your used up Endurance back instantly.
Gain Vigor on Dodge,if that Dodge empties your Endurance.
Movement Skills like Heartseeker, Infiltrators Strike or Disabling Shot work now as Stun Breakers

Fleet Shadow Removed, or practically merged with Elusive Thief

Pain Response Rework the Effect to give for 5s Resistance and Protection and if those Boons end, they remove then Conditions, if some are there still

Expedious Dodger Increases the Duration of your Dodge Durations from Skills and Dodge Rolls by 1 second. Gain Retaliation after a successful Dodge.

Vigous Recovery Gain Vigor on Heal Skill usage.
Increases your Healing Power based on 10% of your Power and gain Regeneration.
The Shadow Step of the Downed Skills turns into Shadow Walk, letting you move freely for some seconds, while receiving no damage

Minor Master
Hard to Catch Moved from Major Master, Merged with Endless Stamina

Guarded Initiation Gain Protection and Resistance, if you use a Weapon Skill, that costs more than 5 Initiative. While you have Protection, cost all your Skills that cost 3-4 Initiative 1 Initiative lesser

Swindler’s Equilibrium Added Daggers also to the Effect with the Effect beign more Effective, if you wield two Daggers. Merged with Bewildering Ambush from Trickery

Don’t Stop Move from Major Grandmaster

Minor Grandmaster
Assassin’s Reward Moved from Major Grandmaster. Merged with Upper HandEffect changed. You gain now Health, whenever you regain an Initiative.
You gain now for every 3 used Initiative Poits Might. So a 6 Ini Skill will give you directly 2 Might Stacks for 20s. Every Heartseeker would be 1 Might Stack.

Flourish Death Blossom deals now 100% more Damage and removes now Boons, while Heartseeker can be used now with a Line of Sight Function and deals now Damage to all foes in that Line of Sight

Tormenting Bullets Unload receives now the Effect also of Death Blossom, letting you perform a spiraling Dodge Move (Devil May Cry lets greet), while you unload at the same time your Pistols, dealing with Unload now also some Extra Bleedings or Torment, while the Distance of Shadow Strike will get increased to 900 and deals now increased Torment and Stealths you now also, if you hit a Target, that has already Torment.

Swift Blades Increases Damage of Sword Skills by 5%, Flanking Strike refills now your Endurance, while Pistol Whip will have no increased Hits from 9 to 12, lets you Gain Quickness after it for 2s and Stuns now for a full second.

Side Notes: Acrobatics should be alot more about changing, how certain Thief Skills functionize, thats why I made the 3 Major Grandmasters to Traits, that greatly affect the Gameplay of the Thief by changing, how certain Skills work. Especially to do somethign against P/P’s weakness of havign no other way to mitigate damage, other than through Blindness, giving Unload more Style through the Combo with Death Blossom, while making with that also a nice reference to DMC.
You know, this kind of Move: – 7:41 Rainstorm

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Changes that I’d make #5

What Acrobatics Traits
Type Traits
Why Because the last Patch totally destroyed this whole Traitline!!*

Minor Adept
Feline Grace Moved from Minor master. Gain Swiftness upon dodging an Attack and regain 33% of your used up Endurance back instantly.
Gain Vigor on Dodge,if that Dodge empties your Endurance.
Movement Skills like Heartseeker, Infiltrators Strike or Disabling Shot work now as Stun Breakers

Fleet Shadow Removed, or practically merged with Elusive Thief

Pain Response Rework the Effect to give for 5s Resistance and Protection and if those Boons end, they remove then Conditions, if some are there still

Expedious Dodger Increases the Duration of your Dodge Durations from Skills and Dodge Rolls by 1 second. Gain Retaliation after a successful Dodge.

Vigous Recovery Gain Vigor on Heal Skill usage.
Increases your Healing Power based on 10% of your Power and gain Regeneration.
The Shadow Step of the Downed Skills turns into Shadow Walk, letting you move freely for some seconds, while receiving no damage

Minor Master
Hard to Catch Moved from Major Master, Merged with Endless Stamina

Guarded Initiation Gain Protection and Resistance, if you use a Weapon Skill, that costs more than 5 Initiative. While you have Protection, cost all your Skills that cost 3-4 Initiative 1 Initiative lesser

Swindler’s Equilibrium Added Daggers also to the Effect with the Effect beign more Effective, if you wield two Daggers. Merged with Bewildering Ambush from Trickery

Don’t Stop Move from Major Grandmaster

Minor Grandmaster
Assassin’s Reward Moved from Major Grandmaster. Merged with Upper HandEffect changed. You gain now Health, whenever you regain an Initiative.
You gain now for every 3 used Initiative Poits Might. So a 6 Ini Skill will give you directly 2 Might Stacks for 20s. Every Heartseeker would be 1 Might Stack.

Flourish Death Blossom deals now 100% more Damage and removes now Boons, while Heartseeker can be used now with a Line of Sight Function and deals now Damage to all foes in that Line of Sight

Tormenting Bullets Unload receives now the Effect also of Death Blossom, letting you perform a spiraling Dodge Move (Devil May Cry lets greet), while you unload at the same time your Pistols, dealing with Unload now also some Extra Bleedings or Torment, while the Distance of Shadow Strike will get increased to 900 and deals now increased Torment and Stealths you now also, if you hit a Target, that has already Torment.

Swift Blades Increases Damage of Sword Skills by 5%, Flanking Strike refills now your Endurance, while Pistol Whip will have no increased Hits from 9 to 12, lets you Gain Quickness after it for 2s and Stuns now for a full second.

Side Notes: Acrobatics should be alot more about changing, how certain Thief Skills functionize, thats why I made the 3 Major Grandmasters to Traits, that greatly affect the Gameplay of the Thief by changing, how certain Skills work. Especially to do somethign against P/P’s weakness of havign no other way to mitigate damage, other than through Blindness, giving Unload more Style through the Combo with Death Blossom, while making with that also a nice reference to DMC.
You know, this kind of Move: – 7:41 Rainstorm

Wayyy out of line for thief and no need to make our movement skills break stun. Also retaliation is a terrible boon for thief, we should not want to be hit.

I like the idea of merging some traits to give us better alternatives, but there is no need to send us to god send mode based on 1 trait line. Just because anet like’s to wac-a-mole doesn’t mean we should.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


I wish they would change the Signet of Malice to on attack passive heals instead of on hit passive heals. Elementalist has on spell use (basically skill use) heals. Not only does it heal for almost twice as much, signet of malice includes instant casts, attunement swap spells, etc. This is vastly superior passive healing compared to the thief signet and the thief already lacks sustain. Let there be no favoritism. Buff Signet of Malice please.

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

What: Pistol 3
Suggestion: Speed up unload, like longbow 2 on rangers, to make it feel like you are rapidly firing. Reduce initiative cost by 1.
Why: Pistols need it AND how the heck do we lose a power fight? Aren’t Thieves supposed to be the uncontested victors of 1 on 1 no utility power fights?

What: Dagger auto combo
Suggestion: Speed it up or boost damage.
Why: Same as pistols.

What:Sword 3 combo
Suggestion: Unblockable/evade. Boon steal is blockable.
Why: Its backwards. If not reversing which one is blockable and which one isn’t, at least swap the initiative costs.

What: Revealed Training
Suggestion: Reduce revealed duration by 1 second. 200 power is nothing. It has uses in the combo (CnD→Steal→Backstab→HSHSHSHSHSHSHS) but thats it.
Why: Read above.

What: Thief base power/precision/ferocity
Suggestion: Raise them.
Why: Read pistol/dagger entry.

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


And I dont agree with you NinjEd… with Movement Skills being able to Stun Break (other classes have this already, so why not also the Thief, the Thief should be the most mobile unstoppable , uncatchable class, and no other..
Giving them the ability to Stun Break with Movdement Skills sounds not just only logical, but it would improve also the Build Diversity for the Thief, making Thief builds not only independant from Utility Skills with Stun Breaks, so that you don’t have to waste anymore your Utilities , if you could use with enough Initiative instead just a Movement Skill to end a Stun, like those annoying stun fields eles like to spam in WvW.

It would give you also the Build Diversity to use different Utilties that don’t stun break for the cost, that you need to take Acrobatics with you then instead, if you want to have still Stun Breaks, what is a good deal for it and makes Acrobatics again a strong and useful Traitline, after it has been destroyed by ANet with the last patch.

You personally may think that retaliation is bad, but there are situations, where you can’t mitigate always damage, where you will get hit and Retaliation is just a little passive side damage source then towards your favor… how one can be against anything, that increases the favor for you of winning, is not understandable for me, regardless how big the change is..its a boon, that makes it especially for fast hitting enemies a bit harder to defeat you, without eating damage too.

Its time that thiefs receive finally some serious changes… they already lost otherwise the permanent powercreep race of the 3 light classes, which are currently together insanely overpowered.. if you search for god mode, go look at Mesmer, Elementalist and Necromancer current Condi Builds…

have to agree with Zelulose: Signet of Malice needs a Buff, the passive Heals should be around 150 or so, they should be around 250 and activatign the signed should give all conditions on you to nearby enemies, because the active effect is cureently so super weak, that theres basicalyl never a sense in using the active effect, at the permanent passive heal is way too important to stay alive, unless it could be used to get instantly rid of all your conditions to give them back to your foe, with that you would have then a weapon against this insane torment/confusion spam from mesmers to counter that so that they can eat their own op condion spam

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Originally by: TheSwede.9512

What: General thief changes

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

(edited by Zero Day.2594)

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Originally by: Maugetarr.6823

What: Rebalance Ideas for Thief

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
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Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Originally by: [Teef]

What: [Teef][SoT] Specs and Traits (Part 1)

What: [Teef][SoT] Utilities, Elites and Weapons (Part 2)

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
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Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Kocoff.7582


/cast Righteous Bump

Blackgate Server [RLR]
Thief – Raiden Hayabusa
Thief – Gouki Kurokawa

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Nemaides.6873


I guess this has probably been already suggested, but I can’t find any related post, so here it is :

what : Shadow Refuge Revealed

brief : Shadow refuge pulse stealth stack every seconds. Only problem is, going out of the area instantly apply revealed. I get that other class need to have the option to bump out of the shadow refuge, but there’s no reason why someone going out of the refuge area on purpose should get revealed.

suggestion : Shadow refuge shouldn’t apply revealed when leaving the area deliberately, but only when kicked out of it. That way, thief would have a bit more usefulleness in wvw group fights, allowing shadow refuge to act as mesmer’s veils

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Originally by:

What: Thief Adjustments to the CORE

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
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Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


My change wish list: adjust other classes so they have same risk/reward/opportunity costs correlation as thieves do. Other classes just excel too much in many areas just with one build where we are not threat to anyone right now.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

What: New Trait – Assassin’s Aura
Description: Grant Assassin’s Aura to nearby foes. Attacks deal damage to foes with Assassin’s Aura as if their armor is equal to zero (doesn’t affect damage reductions from buffs). ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

What: New Trait – Assassin’s Aura
Description: Grant Assassin’s Aura to nearby foes. Attacks deal damage to foes with Assassin’s Aura as if their armor is equal to zero (doesn’t affect damage reductions from buffs).

That’s just a tad-bit too strong to be considered a real change…

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
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Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

What: New Trait – Assassin’s Aura
Description: Grant Assassin’s Aura to nearby foes. Attacks deal damage to foes with Assassin’s Aura as if their armor is equal to zero (doesn’t affect damage reductions from buffs).

That’s just a tad-bit too strong to be considered a real change…

Nah, if you think about it, once the enemy gets the aura, then they know that the Thief is nearby and can react appropriately. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


What: New Trait – Assassin’s Aura
Description: Grant Assassin’s Aura to nearby foes. Attacks deal damage to foes with Assassin’s Aura as if their armor is equal to zero (doesn’t affect damage reductions from buffs).

Did you mean toughness and not armor ? I think with the damage formula we’d end up with a divide by zero problem with this.

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

What: New Trait – Assassin’s Aura
Description: Grant Assassin’s Aura to nearby foes. Attacks deal damage to foes with Assassin’s Aura as if their armor is equal to zero (doesn’t affect damage reductions from buffs).

Did you mean toughness and not armor ? I think with the damage formula we’d end up with a divide by zero problem with this.

Ok, I guess a bit of explanation is needed. Basically the damage from Thief to a foe with the aura will be considered as either Condition Damage or as Falling Damage — which both damage ignores armor — hmm I probably should have used “ignore armor” instead. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Originally by: Ohoni.6057

What: Fixing Thief/DD

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
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Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Kocoff.7582


Originally by: PopeUrban.2578
What: A reasonable alternative to Reveal

Blackgate Server [RLR]
Thief – Raiden Hayabusa
Thief – Gouki Kurokawa

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

What: Remove Reveal from Thief Skills
Reason: With the increase in revealing/anti-stealth skills, there is no longer a valid reason for Thief to reveal themselves after an attack (i.e. Backstab) or getting knocked out of stealth (i.e Shadow Refuge). If the development team will continue to go on this direction (giving anti-stealth to non-Thief profession), then this should warrant the removal of self-revealing skills and if other professions want to counter stealth from Thief, then they should bring these anti-stealth with them. It is not fair nor balanced that Thief has self-reveal skill while other professions have anti-stealth skills. It’s a bunch of B.S. (balogna sandwiches). ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Originally by: ronpierce.2760

What: Thief Suggestions… From a Non-Thief

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
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Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Amante.8109


Originally by: ronpierce.2760

What: Thief Suggestions… From a Non-Thief

Seconded. There’s some solid ideas in there.

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Originally by: ronpierce.2760

What: Thief Suggestions… From a Non-Thief

Seconded. There’s some solid ideas in there.

It’s a bit funny, if you think back, non-thief players would come and QQ and would populate the Nerf Wish List…

Now one of them actually made it to the Change Wish List. It’s like hell froze over or something.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
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Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Originally by: ronpierce.2760

What: Thief Suggestions… From a Non-Thief

Seconded. There’s some solid ideas in there.

It’s a bit funny, if you think back, non-thief players would come and QQ and would populate the Nerf Wish List…

Now one of them actually made it to the Change Wish List. It’s like hell froze over or something.

I try to be fair. What I didn’t like about the Nerf Wishlist thread was that it promoted toxic seizure of other people’s threads. This is a much better thread in terms of being useful.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Originally by: ronpierce.2760

What: Thief Suggestions… From a Non-Thief

Seconded. There’s some solid ideas in there.

It’s a bit funny, if you think back, non-thief players would come and QQ and would populate the Nerf Wish List…

Now one of them actually made it to the Change Wish List. It’s like hell froze over or something.

I try to be fair. What I didn’t like about the Nerf Wishlist thread was that it promoted toxic seizure of other people’s threads. This is a much better thread in terms of being useful.

And that’s the major distinction between this thread and it’s counterpart.

The Nerf Wish List was never meant to be taken seriously, just like those QQ posts that it linked back to. If you read any of them, you can just smell the but hurt cries because they got outplayed/beat/caught off guard or simply or not willing to bring their skills up but would rather complain to get it “fixed”.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
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Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Originally by: Orpheal.8263

What: If it would be your Job to Redesign the Thief

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
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Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Originally by: Raiden.1375

What: Total Thief Rebalance

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
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Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Originally by: Orpheal.8263

What: Thief V2.0

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
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Change Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Originally by: Lonami.2987

What: How would you redesign the thief?

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
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