D/D Outnumbered WvW Roaming Build

D/D Outnumbered WvW Roaming Build

in Thief

Posted by: reinforever.8902


Being a die hard fan of the classic D/D, I refuse to adapt to this D/P playstyle. I’ve been working on a build since I returned to the game after the major changes to all classes. I’m not saying this is the end all be all D/D build to revitalize the spec in terms of viability, but this works for me personally and I find I can still hit hard as hell and play almost like I used to be able to.


So for starters it’s got 21.4k hp without wvw buffs so you can afford to take some hits, considering the insane burst meta going on right now we just can’t afford to be walking around full zerker anymore, so I’ve replaced everything with valkyrie or zerker/valk. We sit at 24% crit chance which is pretty low, but we take hidden killer to bring our crits up to 100% out of stealth. This works with D/D because of our main source of dmg being backstabs.

I take runes of speed for the extra vitality and for the 25% movespeed bonus. As a D/D you need to be able to move to get your cnd’s and I prefer a constant 25% at least. On the other hand we do take Totc so if you prefer pack runes they are still viable with this build, just not my personal preference.

236% crit dmg is pretty standard, we have ferocity in everything we can get it (besides runes) but I think this is a decent amount to keep us going.

2522 power, not as high as some other builds but again, it will get us by.

On to the traits, I take crit strikes, trickery, and shadow arts because this is the best possible combination for and outnumbered build. I don’t take DA because I can’t bring myself to part ways with any of these lines and I don’t feel my damage is lacking too much without executioner.

I take the signet recharge trait so I can’ do more CnD Inf signet combos, I also take the Steal recharge trait for this reason as well (plus daze as a bonus).

I take the regen on stealth instead of stealth on steal because it would break the CnD/steal combo which would hurt dps, plus it gives me a little extra sustain.

Here’s the big one, I take shadow rejuve over blind on stealth (oooooof). The reason being, I find being able to regen is much more important then blinding one of the attacks. Once you get good at dodging upon entering stealth you can learn to mitigate the dmg that blind once did for you, plus we get a nifty minor trait that reduces the dmg we receive in stealth. If you find you just can’t live without blind on stealth you can swap it and replace the food with mango pie to try to make up for the lost regen.

The rest of the traits are no brainers but in case someone was wonderingTotc for buffs, boon rips for counterplay, condi cleanse in stealth because we will die without it, and extra ferocity based on precision for the extra ferocity we can squeeze out.

On to utility skills,
I take blinding powder instead of shadow refuge because I want instant stealth that I can’t be knocked out of. I’ve found the shadow refuge gets me killed more often than not, but you can swap this if you find you can’t live without SR.

I take withdraw because instant heal and evade, more health regained over time, and because I feel like I already have enough stealth. If you prefer hide in shadows cause you’re a stealth fiend go for it.

Infiltrators strike is very important as we get 5 stacks of might on it’s pop, and we can use it to combo cnd from afar.

And the elite you swap out as you see fit, Basi for quick burst, so on and so forth.

If I didn’t clarify anything enough please ask your questions, and if you have suggestions please submit them!

(edited by reinforever.8902)

D/D Outnumbered WvW Roaming Build

in Thief

Posted by: reinforever.8902


One thing I forgot to ask for a little bit of insight on is the second tier in trickery. There is another trait I could go for that reduces recharge on tricks and cures condi on tricks. This is good for withdraw, as it lowers the cooldown and clears a condi on use (on top of the immobilize, cripple, and chill clear). Do you guys think this would be decent to take over the boon rip? I feel like it’s situational. In a party the boon rip would probably be more beneficial as it shares with the party, but for solo roaming I feel like the extra condi clear and heal cdr is useful.

D/D Outnumbered WvW Roaming Build

in Thief

Posted by: Jana.6831


The build looks solid – I’d say the best you can make right now for a non one shot D/D thief. Don’t know too much about the runes though as I haven’t tried them myself.

Keep the trickery line as you have it as the only trick you use is withdraw. I use Flanking Strikes, Trickster and Sleight of Hand on most of my thieves² as haste is nice and also counts as a trick but your build sacrifices critical chance for vitality and trill of the crime might help you with that. For some reason I found that 111 seems to be the best way to kill opponents lately which is kind of sad, but oh well.

²But I also use Daggerstorm on all of them and Roll for Initative in zerg fights, so I have a lot of tricks.

D/D Outnumbered WvW Roaming Build

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


I dont get why you ppl keep posting same builds over and over again. Gues what ? Wheel is already invented. You all are reinventing same old x/30/30/x/x build over and over again just now with less diversity. Shadowarts and crit strikes with hidden killer while focusing in power, crit damage and extra vitality in expense of precision.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

D/D Outnumbered WvW Roaming Build

in Thief

Posted by: Jana.6831


I dont get why you ppl keep posting same builds over and over again. Gues what ? Wheel is already invented. You all are reinventing same old x/30/30/x/x build over and over again just now with less diversity. Shadowarts and crit strikes with hidden killer while focusing in power, crit damage and extra vitality in expense of precision.

So? What would you rather have? Tons of “Thief isn’t viable anymore” threads? Or a dead forum? And the traits aren’t quite the same as they have been.

D/D Outnumbered WvW Roaming Build

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


I dont get why you ppl keep posting same builds over and over again. Gues what ? Wheel is already invented. You all are reinventing same old x/30/30/x/x build over and over again just now with less diversity. Shadowarts and crit strikes with hidden killer while focusing in power, crit damage and extra vitality in expense of precision.

So? What would you rather have? Tons of “Thief isn’t viable anymore” threads? Or a dead forum? And the traits aren’t quite the same as they have been.

Im pretty sure that anyone who was running x/30/30/x/x d/d backstab build back in time and if they decided to stay with it they pretty much figured that 3d line should be trickery (I know I did) and the traits… well there are only so much of them and even less viable ones, so in the end everyone ends up running +- same build.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

D/D Outnumbered WvW Roaming Build

in Thief

Posted by: reinforever.8902


I dont get why you ppl keep posting same builds over and over again. Gues what ? Wheel is already invented. You all are reinventing same old x/30/30/x/x build over and over again just now with less diversity. Shadowarts and crit strikes with hidden killer while focusing in power, crit damage and extra vitality in expense of precision.

Whoa, sorry didn’t mean to step all over your toes. Some people frequent the forums still in search for different variations of builds hoping something would pop up that works for them (myself included), so I figured I would give it a shot and post something. But it’s not the same build as everything else out there at the same time. I also pretty clearly stated that I was trying to go for a viable counterpart build to the one I had before patch and this is what I came up with. But thanks for the free bump I guess.

The build looks solid – I’d say the best you can make right now for a non one shot D/D thief. Don’t know too much about the runes though as I haven’t tried them myself.

Keep the trickery line as you have it as the only trick you use is withdraw. I use Flanking Strikes, Trickster and Sleight of Hand on most of my thieves² as haste is nice and also counts as a trick but your build sacrifices critical chance for vitality and trill of the crime might help you with that. For some reason I found that 111 seems to be the best way to kill opponents lately which is kind of sad, but oh well.

²But I also use Daggerstorm on all of them and Roll for Initative in zerg fights, so I have a lot of tricks.

Thanks for the response jana! I figured as much for the boon rip part, I gave it a shot last night during reset and it had it’s pro’s and cons but I think i’m going to stay with boon rip for massive might stacking classes. Try those runes out for sure though, to me it’s much more worth it to get the extra vitality and save a utility slot for something besides 25% move speed.

D/D Outnumbered WvW Roaming Build

in Thief

Posted by: Russian Bear.7310

Russian Bear.7310

has anyone tried rune of rage? idk how much more damage the 5% bonus gives, but just a thought