Dagger Storm (suggestion!)
it wouldnt be bad in tpvp if it had a lower cd. if you stand in a smoke field its great for spamming blinds. 8 sec is too long for a duration you cancel it early every time anyway.
3 days back they finally fixed it so it can be caneled by stowing wep or dodging but its still on the weak side
6k+ PvP games
Make it 4s long and half the CD for a start.
Daggerstorm is hot garbage, especially in SPvP. When an elite gets outclassed by a stolen skill bundle, you know it’s REALLY bad.
Cooldown too long, channels for too long, does too little damage for a skill that channels for that long, damage only remotely good if you’re whirling in fields (your own of which will expire long before the skill does), requires you to be in “murder me” range as the squishiest profession in the game to use in SPvP… do I really need to go on?
true, low single target dmg, worse than AAs. However its doing OK dmg(not high but has other effects) if it has multiple targets to bounce between. Whirling in fields doesnt rly change dmg output because the combos are so weak that they are negligible except for blinding bolts and cleansing bolts
Many whirl and projectile finishers should be made a lot stronger… 1 vulnerability doesnt compare to 1 blind…
also since burning has lower dmg/stack but skill cause multiple stacks these combos should be changed to apply 2 stacks of burn or poison at least(seems they forgot about them just like about ranger pets)
6k+ PvP games
(edited by Kicker.8203)
So because whirling wrath does more damage, dagger storm should be buffed? This is what you’re implying, right?
Whirling wrath can be used twice on a ~20 s cooldown depending on the situation), Dagger Storm is an Elite on a 72 s cooldown that is basically a “come snuff me out” button. Only in comparison to the rest of the awful thief-elites, it looks ok-ish.
I was going to suggest doing an entangle/rampage as one buff and knock it down to 60seconds but 72 isn’t that bad really.
short cd venom
medium cd daggerstorm
long cd thieves guild
I’m not sure every elite in game needs to be taken down to 60sec recharge. Although that would be quite interesting ;-)
Dagger storm is perfectly fine at what it’s supposed to do. It grants projectile reflect, a buttload of whirl finishers, procs a massive number of hits for signet of malice against groups of foes, and is a massive sustain buff when using SoM.
It is intended for use on a large number of targets at range, so it’s less useful in small fights, just like BV is less useful in large fights.
If anything is just needs either more stability stacks or a shorter CD, but the basic function of the skill is fine as it is. It also might be a good idea to give it back its old cancel ability, allowing the stability portion to keep running even if you dodge out of the spin.
It’s an excellent counter versus range, and it’s weak to melee, but it is not in any way a bad elite functionally. like any skill you have to use it when it’s situationally appropriate. Would you use heartseeker on a full HP target, or headshot on someone not using any skills, or the new elite in PvE?
You shouldn’t expect every skill to be good in every situation. Daggerstorm is a great skill in the situations it is designed for and might just need a little tweak to its stability or cooldown.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
(edited by PopeUrban.2578)
I second the pope – I like the skill as it is, even though it can be suicidal at times – please don’t change it.