Disappointed with many upcoming thief changes

Disappointed with many upcoming thief changes

in Thief

Posted by: Jesiah.2457


Loool … they didn’t just nerf acro, they destroyed it. :l

And by that I mean along with global vigor nerfs, feline grace will no longer instantly restore endurance, it just gives you vigor on evading an attack with an ICD.

What really sealed the deal and screwed acro though is the minor GM trait, no more 10% damage bonus while endurance is not full. It is now just 50% increased effectiveness from vigor, which won’t even equal our current patch vigor rates once the changes roll in.

So yeah, huge nerfs to acro overall. \o/

Also they made Guarded Initiation trash tier (instead of good like it was going to be) by making it remove vulnerability weakness and slow when striking a target while you are above 90% health. Now, considering how squishy we are and our low tier health pool, if we have vulnerability and or weakness on us, probably slow as well, do you think we’re going to be at 90% or higher health?

Hahahaha … hahahahaaaaaaaa … hum … sad days. At least Don’t Stop seems good, but that’s really about it, and we still have pain response but it’s now adept tier meaning no power of inertia and no vigorous recovery, not that we can dodge spam anymore anyways, so it’s not really worth taking, so it’s really a no brainer now.

(edited by Jesiah.2457)

Disappointed with many upcoming thief changes

in Thief

Posted by: Jesiah.2457


So like I was saying, I knew I was disappointed before patch hit but after playing in game, DT and PP are absolutely laughable jokes. There is no reason to take either of them, whether it’s separately, in combination, or even both in combination of a runeset, they net to nothing more than a total damage loss and no real use whatsoever.

Compared to how amazingly powerful and easy mode burst thieves are now, yeah … those traits are meaningless garbage, end of story.

Also yay, they broke hidden thief even more than they already did. Thanks Anet, thank you, for sucking at what you do and never being able to provide clear or concise information that even you idiots are aware of. <3