Dragon hunter traps instakill thieves?
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It is funny get caught in the traps on a thief. It happened to me for the first time, I dodged into the trap cluster, but the elite cancelled my dodge and I got wtpwned. Once, I understood his playstyle, I countered and was literally spawn camping the DH. I don’t think this needs much looking into, but time will tell.
I was invited to walk into the traps of a DH in WvW (they sent me a party invite and asked if I’d be so kind).
I did the honours and received 26k of damage. Unfort a rebuild was issued before I could go back and try out dodging through (not met these before yet, so new to me) and a duel to see how it went
It was as tiny bit of an “oooo” moment though. I’d heard the stories, but until seeing it…
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