Ghost Thief kills warrior (UPDATED 10/6)

Ghost Thief kills warrior (UPDATED 10/6)

in Thief

Posted by: bliss.4305


Fair enough, I’ve not played Ghost in like, a weeks or so. Been having fun with other builds and my Ranger

I actually defended you guys – I know it’s a troll build and that the runes (or thief) will be nerfed because of it but most people just saw THIEF AAARGH NERRF!!

I just see it as smart use of mechanics. Lots of people complain that it’s OP, but look at some other builds out there; they can be just as bad.

I see a trap nerf coming if Ghost Thief starts to become a thing. They’ll make the trap popping reveal you by giving it a base damage. I can say that I’ve somewhat “helped” Ghost Thief gain popularity through streaming but it’s been around for a while. I’m also trying my best not to stream it as much. I get A LOT of rage whispers of people reporting me for hacking. I’m afraid I might get falsely banned because anet has a habit of listening to the loudest voices.

That’s just low and ignorant of them. You’re just doing what’s intended and you’re supposed to do: play to the strengths of your class to optimize your advantage. What they don’t understand is that thief actually needs the stealth to balance out a low base HP and no AoE bursts like rangers, warriors, and elementalists get.

I don’t agree with what both of you are saying at all. There’s adapting to class strengths and then there’s straight off playing something that’s broken. I’m a 3 year thief main and I would never even come close to playing that trapper condi build, simply because it stoops my level low and enforces nerf calls from people who don’t know whats happening.

I blame this build as one of the main reasons we’re getting reveal mechanics introduced more and more. If you wan’t to be viable as a stealth thief, stop using gimmicky, disgusting builds and promote QQ over stealth-counterplay.

For shame, to anyone stooping this low as a thief. Hope they do something about either trapper runes, or condi application not breaking stealth.

What a shame.