New Weapon - thief specialize

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

… kittened up slaughter-machines …

That’s exactly what I want to be! But a black and white evil jester/clown costume isn’t in game. and scythes are staffs… And well, not enough blood effects…

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Tanith.5264


No one’s suggested mace yet? Something with a nice long stun?

Tanith Fencewalker, Tanni Mindbender, Thyra Wrathbringer, Lovecraft Thrall
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: CobOfCorn.6352


Katars. or Fist Weapons. or an Ice Pick

Because they will definitely add brand new weapons to the game just for us, right?


New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Butch.4957


After watching the revenant and how kitten cool it looks, I will be making one, I reakon we should get either offhand sword, focus or a staff, that has cool kitten like displacement and all that.

post some ideas

In the trailer they have shown a Thief with a Rifle. So there you have it.

The interesting thing about that Rifle is that it has a knife attached to it. They could have picked any other normal Rifle, but they didn’t. Perhapes it’s a hint that the Rifle will be a melee weapon.

Dude, there is no garuntee that was a thief with a rifle. Remember that all medium armor classes have the same armor. It looks the same on just about everyone (Charr and Asura excluded). The trailer was not showing what each class would have, just a teaser at some of the things available with HoT.

You must have missed it. They have showned 9 Character in the trailer, one for each proffesion.
Engineer was showned with the Hammer.
Ranger was shown with the Staff.
The third Leather wearing character was shown with the Rifle = Thief.

Then the Devs confirmed on the forums that Each class will only get 1 new weapon. So Thief = Rifle.

So, did they show elementalist with their new weapon? Did they specify which heavy armor character was guardian or warrior and of them show one using a different weapon? As far as I saw, no. Just because we saw engi (fairly obvious I grant) and confirmed ranger, does not mean the other leather armor character was thief. I am sorry, but I will refuse to believe that was a thief with rifle untill dev’s tell us so in writing. Besides, the rifle just does not fit with the core design concepts of the character. The longbow would be a much better fit and if that were announced, I could happily get behind that. Yet everyone thinks we will be getting a LOUD, NON-STEALTHY rifle. In the main page for the thief on the wiki it says,
“Experts at stealth and surprise, thieves can move through the shadows, vanish into thin air, or steal items from their opponents and use them as weapons. Thieves practice an agile, acrobatic fighting style, which can make them very hard to hit.”

That just does not sound like a rifle to me.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


After watching the revenant and how kitten cool it looks, I will be making one, I reakon we should get either offhand sword, focus or a staff, that has cool kitten like displacement and all that.

post some ideas

In the trailer they have shown a Thief with a Rifle. So there you have it.

The interesting thing about that Rifle is that it has a knife attached to it. They could have picked any other normal Rifle, but they didn’t. Perhapes it’s a hint that the Rifle will be a melee weapon.

Dude, there is no garuntee that was a thief with a rifle. Remember that all medium armor classes have the same armor. It looks the same on just about everyone (Charr and Asura excluded). The trailer was not showing what each class would have, just a teaser at some of the things available with HoT.

You must have missed it. They have showned 9 Character in the trailer, one for each proffesion.
Engineer was showned with the Hammer.
Ranger was shown with the Staff.
The third Leather wearing character was shown with the Rifle = Thief.

Then the Devs confirmed on the forums that Each class will only get 1 new weapon. So Thief = Rifle.

So, did they show elementalist with their new weapon? Did they specify which heavy armor character was guardian or warrior and of them show one using a different weapon? As far as I saw, no. Just because we saw engi (fairly obvious I grant) and confirmed ranger, does not mean the other leather armor character was thief. I am sorry, but I will refuse to believe that was a thief with rifle untill dev’s tell us so in writing. Besides, the rifle just does not fit with the core design concepts of the character. The longbow would be a much better fit and if that were announced, I could happily get behind that. Yet everyone thinks we will be getting a LOUD, NON-STEALTHY rifle. In the main page for the thief on the wiki it says,
“Experts at stealth and surprise, thieves can move through the shadows, vanish into thin air, or steal items from their opponents and use them as weapons. Thieves practice an agile, acrobatic fighting style, which can make them very hard to hit.”

That just does not sound like a rifle to me.

….. but pistols fit?

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Butch.4957


After watching the revenant and how kitten cool it looks, I will be making one, I reakon we should get either offhand sword, focus or a staff, that has cool kitten like displacement and all that.

post some ideas

In the trailer they have shown a Thief with a Rifle. So there you have it.

The interesting thing about that Rifle is that it has a knife attached to it. They could have picked any other normal Rifle, but they didn’t. Perhapes it’s a hint that the Rifle will be a melee weapon.

Dude, there is no garuntee that was a thief with a rifle. Remember that all medium armor classes have the same armor. It looks the same on just about everyone (Charr and Asura excluded). The trailer was not showing what each class would have, just a teaser at some of the things available with HoT.

You must have missed it. They have showned 9 Character in the trailer, one for each proffesion.
Engineer was showned with the Hammer.
Ranger was shown with the Staff.
The third Leather wearing character was shown with the Rifle = Thief.

Then the Devs confirmed on the forums that Each class will only get 1 new weapon. So Thief = Rifle.

So, did they show elementalist with their new weapon? Did they specify which heavy armor character was guardian or warrior and of them show one using a different weapon? As far as I saw, no. Just because we saw engi (fairly obvious I grant) and confirmed ranger, does not mean the other leather armor character was thief. I am sorry, but I will refuse to believe that was a thief with rifle untill dev’s tell us so in writing. Besides, the rifle just does not fit with the core design concepts of the character. The longbow would be a much better fit and if that were announced, I could happily get behind that. Yet everyone thinks we will be getting a LOUD, NON-STEALTHY rifle. In the main page for the thief on the wiki it says,
“Experts at stealth and surprise, thieves can move through the shadows, vanish into thin air, or steal items from their opponents and use them as weapons. Thieves practice an agile, acrobatic fighting style, which can make them very hard to hit.”

That just does not sound like a rifle to me.

….. but pistols fit?

no, they do not fit either but they are a lesser evil than a rifle. I rarely use a pistol myself (this part is my own opinion here, no need for flame wars) and almost exclusively for dungeons or fractals. I primarily use D/D & SB because I personally do not like the idea of the pistols on the Rogue type character of GW2. Also, if you take real world physics into example, a pistol is generally a small caliber weapon that is meant for quick movement when wielding. A rifle on the other hand is at it’s most effective when sitting still so that you can brace it and have good accuracy.

I have practiced with both before (military brat) so I have a little bit of experience with this topic.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Kikidori.5916


Been thinking of what a thief could move on to in a typical specialization. And I was thinking.. BARD. If we go by the Dragon Age view of a bard, it is basically an assassin who poses as a muscial mastermind(Which they are) while assasinating their target through poison, seduction or just plain stabbing.

So what weapon? I believe they should get a Focus (Mainly do the legendary Harp theme) and their main focus is giving the rest of the party buffs. Like Vigor and Fury mainly. Also have a “Harp weapon kit” which is a long range, music weapon. That does strong auto attack and other support theme utilites in form of drums and other instrument and would work similar to Spirits of the Ranger but give like a small buff(Like the turrets if traited on a Engineer)

But the F1-F4 could be even more fun. You could have 3 instruments. Trumpet of War, Drums of War and Harp of Harmony. Which are generally Trumpet = Power boosts, Drums = Vigor, Harp = Healing and then you can combo them together andthen use F4 to clear the finish. So sort of like building up clones as a mesmer then shatter them with your F4 ability, but instead of having 4 different shatters. You just have 1 Shatter that you can combo into several different things.

The Desolation of Great Jungle Wurm!

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


After watching the revenant and how kitten cool it looks, I will be making one, I reakon we should get either offhand sword, focus or a staff, that has cool kitten like displacement and all that.

post some ideas

In the trailer they have shown a Thief with a Rifle. So there you have it.

The interesting thing about that Rifle is that it has a knife attached to it. They could have picked any other normal Rifle, but they didn’t. Perhapes it’s a hint that the Rifle will be a melee weapon.

Dude, there is no garuntee that was a thief with a rifle. Remember that all medium armor classes have the same armor. It looks the same on just about everyone (Charr and Asura excluded). The trailer was not showing what each class would have, just a teaser at some of the things available with HoT.

You must have missed it. They have showned 9 Character in the trailer, one for each proffesion.
Engineer was showned with the Hammer.
Ranger was shown with the Staff.
The third Leather wearing character was shown with the Rifle = Thief.

Then the Devs confirmed on the forums that Each class will only get 1 new weapon. So Thief = Rifle.

So, did they show elementalist with their new weapon? Did they specify which heavy armor character was guardian or warrior and of them show one using a different weapon? As far as I saw, no. Just because we saw engi (fairly obvious I grant) and confirmed ranger, does not mean the other leather armor character was thief. I am sorry, but I will refuse to believe that was a thief with rifle untill dev’s tell us so in writing. Besides, the rifle just does not fit with the core design concepts of the character. The longbow would be a much better fit and if that were announced, I could happily get behind that. Yet everyone thinks we will be getting a LOUD, NON-STEALTHY rifle. In the main page for the thief on the wiki it says,
“Experts at stealth and surprise, thieves can move through the shadows, vanish into thin air, or steal items from their opponents and use them as weapons. Thieves practice an agile, acrobatic fighting style, which can make them very hard to hit.”

That just does not sound like a rifle to me.

….. but pistols fit?

no, they do not fit either but they are a lesser evil than a rifle. I rarely use a pistol myself (this part is my own opinion here, no need for flame wars) and almost exclusively for dungeons or fractals. I primarily use D/D & SB because I personally do not like the idea of the pistols on the Rogue type character of GW2. Also, if you take real world physics into example, a pistol is generally a small caliber weapon that is meant for quick movement when wielding. A rifle on the other hand is at it’s most effective when sitting still so that you can brace it and have good accuracy.

I have practiced with both before (military brat) so I have a little bit of experience with this topic.

A lot of people fail to realize how unwieldy, loud, difficult to use, slow, and generally cumbersome rifles are, especially with ones that resemble those in GW2. Last I knew, most cutthroats and pickpockets prefer light and quiet weapons, or ones that don’t even kill people at all.

The thief doesn’t need a bunker/nuke sniper setup anyways since that’s what Killshot rifle war is already for.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Risen.1360


Been thinking of what a thief could move on to in a typical specialization. And I was thinking.. BARD. If we go by the Dragon Age view of a bard, it is basically an assassin who poses as a muscial mastermind(Which they are) while assasinating their target through poison, seduction or just plain stabbing.

So what weapon? I believe they should get a Focus (Mainly do the legendary Harp theme) and their main focus is giving the rest of the party buffs. Like Vigor and Fury mainly. Also have a “Harp weapon kit” which is a long range, music weapon. That does strong auto attack and other support theme utilites in form of drums and other instrument and would work similar to Spirits of the Ranger but give like a small buff(Like the turrets if traited on a Engineer)

But the F1-F4 could be even more fun. You could have 3 instruments. Trumpet of War, Drums of War and Harp of Harmony. Which are generally Trumpet = Power boosts, Drums = Vigor, Harp = Healing and then you can combo them together andthen use F4 to clear the finish. So sort of like building up clones as a mesmer then shatter them with your F4 ability, but instead of having 4 different shatters. You just have 1 Shatter that you can combo into several different things.

Thieves already possess the use of initiative, which gives an advantage over other classes’ cool-down weapon skills, they also possess a steal (which bare in mind does not only provide you with an extra skill) but also a teleport. To add 3 more skills (F2, F3, F4) to that would be buffing thieves to an extent unlikely by Anet.

About the focus, thieves are related to dark arts, shadows, stealing, back-stabs, trickery, etc. They care about their own means and their own survivability. Although it would be quite satisfying to give allies boons on my main just how a warrior or a guardian can, I never and will never expect that from the Thief class. The only sharing a thief does is through the traited boons-on-steal and venom-sharing. A thief that buffs allies seems very unlikely and does not quite fit with the lore of Guild Wars 2 so far, imo.

I personally would love a rifle, with weapon skills to imitate a sniper rifle. Sniper rifles, although a heavy weapon, are silent and deadly. I think Thieves fit the description of ‘silent and deadly’ too. I’d expect a 800-1000 range on most of the rifle skills. The auto attack dealing moderate damage (850-1200), a cc (possibly a knockback) or immobilize, a shoot-and-stealth skill similar to the ranger’s, aoe poison or blind is an option as well.

Longbow seems unnecessary, we already have a short bow.
Offhand sword, yes please for obvious death blossom reasons.
Greatsword, too bulky I believe. Lots of people have compared a greatsword to a Katana while it really isn’t. Ya greatswords are two handed huge kitten swords, so are Katanas but they serve different purposes and are used through completely different fighting techniques in which I don’t see a thief slashing at their foe with a two handed Twilight.
Axe, oh I’d love to see that. Double handed axe, like a warrior would be terrific. I can already see the crits on my screen
Mace, hammer, horn, seem too loud and heavy.
Staff is mostly used with magic which thieves don’t portray, I can’t think of skills for a melee staff either.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Shinobi.3240


I want a Staff!
Monkey King specialisation.
Would fit the Maguuma jungle
theme extremly well.


Shinobi Sicarius [ Thief / Lvl: 80 / PvP Rank: 250+]
[5/8 Champion Titles – Legendary Division] [19k+ AP]
[BEER – Dungeon Riders – Desolation]

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: uglydan.1638


Isn’t one trait line being replaced reflecting the new weapon line addition? Getting rifle would likely mean the removal of SA.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


oke new weapons, i dont really need one i still like my d/d s/d and s/p setups.
But if they give us more weapons,
then i want a staff as melee that will fit thiefs
No kittened greatsword…
Just a staff would be nice, melee and not mutch stealth use.
And if they add new weapon types, eeh then i want eeh katana’s 2 handed but not so overpowerd big as greatswords..

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


Great sword fits thief better than staff but I’ll take either.

I played Daoc 2h shadowblade. Was fun.

I’d also take offhand axe. Sword/axe. No clue what styles to suggest but it’s raw dps not condi…

Just another noob thief…

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Melee rifle ftw!!

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


I personally would love a rifle, with weapon skills to imitate a sniper rifle. Sniper rifles, although a heavy weapon, are silent and deadly. I think Thieves fit the description of ‘silent and deadly’ too. I’d expect a 800-1000 range on most of the rifle skills. The auto attack dealing moderate damage (850-1200), a cc (possibly a knockback) or immobilize, a shoot-and-stealth skill similar to the ranger’s, aoe poison or blind is an option as well.

Ever shoot a .50 cal?

Without high-end ear protection, you will not hear for around 12-15 hours because they are so loud. Silent or even remotely quiet “sniper” rifles by concept are made up by the media; most “sniper rifles” seen in this light are just low-caliber hunting rifles.

This is why they’re so un-fitting to thieves. The weapons make quite literally no sense whatsoever for them to have, seeing as their use at such long ranges would also inhibit any kind of stealing/burglary.

(edited by DeceiverX.8361)

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: MrForz.1953


Ever shoot a .50 cal?

Without high-end ear protection, you will not hear for around 12-15 hours because they are so loud. Silent or even remotely quiet sniper rifles by concept are made up by the media.

This is why they’re so un-fitting to thieves. The weapons make quite literally no sense whatsoever for them to have, seeing as their use at such long ranges would also inhibit any kind of stealing/burglary.

This, this, this this this. A thief remains a thief, with a gameplay roughly close to a thief, not a hunter killer armed to the teeth to the point that the only difference compared to a warrior will be the use (and perhaps the abuse) of stealth. All that belongs to a Warrior, sadly, it’s important to know that they can be more than barbarians or melee footsoldiers.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


Great sword fits thief better than staff but I’ll take either.

I played Daoc 2h shadowblade. Was fun.

I’d also take offhand axe. Sword/axe. No clue what styles to suggest but it’s raw dps not condi…

PA with a huge kitten 2H axe was fun, I want that in GW2 too.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

There’s a rumor floating around on reddit that we will be getting a torch/focus.

The thing that scares me the most is:

“When asked what profession’s specialization a developer was most excited for his initial response was Thief (he mains warrior and is still excited for warrior)”

I REALLY hope it’s not a torch/focus.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

(edited by Zero Day.2594)

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: godofcows.2451


unarmed combat plz

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


I personally would love a rifle, with weapon skills to imitate a sniper rifle. Sniper rifles, although a heavy weapon, are silent and deadly. I think Thieves fit the description of ‘silent and deadly’ too. I’d expect a 800-1000 range on most of the rifle skills. The auto attack dealing moderate damage (850-1200), a cc (possibly a knockback) or immobilize, a shoot-and-stealth skill similar to the ranger’s, aoe poison or blind is an option as well.

Ever shoot a .50 cal?

Without high-end ear protection, you will not hear for around 12-15 hours because they are so loud. Silent or even remotely quiet “sniper” rifles by concept are made up by the media; most “sniper rifles” seen in this light are just low-caliber hunting rifles.

This is why they’re so un-fitting to thieves. The weapons make quite literally no sense whatsoever for them to have, seeing as their use at such long ranges would also inhibit any kind of stealing/burglary.

I don’t know how we got from a sniper rifle to a .50 cal. I mean, we could certainly go with something a little lighter like a .308 or a 30-06. Also, in this game, nothing is really that far away. Nearest I can tell is that the ranges for everything are in centimeters because melee range is 130 which would be a little less than half your armspan + about midway on the weapon you’re using(armspan being 175ish for a male, so 87.5 + 100cm for an averaged hitbox). That would make 1200 range just about 12 meters. I think a person who is trained in it could fire from a standing/walking position and hit a person. Crit chance takes into account that they might wing the person or hit them center of mass.

Anyway, just my thoughts on it.

PS: This response was partly for butch also who I failed to respond to earlier about moving versus sitting.

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

(edited by Maugetarr.6823)

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


Melee rifle ftw!!

I quote the quote!

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


There’s a rumor floating around on reddit that we will be getting a torch/focus.

The thing that scares me the most is:

“When asked what profession’s specialization a developer was most excited for his initial response was Thief (he mains warrior and is still excited for warrior)”

I REALLY hope it’s not a torch/focus.

I’ve heard a rumor that Thief is getting dual-wield hammers. Of course my source isn’t as reliable as THE REDDIT.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


I personally would love a rifle, with weapon skills to imitate a sniper rifle. Sniper rifles, although a heavy weapon, are silent and deadly. I think Thieves fit the description of ‘silent and deadly’ too. I’d expect a 800-1000 range on most of the rifle skills. The auto attack dealing moderate damage (850-1200), a cc (possibly a knockback) or immobilize, a shoot-and-stealth skill similar to the ranger’s, aoe poison or blind is an option as well.

Ever shoot a .50 cal?

Without high-end ear protection, you will not hear for around 12-15 hours because they are so loud. Silent or even remotely quiet “sniper” rifles by concept are made up by the media; most “sniper rifles” seen in this light are just low-caliber hunting rifles.

This is why they’re so un-fitting to thieves. The weapons make quite literally no sense whatsoever for them to have, seeing as their use at such long ranges would also inhibit any kind of stealing/burglary.

A flintlock pistol is pretty loud too. It really doesn’t matter.

If you want a “lore” explanation that much, remember that Thieves use Denial magic, which serves to manipulate time and space, so making things silent or invisible is totally possible for them.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

There’s a rumor floating around on reddit that we will be getting a torch/focus.

The thing that scares me the most is:

“When asked what profession’s specialization a developer was most excited for his initial response was Thief (he mains warrior and is still excited for warrior)”

I REALLY hope it’s not a torch/focus.

I’ve heard a rumor that Thief is getting dual-wield hammers. Of course my source isn’t as reliable as THE REDDIT.

True, rumors are rumors after all.

Still, dev’s being excited about the thief’s specialization really worries me (and pair with that rumor…). I hope they’re not excited for something equivalent of fixing the gap between exotics and legendaries (by implementing ascended) on the thief – for me that was really “exciting”, so much so I stopped playing slowly. They’re actually fixing the gap now though with the crafting, but yeah that happened so long ago that it’s silly of me to still be bitter about it.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Doggie.3184


There’s a rumor floating around on reddit that we will be getting a torch/focus.

The thing that scares me the most is:

“When asked what profession’s specialization a developer was most excited for his initial response was Thief (he mains warrior and is still excited for warrior)”

I REALLY hope it’s not a torch/focus.

If Thief got mainhand Torch I would cream so hard. ;x Arsonist FTW

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

There’s a rumor floating around on reddit that we will be getting a torch/focus.

The thing that scares me the most is:

“When asked what profession’s specialization a developer was most excited for his initial response was Thief (he mains warrior and is still excited for warrior)”

I REALLY hope it’s not a torch/focus.

If Thief got mainhand Torch I would cream so hard. ;x Arsonist FTW

Actually I didn’t think about that… if we can constantly set stuff on fire, it might not be so bad…

Then again I would rather set things on fire with a great sword or a rifle.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: MrForz.1953


What’s the deal with greatswords?

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


What’s the deal with greatswords?

I wanna be Cloud!

But seriously, fast paced acrobatic “swordsmaster” type would be pretty cool in my book.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Doggie.3184


There’s a rumor floating around on reddit that we will be getting a torch/focus.

The thing that scares me the most is:

“When asked what profession’s specialization a developer was most excited for his initial response was Thief (he mains warrior and is still excited for warrior)”

I REALLY hope it’s not a torch/focus.

If Thief got mainhand Torch I would cream so hard. ;x Arsonist FTW

Actually I didn’t think about that… if we can constantly set stuff on fire, it might not be so bad…

Then again I would rather set things on fire with a great sword or a rifle.

Not to mention how insanely sexy dual wielding Rodgort/Incinerator would be. They could even give it an aoe stealth attack since we don’t already have one of those, unless you count ricochet. :P

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

What’s the deal with greatswords?

I wanna be Cloud!

But seriously, fast paced acrobatic “swordsmaster” type would be pretty cool in my book.

Or you know… Sephiroth with two wings!

but yeah that acrobatic “swordsmaster” type is what I’m kind of hoping for – less to no reliance on stealth and still being able to go toe-to-toe. Yeah S/X does kind of gives that… but…

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: MrForz.1953


Well, not to be a jerk or anything, but… Warrior, you know. :/

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Well, not to be a jerk or anything, but… Warrior, you know. :/

Yeah, I know… And I do have a warrior and a guard…

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Melee rifle ftw!!

I quote the quote!

Support it man,GS are too large and heavy for whatever samurai some want and necro are getting it. Support the melee rifle it will create a shadow spike from the rifle and will act like a lance rifle like Warlord in Lost Ark. I think someone pointed out the rifle had a knife to it…

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Melee rifle ftw!!

I quote the quote!

Support it man,GS are too large and heavy for whatever samurai some want and necro are getting it. Support the melee rifle it will create a shadow spike from the rifle and will act like a lance rifle like Warlord in Lost Ark. I think someone pointed out the rifle had a knife to it…

A bayonet?

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in Thief

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Melee rifle ftw!!

I quote the quote!

Support it man,GS are too large and heavy for whatever samurai some want and necro are getting it. Support the melee rifle it will create a shadow spike from the rifle and will act like a lance rifle like Warlord in Lost Ark. I think someone pointed out the rifle had a knife to it…

A bayonet?

Kind of, it was old thread scrutinizing the trailer and I made the connection, might just be graphic/skin but the tough of melee rifle is sweet.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Melee rifle ftw!!

I quote the quote!

Support it man,GS are too large and heavy for whatever samurai some want and necro are getting it. Support the melee rifle it will create a shadow spike from the rifle and will act like a lance rifle like Warlord in Lost Ark. I think someone pointed out the rifle had a knife to it…

A bayonet?

Kind of, it was old thread scrutinizing the trailer and I made the connection, might just be graphic/skin but the tough of melee rifle is sweet.

That reminds me…

We could be getting the… “Commando” as our spec name (rifle as a weapon). Wouldn’t that be funny. And possibly reveal the spec on April fools day as a joke on a joke… “Haha you thought we were kidding again? Well we’re not!”

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New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: pepper.6179


Melee rifle ftw!!

I quote the quote!

quoting the quoted quote


New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Earth Scraper.5317

Earth Scraper.5317

Greatsword. I know it’s horribly overused, but GS+dual pistols+Red coat = Dante from DMC.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Rin.1046


I too would love to have greatsword, just because of the katana skin! I’d also be happy with sword offhand.

Not keen on rifle myself, mainly because I prefer melee combat over ranged most of the time. That said, it would be good to have a long (1200) range weapon. Now if they made the rifle a hybrid ranged and melee weapon, and gave us bladed rifle skins, I would be very happy with this

While mace could work as a kind of club/cosh type weapon, I am not keen (aesthetically) on blunt weapons, with the exception of a melee staff.

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092



(Message Body length must at least be 15)

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: kash.9213


unarmed combat plz

I really would like an unarmed option, it wouldn’t even require a weapon skin. A rifle is ridiculous and would be a real wasted opportunity for an expansion when unarmed combat would make sense and be really fun if they did the skills and animations right. I suppose there would be the issue of showing off cosmetics so they could make an item that sits in the weapon slot and adds some effects or cosmetic changes to the hand, arm, gloves, whatever.


New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594


(Message Body length must at least be 15)

1 Hand crossbows. So we can dual-wield.
And of course they shoot lightnig-fire shurikens instead of the typical bolts.

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(edited by Zero Day.2594)

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Turk.5460



(Message Body length must at least be 15)

1 Hand crossbows. So we can dual-wield.
And of course they shoot lightnig-fire shurikens instead of the typical bolts.

That explode into jellybeans and marshmallows on impact.

-Fort Aspenwood- [UNIV] [TLC] [ShW]
-Sorrow’s Furnace-

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594


(Message Body length must at least be 15)

1 Hand crossbows. So we can dual-wield.
And of course they shoot lightnig-fire shurikens instead of the typical bolts.

That explode into jellybeans and marshmallows on impact.

And the flight of the shuriken has a rainbow trail. And the shot sounds like a unicorn roar. OMG I THINK WE MADE A LEGENDARY ONE HANDED CROSSBOW.


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New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

It would appear that thieves are getting scepters (in that video, the weapon the medium armor character is using is a scepter by the way, not a focus or torch). Could be wrong though.

(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

It would appear that thieves are getting scepters (in that video, the weapon the medium armor character is using is a scepter by the way, not a focus or torch). Could be wrong though.

It’s been rumored.

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New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


A scepter? How could that fit in? What kind of thief-skills could go with it? AoE stealth? Shadowsteps? Debuff or (more) boon stealing?

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Fenda.1398


That character does not wear medium armor, and does not have a blurred dodge, so it cannot be a thief. Rifle seems to be the most likely, based on the trailer – but what remains to be seen is gameplay footage. Engi, Ranger and Mesmer had their obvious debut in the trailer. Guardian has been seen with a Longbow in the recent gameplay footage from the EGX Rezzed, and Necromancers have been confirmed to carry greatswords into the fray. This leaves us with Warrior, Thief and Elementalist. I was hoping some eagle eye would spot a real thief in the footages, but up to now we don´t have a clue :S