No speed boon for thieves?

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Grinder.1358


Whilst playing my thief I was disappointed that there was no skill that increases your swiftness. As many people know this type of skill is EXTREMELY useful, especially for jumping puzzles and WvW. Sure there is the option of having every time you dodge you gain swiftness, but its just not the same and it makes no sense that the thief doesn’t have a skill that increases speed because I view the thief as the speedy, very agile class and without a speed boost I feel at a large disadvantage. Thoughts?

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Iove.3902


If you want Swiftness use Infiltrator’s Signet, it’s about the same, and JPs were not designed with Swiftness in mind anyway.

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Asomal.6453


When I picked my thief on the betas, I thought at first glance, that Haste would buff my speed for 4 seconds. Now, that would be really interesting for today, insofar as our “punishment” for using it, is greater than Frenzy and Zephir’s. Don’t get me wrong, 50% more damage and not being able to heal is a big deal, but that’s for the mean time you are using it. While Haste burns our endurance and it takes some time to fully recover it.

Now, about the speed, I think the same as RTL would be great, since they want the thief to be more mobile (hence the last SOTG).

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


the one on steal isn’t too bad and can be triggered without a target, though does mean blowing your cooldown and of course if you have autotarget on you can and will teleport into things that will kill you (for example flaming boulders in volcanic fractal count as mobs for steal auto target and will teleport you into instant death)

But we lack lots of boon support really.

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Phoenixfudge.5290


I think Singet of Shadows is enough of a speed boost. Works great in the JP if you ask me.

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Are you new to thief? You really don’t understand just how speedy thieves are…

Thrill of the crime – 10 points into trickery. Gain fury, might, !!!swiftness!!! when you steal (regardless if you have a target or not).

Fleet shadow – move 50% (that’s faster than swiftness) while invis.

Assassin’s retreat – gain swiftness every time you kill something

And then there’s the signet and healing/stealing gives vigor so added dodges (esp with dodging gives swift). There’s also sbow 5 for free shadowsteps, a shadowstep on steal, the skill shadowstep and roll for initiative for that massive distance mover (takes practice to use it as a gap closer) which gives you more initiative for more shadowsteps.

With all of these things you should NEVER be left wanting for mobility or swiftness

Also with the stealing giving boons traits, you give everyone around you fury, might, swift, and vigor for 10s. It’s pretty kitten strong.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: savints.6281


Are you new to thief? You really don’t understand just how speedy thieves are…

Thrill of the crime – 10 points into trickery. Gain fury, might, !!!swiftness!!! when you steal (regardless if you have a target or not).

Fleet shadow – move 50% (that’s faster than swiftness) while invis.

Assassin’s retreat – gain swiftness every time you kill something

And then there’s the signet and healing/stealing gives vigor so added dodges (esp with dodging gives swift). There’s also sbow 5 for free shadowsteps, a shadowstep on steal, the skill shadowstep and roll for initiative for that massive distance mover (takes practice to use it as a gap closer) which gives you more initiative for more shadowsteps.

With all of these things you should NEVER be left wanting for mobility or swiftness

Also with the stealing giving boons traits, you give everyone around you fury, might, swift, and vigor for 10s. It’s pretty kitten strong.

Though all of those are very good points, it does not still address the fact that indeed, thieves are out classed in mobility by elementalists, and how we go about getting swiftness is all pretty gimmicky, using up a valuable resource such as our endurance to gain a few seconds of swiftness is not all that great, I almost never use a dodge roll out side of battle as it’s so vital for fighting as a thief (looking at all this from a pvp perspective) using your steal just to gain some swiftness is also a pretty lame tactic, who want’s to wast a gap closer (if you’re a melee thief) just to move a little faster, again steal as gotten me many kills and also gotten me out of a many of deaths, just stealing to a near by mob or incoming invader puts a lot of distance and confusion as to where you went in those 1vx situations, and not every one traits for such.

Fleet shadow – does not actually make you move 50%, as the 130% movement cap, and with the new stealth changes this will be less useful.

Assassin’s retreat – is a completely useless trait in pvp, and in pve from my point of view, if this was a crit skill, that say gave you swifness for 10 seconds with a 30% proc chance and a 45 second cool down, that would be alright, or even better yet, do what that skill actually seems like it might be meant to do, replace last refuge with fleet shadow, when you hit 50% HP you gain swiftness for 10 seconds on a 45 second cool down, that would solve some QQ about LR and give you some needed movement in the heat of battle (though it does not really seem fit in the shadow arts line)

Lots of other classes have perma-swiftness, so why not the “most mobile class”? I mean they did give our signet to other classes, I am not saying that’s a bad thing but making other classes more mobile takes away from some of the mobility the thief should be having, just some thoughts.

Isles Of Janthir – Roaming Thief

(edited by savints.6281)

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Iove.3902


Outclassed it mobility by Elementalists? We are significantly faster. Though, they do posses great mobility as well. Remember, ANet is buffing out mobility even more!

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: savints.6281


Outclassed it mobility by Elementalists? We are significantly faster. Though, they do posses great mobility as well. Remember, ANet is buffing out mobility even more!

Have you ever tried to catch one of those buggers, if they want to gtfo, they are going to do it, and there’s nothing you can do to stop them, at least with the d/d all the boons in the world all the time for ever set up.

Isles Of Janthir – Roaming Thief

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Elementalists possess much greater mobility and greater CC.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


" I almost never use a doge roll out side of battle "

I use the dodge so often for swiftness that I now do it on my other characters even when running through Lion’s Arch, just out of habit.

Swiftness isn’t required for mobility. Shadow steps are far better if you can use them well.

(edited by Stooperdale.3560)

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


" I almost never use a doge roll out side of battle "

I use the dodge so often for swiftness that I now do it on my other characters even when running through Lion’s Arch, just out of habit.

Uhh… well out side of battle its fine, but if your in a fight and using dodge rolls just to gain swiftness instead of using them to avoid big damage then you probably arn’t a very healthy thief.

The problem is its all gimmicky, and hes right even if his spelling is bad. You never waste your bag-o-tricks for anything.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: savints.6281


" I almost never use a doge roll out side of battle "

I use the dodge so often for swiftness that I now do it on my other characters even when running through Lion’s Arch, just out of habit.

I do that as well, I mean if I am in wvw actually doing something that I may need my endurance for, I’m really trying to get out of the habit of dodge rolling for positioning or just because I can, and trying to watch for my opponents big hit moves or immobilize skills as these have very noticeable animations ie: the guardians hammer immo, this has greatly increased my 1v1 wins and also my 1vx as well, there’s nothing more satisfying then dodging an immo or big hit skill and putting it on cd for your opponent.

@Daecollo: Clearly a typo…

Isles Of Janthir – Roaming Thief

(edited by savints.6281)

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Iove.3902


Outclassed it mobility by Elementalists? We are significantly faster. Though, they do posses great mobility as well. Remember, ANet is buffing out mobility even more!

Have you ever tried to catch one of those buggers, if they want to gtfo, they are going to do it, and there’s nothing you can do to stop them, at least with the d/d all the boons in the world all the time for ever set up.

Yes I have, I know how to counter the class too. Shocker.

#ImmobilizeSwordTooStronk also much more easy to catch when they aren’t running FGS.

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Outclassed it mobility by Elementalists? We are significantly faster. Though, they do posses great mobility as well. Remember, ANet is buffing out mobility even more!

Have you ever tried to catch one of those buggers, if they want to gtfo, they are going to do it, and there’s nothing you can do to stop them, at least with the d/d all the boons in the world all the time for ever set up.

Yes I have, I know how to counter the class too. Shocker.

#ImmobilizeSwordTooStronk also much more easy to catch when they aren’t running FGS.

Cure a Condition when attuning to water, Cleansing Wave to cure a condition, and then roll for another cleansing wave, curing another condition, then switch to Lightning and RTL.

lol@trying to CC him, your helping him by making him heal for more.

Also, they can cure a condition every 10 seconds with a signet… (however, I believe signets suck compared to there own skills.)

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Iove.3902


I want to see an Ele who can attune to water every 1 second. The shortest CD for it is 10 or 9. Enough time to apply pressure to make the nervous.

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: savints.6281


I want to see an Ele who can attune to water every 1 second. The shortest CD for it is 10 or 9. Enough time to apply pressure to make the nervous.

The point here that eles are more mobile then thieves at the moment, the devs even addressed this themselves in the sotg.

Isles Of Janthir – Roaming Thief

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Thieves have mobility in ways that outclass swiftness, they don’t really need it when their gap closers and shadowsteps do it better. Plus having swiftness does not really mean mobility. Take engies for example, perma swiftness yet are a slow slow class.

No speed boon for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: savints.6281


Thieves have mobility in ways that outclass swiftness, they don’t really need it when their gap closers and shadowsteps do it better. Plus having swiftness does not really mean mobility. Take engies for example, perma swiftness yet are a slow slow class.

I thought someone was going to bring up engie, that is true, they do have access to perma swiftness, and still yet feel like a slow class, or rather look like it due to I have never actually played one, but I don’t think there class was meant to be mobile and moving around like that, most of the builds I see or fight or have lost to vs engie are the ones that focused on being less mobile and fighting around there turrets or holding there ground, which they excel at very much! (I have the hugest kittening hate for that net turret!)

Isles Of Janthir – Roaming Thief