Not so concerned
I still do a lot more damage than most other classes – even berserker warriors.
No. No, you do not.
Resident Thief
dream on man. the problem is wen you wake up and find that the shi kitten inking and you are in it.
Okay. So “a lot” is obviously an exaggeration. You know what I meant.
Okay. So “a lot” is obviously an exaggeration. You know what I meant.
Not even close…even before the nerf we can only outdps warriors situationally, and only against single targets. You’ll laugh at your own statement if there was a DPS meter implemented in the game.
Warrior’s most damaging rotation has not been nerfed since release. If you play warrior you know what it is.
I still do a lot more damage than most other classes – even berserker warriors.
No. No, you do not.
In WvW thieves are still single target DPS kings. Zerker warriors have massive wind ups and anyone that gets hit with hundred blades outside of a stun/immobilize is an idiot. Thieves can easily top 10k before they are even seen (steal/mug then BS) Followed by another 10k in a few seconds and then walk/run/teleport away with little fear of being killed.
Once we cross into all out DPS AoE classes reign but that hasn’t and probably won’t change any time soon.
We’re talking about PvE. You know, where mobs stand still and Warriors can easily cleave with the highest-damaging skill in the game every 6.5 seconds followed by an immensely powerful cleave with a built-in evade every 8 seconds.
My Thief hits like a wet noodle in comparison to my Warrior.
Resident Thief
(edited by Auesis.7301)
And I was talking about single-target fights. For AoE, of course a thief isn’t going to top any damage meters.
Honestly, I’ve noticed no effect whatsoever on normal gameplay. If this is affecting you so badly, you were leaning way too heavily on that stealth crutch.
Honestly, I’ve noticed no effect whatsoever on normal gameplay. If this is affecting you so badly, you were leaning way too heavily on that stealth crutch.
It’s not a crutch. It’s just C&D→ Backstab chain is the highest dps chain we have that can come remotely close to Warrior DPS. It’s raw numbers.
we actually have a fair bit of group utility, just not the sort that gets us invited into speed runs and single target DPS there are still better classes than us (warriors for instance)
We’re talking about PvE. You know, where mobs stand still and Warriors can easily cleave with the highest-damaging skill in the game every 6.5 seconds followed by an immensely powerful cleave with a built-in evade every 8 seconds.
My Thief hits like a wet noodle in comparison to my Warrior.
Doesn’t matter. The thief has never been a pure DPS class as again that belongs to AoE builds. Single target the thief is still a top DPS class even in PvE. The class lacks group utility of other classes and cannot handle mobs as well, but single target… no problem.
you can paint it anyway you like a single thief is unable to take ANY bunker build profession down by itself so, what is the thief’s ONLY highlight? single target dmg?
We’re talking about PvE. You know, where mobs stand still and Warriors can easily cleave with the highest-damaging skill in the game every 6.5 seconds followed by an immensely powerful cleave with a built-in evade every 8 seconds.
My Thief hits like a wet noodle in comparison to my Warrior.
Doesn’t matter. The thief has never been a pure DPS class as again that belongs to AoE builds. Single target the thief is still a top DPS class even in PvE. The class lacks group utility of other classes and cannot handle mobs as well, but single target… no problem.
Formidable DPS only belongs to AoE builds? So why does Shortbow hit 3 targets on auto-attack, with a a 5-target explosive AoE on skill #2? Why does Sword cleave 3 targets? Why do we even have them if we’re not designed to use them?
Oh that’s great though, we have rather nice single-target DPS in exchange for pitiful armor/defences and health, while a certain other class gets to closely, if not directly match that single-target DPS in cleave with heavy armor and default HP at 18k+. Makes perfect sense.
Resident Thief
(edited by Auesis.7301)
We’re talking about PvE. You know, where mobs stand still and Warriors can easily cleave with the highest-damaging skill in the game every 6.5 seconds followed by an immensely powerful cleave with a built-in evade every 8 seconds.
My Thief hits like a wet noodle in comparison to my Warrior.
Doesn’t matter. The thief has never been a pure DPS class as again that belongs to AoE builds. Single target the thief is still a top DPS class even in PvE. The class lacks group utility of other classes and cannot handle mobs as well, but single target… no problem.
Yes, no problem at all, so as my guadian with good looking dmg on single target. Question is, why should I choose thief while guadian ,e.g., has amzaing survivibility, OR ANY class ?
Honestly, I’ve noticed no effect whatsoever on normal gameplay. If this is affecting you so badly, you were leaning way too heavily on that stealth crutch.
It’s not a crutch. It’s just C&D-> Backstab chain is the highest dps chain we have that can come remotely close to Warrior DPS. It’s raw numbers.
It’s not all about dps, we have way more CC options than warrior.
Hmmm, I spend most time blinding & shadowstepping, while farming badges with SB clusterbombing. Am I playing my Thief wrong?
I still do a lot more damage than most other classes – even berserker warriors.
No. No, you do not.
You have a mighty good bullkitten detector.
Hmmm, I spend most time blinding & shadowstepping, while farming badges with SB clusterbombing. Am I playing my Thief wrong?
you’re playing thief the ONLY way that is viable right now.
Until that gets taken away because no one should be able to shadow step that much
And I was talking about single-target fights. For AoE, of course a thief isn’t going to top any damage meters.
Warriors will still take your DPS, chew up nicely, and then spit it on your face as they turn their backs on you and walk away laughing hysterically.
Honestly it’s less about the damage for me so much as it is about how awkward our attack chain feels now. It synced up perfectly before. The class just feels less polished now.
Kage you shouldnt of said PvE.. .these warrior hero’s are unbelievable at beating mobs which move slower than a tree stump.
i agree with your op, i think after a day you will get use to a slightly differenet rotation and just be a little more mindful of the reveal debuff. no big issue
Honestly, I’ve noticed no effect whatsoever on normal gameplay. If this is affecting you so badly, you were leaning way too heavily on that stealth crutch.
It’s not a crutch. It’s just C&D-> Backstab chain is the highest dps chain we have that can come remotely close to Warrior DPS. It’s raw numbers.
It’s not all about dps, we have way more CC options than warrior.
Not really. Warrior’s Hammer alone has way more CC then most thieves can achieve. Throw in things like Stomp and Fear Me, on top of that. To compound it, Warriors also have blocks, block counters, invuls and stability.
Part-time Kittenposter
Thiefs feel so much more balanced in SPvP now.
You guys are as bad as warriors, pretty much kitten delusional.. look at this guy above here.. warrs have this and that and this.. Ya’ll need to roll a warr and there are very few viable builds for WvW or SPvP that deal with good players… and todays nerfs didn’t help. You guys got barely a slap on the hand, It was a fix more than anything… they got wrecked.
and I will tell you this.. No class has the obnoxious badge farming power of the SB ( well maybe necro ) so please, good thieves will keep devastating and the scrubs will keep QQing becuase they need broken skills to win.
You guys are as bad as warriors, pretty much kitten delusional.. look at this guy above here.. warrs have this and that and this.. Ya’ll need to roll a warr and there are very few viable builds for WvW or SPvP that deal with good players… and todays nerfs didn’t help. You guys got barely a slap on the hand, It was a fix more than anything… they got wrecked.
and I will tell you this.. No class has the obnoxious badge farming power of the SB ( well maybe necro ) so please, good thieves will keep devastating and the scrubs will keep QQing becuase they need broken skills to win.
This is true. I’m not worried about the thief nerf at all, granted I use D/P. Warriors got absolutely desetroyed this patch. 100b is gone. All the top sPvP warriors are leaving. Heck people need to look at all the forums sections, seriously. I don’t believe warrior players are delusional though. The nerf to bunkers will come soon enough though.
Warrior got absolutely destroyed this patch for sPvP. Thief? Not so much. Particularly for sPvP, where D/P is king, which was not touched. Yes, the quickness nerf hurts, but not nearly as badly as it does Warriors.
In the grand scheme of things this was a /D nerf, and really it just made the weapon a lot less polished and smooth. A 3s revealed was seamless; a 4s revealed might as well be a 5s revealed with how things synch up.
I’m mostly bothered by how lazy, shortsighted, and outright inept the changes have been. Totally random nerfs to non-issues that make the game less polished leave a really, really bad taste in my mouth.
Yes in the grand scheme of things.. i really feel for the warriors.. 1 sec to revealed is not as bad as what they got… i re-iterate.. they need to have a Public Test Realm so people can test and give them feedback.
I’m getting tired of people responding to clearly PvE-focused comments with a bunch of PvP-related nonsense.
shrug just depends on the audience. In PvE the dagger Thief just ate roughly a 15% DPS nerf. They were in the ballpark of a Warrior before (roughly 10% behind in DPS); now they’re closer to 25% behind. It was easily the most substantial nerf in the patch from a PvE standpoint.
Honestly, I’ve noticed no effect whatsoever on normal gameplay. If this is affecting you so badly, you were leaning way too heavily on that stealth crutch.
It’s not a crutch. It’s just C&D-> Backstab chain is the highest dps chain we have that can come remotely close to Warrior DPS. It’s raw numbers.
It’s not all about dps, we have way more CC options than warrior.
Not really. Warrior’s Hammer alone has way more CC then most thieves can achieve. Throw in things like Stomp and Fear Me, on top of that. To compound it, Warriors also have blocks, block counters, invuls and stability.
S/D venoms alone…. 2x applications of basilisk (long stun), Immobilize, Daze, Cripple, Boon Shear (unblockable btw), chill. Then there’s the weakness (way underrated) all coupled with near perma-uptime of stun break (shadow return from infil strike).
Everyone complains about a warrior having the highest dps, but what most of you fail to realize is how hilariously easy it is to avoid a warrior’s burst. GET OVER YOURSELVES. SERIOUSLY.
Fort Aspenwood