P/P is garbage

P/P is garbage

in Thief

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


I would not suggest changing Unload to a blast finisher if I hated stealth.

Stealth would still not be used as much in the set were it so simply because of overall ini costs but it would give some badly needed defenses.

Hitting anything with Unload would proc reveal, or if you completely missed, you spent 11 ini to stealth. That was that point. Blast finisher on Unload would be interesting, though unfitting, with all the other combo fields though. It would further incentivize only using Unload to blast fire or waste fields, while also giving upload two combo finishers, or would Unload not use bullets anymore?


P/P is garbage

in Thief

Posted by: Lamuness.3570


I think the main stigma against this weaponset is the lack of defenses and 333333333333333333 to victory. That being said, I like having 3 Thieves all hitting unload at the same time. It’s the same reason why I love using pistol on my Mesmer.

P/P is garbage

in Thief

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


I’ve actually met some thieves who prefer P/P as their ranged choice over SB because of the damage. It’s also funny how everyone talks about how weak and nub P/P is, even after getting facerolled by Unload.

I’m a scrub and I’ve never been killed by a P/P Thief. Although I’ve seen in played like twice in sPvP.