Power of Inertia with new Specs

Power of Inertia with new Specs

in Thief

Posted by: Sukrin.1280


Is anyone else sad to see this trait go away? I thought it was a pretty well placed trait and fit into the Acro style. I get great uses out of it with the food that gives 100% might on dodge roll, can normally keep 8 to 10 stacks of might almost all they time while roaming in WvW. Or am I the only one who takes the trait and enjoys it?

Power of Inertia with new Specs

in Thief

Posted by: nightblood.7910


Well it was really significant to the S/D build in PvP but now S/D will get all the damage it wants from DA, so I dont think people are sweating it too much because of the strength of DA.

Of all the complaints on this forum, damage doesnt seem to be the first thing people are concerned with.

Power of Inertia with new Specs

in Thief

Posted by: Sukrin.1280


Ya, I suppose so. Guess it’s just wishful thinking to keep an “interesting” trait around rather than get getting a much better trait. Fair enough.

Power of Inertia with new Specs

in Thief

Posted by: Ensign.2189


The damage loss from Fluid Strikes and Power of Inertia should be made up by the additional damage from Exposed Weakness and Executioner in the current set-up. It’s not a huge concern.

The loss of defense from the nerfs to the Acrobatics line are more of a concern. The new Hard to Catch has potential (though I’ve played enough Last Stand warrior to be skeptical), but the nuking of Feline Grace from orbit and the black hole of suck that is the grandmaster traits don’t inspire optimism.

Power of Inertia with new Specs

in Thief

Posted by: Impact.2780


Power of innertia would be useless with the change to feline grace. Power of innertia promotes dodging for might, and new feline grace is only vigor and endless stamina is far less endurance return than the current feline grace.

Acro will only be fun for swindler’s equilibrium, which is a nice trait but alone not worth investing into acro for. SA or CS will be the way to go, SA offering some team support on revives and longer stealth, and CS offering more damage, albeit less than we currently get from it because the straight up damage modifiers become critical damage modifiers and may not be tweaked to keep them the same effectiveness in terms of DPS increase.

It pains me to know I’ll be forced on to the panic strike wagon with S/D. I hate such traits, and would see them deleted from the game.

EU | Ímpáct / Impact Warlock / Impact Illusions

(edited by Impact.2780)

Power of Inertia with new Specs

in Thief

Posted by: Bran.7425


They could consider adding might onto the successful evade on feline grace.

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

Power of Inertia with new Specs

in Thief

Posted by: Nephrite.6954


They could consider adding might onto the successful evade on feline grace.

+1 This idea.

Power of Inertia with new Specs

in Thief

Posted by: Nihlus.9724


I’d suggest that they combine Power of Inertia and Expeditious Dodger, since they’re both “Gain X on dodge” abilities.

I’m kind of sad to see Power of Inertia go away as I use Runes of Strength on my PvE gear, and it was how I consistently kept Might up while solo.

Power of Inertia with new Specs

in Thief

Posted by: Sukrin.1280


I’d suggest that they combine Power of Inertia and Expeditious Dodger, since they’re both “Gain X on dodge” abilities.

I’m kind of sad to see Power of Inertia go away as I use Runes of Strength on my PvE gear, and it was how I consistently kept Might up while solo.

Funny enough, I am using strength runes on my wvw armor for this. Having those constant stacks of might up almost all the time is fun. It just complemented my fun with dodges as I saw dodging correctly in those small fights much more rewarding personally than just stealthing, backstab, and re-stealth. That was just a personal preference of course, as I personally hate using stealth.

I agree that Power of Inertia should be merged into Expeditious Dodger. It certainly does make sense to have those two together.