Rework Thief...

Rework Thief...

in Thief

Posted by: LezardValeth.9453


I keep running into thieves who never seem to run out of that bar(i don’t know what its called) so they spam their skills like its of no concern, while I’m stuck with cooldowns. That is a horrible advantage that should be taken out.

Rework Thief...

in Thief

Posted by: Bloodyx.5946


since my first post was deleted…. im going to try to respond in a more proper way i guess…

okay, the thief bar is called initiative. the ability to “spam” is a mechanic to support thief burst damage as their role. it is no atvantage. once a thief runs out of initative, they have almost no damage because they can only auto attack, and are forced to run or die. “thieves who never seem to run out of that bar (i don’t know what its called)” this makes it clear that you are not very familiar with this game. before calling it “a horrible advantage”, you should play all the classes and become quite familiar before judging an entire profession and calling on areanet to rework a profession.

(edited by Bloodyx.5946)

Rework Thief...

in Thief

Posted by: Trismegistos.3046


dude, a thief can spam about 3 abilities, then they’re left with no initiative,
auto-attacking for the next 10 seconds lol. so stop QQing.

Rework Thief...

in Thief

Posted by: Rukia.4802


Come on guys, obvious troll is obvious.

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