"Signet Thief" ... can anyone enlighten me?

"Signet Thief" ... can anyone enlighten me?

in Thief

Posted by: Shini.7542


The problem is that finishers are largely irrelevant, they aren’t quite as good as ANet intended them to be. You can ignore them

I would agree with the exception of blast finishers. They provide by far the best bonus of all those finishers. 1 ele or warrior (that sometimes switch to longbow – 5s weapswitch is great for it) or any other classes that got constant fire fields and there will be a lot of might stacks for everyone as long as they keep rather close to boss.

3x might for 20s (+extra time with +boon duration) @fire field
~1,5k heal @water field
10s weakness @poison field which can be done alone and even works great at champs/legendary bosses – means 25% dmg less (50% chance to do 50% dmg less on non crit and almost no mob can crit)

Prob is that most people don’t use those fields / don’t know about them and that an exploded cluster bomb (=better self heal) doesn’t count as finisher (at least it should count as 1 finisher).

edit: agree not aggro* stupid mistake xD

[IL] Shinis (Thief+Ranger)

(edited by Shini.7542)

"Signet Thief" ... can anyone enlighten me?

in Thief

Posted by: Rustypipes.6238


Some of the replies in this thread are exactly why I have yet to step foot inside of a dungeon. I have a 72 Necro and a 63 Thief (and two others in the mid 30s). If I wanted some elitist kitten telling me how to play my game I would go back to WoW.

Don’t get me wrong, I do know my classes, I do lots of reading on them and I kn ow what works where, but if I happen to have a trait that someone disagrees with I don’t want to listen to them try and tell me how to play and have a huge commotion in a video game where I am trying to enjoy myself.

I’ve done the elitist BS for many years in WoW, it got old there and it really has no place in GW2, especially if you are pugging.

"Signet Thief" ... can anyone enlighten me?

in Thief

Posted by: Jefzor.7145


Hah funny because I been kitting on path 2 CoF solo whit my thief up to 80% sometimes

I’d like to see this. Would be educational because I’ve never been able to last more than 10 seconds even with acro heavy build and using evade attacks like shortbow 3. They always land some burn inbetween attacks and it only seems to take a couple.

I’m not getting anywhere near the 0-80% results this guy describes. But I tend to turn off autotarget/promote target (so you can use disabling shot in any direction you want), change some traits (vigor on heal), slot evade as heal, roll for init as extra dodge. I hope this helps.