Stealth is Broken

Stealth is Broken

in Thief

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


Like in many other games, most players talk about other classes like they have all the traits at the same time, and they can use all skills at once.

“You can remove stuns without cooldowns” “You can stealth all the time” “You do lots of damage”

Thiefs can do all that… but not at the same time. They don’t have cooldowns, but they have a resource, so breaking stuns means they have no initiative to hurt you, and so on.

Right they just pop stealth, and while the person is running around like a monkey with a sledgehammer swinging wildly in the air, using their cooldowns, the thief holding back watching, regaining their resources, ready to strike again without consequence. Worst case scenario, they repeat process until threat is gone. Stop trying to defend a broken mechanic.

Are you serious? Read again what you wrote, I put it in bold.
If somebody is using their cooldowns on nothing, he deserves to lose. It has nothing to do with class, not even skill, it’s common sense.
If the thief is only visible 3 seconds, you have 3 seconds to burn all your cooldowns, and that will hurt. If you used them while he was stealthed…. but I guess you didn’t you must be trolling because it makes no sense

+1. As usual, bad player complains that if playing badly he gets beaten by thieves, therefore thieves must be broken. Doesn’t consider that it might be his fault for burning all his cooldowns on an enemy he can’t be sure he’s even hitting. The only cooldowns he should be using are on AoE which can’t help prevent the thief from getting close enough to backstab.

Every Thief claims the " counter" to stealth is to just AoE because you can still take damage while you are stealthed and yet you also claim that AoEing things you can’t see is wasting your CD.

Also the OP is completely right.
In WvW the rendering issue makes Stealth Broken.
It’s not the players fault that it is broken so you can’t blame them for taking advantage of it.
The profession should not get nerfed because of a situational game flaw.
But Thieves also cannot argue that the few extra seconds of rendering lag along with general lag in WvW makes ganking ppl alot easier and makes attempting to gank ppl alot less risky.

If you are trying so hard to defend the biggest noobified crutch build in the game than it is you that is the true bad player and you are scared to death your only option to get kills might possibly recieve some balance to make the risk equal the reward.

+1 to GW2 Rogues.

Stealth is Broken

in Thief

Posted by: Tulisin.6945


Every Thief claims the " counter" to stealth is to just AoE because you can still take damage while you are stealthed and yet you also claim that AoEing things you can’t see is wasting your CD.

The difference is that the former is bad advice and the latter is the truth. AE is a bad counter to stealth in most situations and “every thief” that claims that is what you should be doing to counter stealth it wrong. “Still taking damage while you are stealthed” has nothing to do with AE damage and everything to do with the fact that stealth doesn’t prevent damage and for the vast majority of GW2 skills there is no required target. The best use of AEs against stealth is to drop them on yourself as a deterrent, but they’re in ineffective use of resources if you actually want to pressure or kill a stealthed target.

Stealth is Broken

in Thief

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I can solo a Thief that means I’m better than your 12 people OP?
Or maybe I just L2P’d and learned to counter stealth very easily.

Stealth is Broken

in Thief

Posted by: Kilger.5490


I’m getting more and more discouraged by this everytime I log in and I can almost see my screen oozing with disgust everytime a theif shows up in wvwvw at how obviously broken this is. People wandering around confused as an invisible untouchable enemy just starts chewing them up with zero recourse. sPvP might be fine but the culling problem in WvWvW is game breaking. The class should be shut off for now, or a drastic change in wvwvw stealth mechanics.

AOEs dont work, tried. Cant tell what the thief is doing to avoid since hes well, invisible, but their mobility and dodging is best in game anyway. Cant cast, my sigil has a 3/4 sec cast time, they dont render long enough to get that off even trying 10 times in a row literally. And you know its futile since if you ever do get the upper hand they can always just disappear for good and come back later.

Getting ready to put this game on the shelf for a while.

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

Stealth is Broken

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Every Thief claims the " counter" to stealth is to just AoE because you can still take damage while you are stealthed and yet you also claim that AoEing things you can’t see is wasting your CD.

I’d think it is better to only use AoE against (preferably) multiple targets that have a ‘reason’ to not move out of the AoE quickly. Reasons could be being stunned or chilled or any other CC effect that grounds them there, or not wanting to be revealed when leaving SR.

Stealth is Broken

in Thief

Posted by: SallyStitches.4096


Dude its sooo easy to beat up a thief… Just cripple, imobilize, chill, put conditions on him, whatever, they dont have that much defense anyway

Yeah, until they remove all those conditions and stealth again….

Stealth is Broken

in Thief

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Good players time knock downs to destroy thieves. It just takes a couple well timed ones. Most can die from a single knockdown during their heal if outnumbered at all. It just takes one before it to eat the stun breaker.

Stealth is Broken

in Thief

Posted by: Xavori.3768


You’re getting off topic. This is about stealth being broken, which can only relate to thieves. Vigor and things of that nature should be left to the big boys that have to manage more than one thing at a time.

My stealth mesmer would like a word with you. And if you think stealth is bad with just culling, imagine it with culling and clone spam.

Hey I just met you – And this is crazy –
But here’s my body – So rez me maybe?

Stealth is Broken

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


You’re getting off topic. This is about stealth being broken, which can only relate to thieves.

It all ties together, can’t discuss stealth without discussing defence and offence.