Stop nerfing us

Stop nerfing us

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


hammer warrior attacks are super slow AND melee. take a distance caster CC player and yes its usually a game over scenario if more than 1 is around. not instant death but thief has basically slim to none survivability in a zerg fight bc of this and their MOST squishiness…..unless running high/full vitality they can hang around longer but not really help in the dmg department.

Stop nerfing us

in Thief

Posted by: Rukh.9287


In this thread there are people who think class balance is important to WvW. LOL

Stop nerfing us

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


it is. so buff thief so they can help…right now we only are used as blast finishers pre combat . lol

Stop nerfing us

in Thief

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


as a person that almost exclusively wvw’s I can say that the main problem people have with thieves is the constant stealthing. and when your stealthed nothing takes you out of it. being blocked,Missing,being Dodged…all of which should take you out of stealth.

then to top it off, you get down to half health, switch to bow..teleport out, stealth,heal and jump back in ..over and over.

if the above mentioned brought the thief out of stealth i think they would be fairly balanced.

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Stop nerfing us

in Thief

Posted by: Turbo Whale.1738

Turbo Whale.1738

In this thread there are people who think class balance is important to WvW. LOL

You do know that out of every PvP player in this game, most play WvW? Class balance is important in WvW. LOL

Stop nerfing us

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


In this thread there are people who think class balance is important to WvW. LOL

You do know that out of every PvP player in this game, most play WvW? Class balance is important in WvW. LOL

because class balance matters soooooooo much in 100 vs 100 fights. It’s even funnier that the people complaining are complaining because they can’t beat thief in 1v1 or that a zerg doesn’t notice an invisible thief that’s scouting

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Stop nerfing us

in Thief

Posted by: Rukh.9287


In this thread there are people who think class balance is important to WvW. LOL

You do know that out of every PvP player in this game, most play WvW? Class balance is important in WvW. LOL

Sure I do plenty of WvW, and the last thing I care about is that the enemy has a thief in the 30 other players they have with them. Even less if that thief does 10% more or less damage than me.

It is literally a meaningless argument you’re having.

Stop nerfing us

in Thief

Posted by: data.4093


How stupid thief forum frequenters are?

Please, tell me another profession which has a stunbreaker on no cooldown (Shadow Return).

It isn’t on no cooldown, you have to have shadow return ready. And swap works the exact same way on mesmer.

Tell me another profession which has the same access to no-casting-time teleports which save your kitten when you are under CC.

Mesmer and guardian both do.

Tell me another profession with the same access to stealth (you cannot be CCed when in stealth unless the CC is AoE and nobody wastes an AoE CC if they aren’t entirely sure they will hit the target).

Mesmers don’t stealth?

This whole thread got kinda weird. Regarding CC- no profession is going to get bogged down by 1 person casting CC, that would make CC broken. When a thief gets hit by a group casting CC, that’s usually it unless the thief acts quickly. It’s just that some of you seem to think CC should be the end of everything. “Yes I stunned him! Now I’ll just- HEY no fair!”

Stop nerfing us

in Thief

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Necromancers are actually the ultimate anti-melee class. A good necro will fk up a warrior, thief, guardian, mesmer. They can hold their own well against d/d eles as well.

Rangers and engis being a little bit more tougher.

Necro’s can beat a lot of classes and builds but the reason they aren’t being used in WvW for roaming is because usually you will just run into zergs. With no escape abilities, limited swiftness and stun breaks, being a roaming necro is just frustrating, I guess until you find a decent 1v1 and just totally demolish that one person.

Stealth is just such a cheesy mechanic in my opinion that lets you get away with a lot more than i think it should. Thieves IMO just have a higher ceiling in terms of how good somebody could be given all the mechanics they have. While a class like a warrior is fairly straight forward and dont really have the mechanics to truly reward them for excellent and skillful gameplay.

To me, Mesmers and Thieves top the list of the cheesiest builds. By cheesy I mean builds that require little to no skill and that can demolish most other builds with relatively no effort

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

Stop nerfing us

in Thief

Posted by: Youkay.5294


Funny story that happened to me in PvP

I fought against a warrior with two handed sword and long bow. He was so silly as to stand in my Black Powder. I just hit him with full rotation of auto attack until I popped HS, got invisible, back stabbed and repeated. When he dropped to 40%, I had still 12 initiative! I didn’t want to waste any time on this one, so I just hit him with 3 HS and he was dead.

His last words were: “stupid thieves, always spam HS, no skill in that”

now THAT was hilareous

Stop nerfing us

in Thief

Posted by: sorrow.2364


How stupid thief forum frequenters are?

Please, tell me another profession which has a stunbreaker on no cooldown (Shadow Return).

It isn’t on no cooldown, you have to have shadow return ready. And swap works the exact same way on mesmer.

Tell me another profession which has the same access to no-casting-time teleports which save your kitten when you are under CC.

Mesmer and guardian both do.

Tell me another profession with the same access to stealth (you cannot be CCed when in stealth unless the CC is AoE and nobody wastes an AoE CC if they aren’t entirely sure they will hit the target).

Mesmers don’t stealth?

This whole thread got kinda weird. Regarding CC- no profession is going to get bogged down by 1 person casting CC, that would make CC broken. When a thief gets hit by a group casting CC, that’s usually it unless the thief acts quickly. It’s just that some of you seem to think CC should be the end of everything. “Yes I stunned him! Now I’ll just- HEY no fair!”

You missed a part in both of the quotes. SAME ACCESS.
The fact that mesmers have 2, maybe 3 stealth skills or Guardians have maybe 2 teleports does not mean they can stealth and teleport as much as a Thief.

Regarding Shadow Return, you want to have it always up in order to be able to retreat and stunbreak when needed so, essentialy, it has no cooldown.
Use it to engage, keep it up while you’re fighting and, once it expires, use it again and keep it always up to save your kitten when needed. It isn’t had to have it always available.

Stop nerfing us

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


You missed a part in both of the quotes. SAME ACCESS.
The fact that mesmers have 2, maybe 3 stealth skills or Guardians have maybe 2 teleports does not mean they can stealth and teleport as much as a Thief.

Regarding Shadow Return, you want to have it always up in order to be able to retreat and stunbreak when needed so, essentialy, it has no cooldown.
Use it to engage, keep it up while you’re fighting and, once it expires, use it again and keep it always up to save your kitten when needed. It isn’t had to have it always available.

Lol, looks like you just want every class to be the same and have no diversity in this game then. We can do that too and sound just as silly.

Mesmers and guardians need nerf. They have too much access to aiges and invulnerability. Not to mention mesmer has higher hp and guard has better armor! Mesmers also get a TON of summons to dish out damage and confuse their enemies. Both get zounds of boons and share them with friends! This game won’t be balanced until thieves get the same supply of sustainable summons as mesmer, tankyness as guard, and boons of both!

Sorry to burst your bubble but that’s class diversity. Thieves have more stealth, mesmers have more clones and invuln, guards have more tank, support, and passive damage. Mes and guard have copious amounts of aiges and block while thieves have a healthy supply of evades. You’re hating on class diversity and it’s making you look like a troll.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Stop nerfing us

in Thief

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Lol, looks like you just want every class to be the same and have no diversity in this game then. We can do that too and sound just as silly.

Mesmers and guardians need nerf. They have too much access to aiges and invulnerability. Not to mention mesmer has higher hp and guard has better armor! Mesmers also get a TON of summons to dish out damage and confuse their enemies. Both get zounds of boons and share them with friends! This game won’t be balanced until thieves get the same supply of sustainable summons as mesmer, tankyness as guard, and boons of both!

Sorry to burst your bubble but that’s class diversity. Thieves have more stealth, mesmers have more clones and invuln, guards have more tank, support, and passive damage. Mes and guard have copious amounts of aiges and block while thieves have a healthy supply of evades. You’re hating on class diversity and it’s making you look like a troll.

I wonder why people jump into topics without reading the setting in such an aggressive way.

I repeat this another time, once for all.

All I said in this topic is answering to someone who said thieves are susceptible to CC, saying it was a lie.


Stop nerfing us

in Thief

Posted by: Serhend.6382


Thief is blatantly overpowered in WvW

Youre just a bad player if you cant handle thieves.

He is, obviously. He cries for nerf in mesmer thread too, we cannot stop it.

Mesmers and guardians need nerf. They have too much access to aiges and invulnerability. Not to mention mesmer has higher hp and guard has better armor! Mesmers also get a TON of summons to dish out damage and confuse their enemies. Both get zounds of boons and share them with friends! This game won’t be balanced until thieves get the same supply of sustainable summons as mesmer, tankyness as guard, and boons of both!

The classes are not EQUAL but they are fair enough most of the time.

In your QQer opinion we should nerf and buff everything until all classes become copy-paste same. Unbelievable, you leave your logic in another room before posting on forums?

(edited by Serhend.6382)

Stop nerfing us

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Mesmers and guardians need nerf. They have too much access to aiges and invulnerability. Not to mention mesmer has higher hp and guard has better armor! Mesmers also get a TON of summons to dish out damage and confuse their enemies. Both get zounds of boons and share them with friends! This game won’t be balanced until thieves get the same supply of sustainable summons as mesmer, tankyness as guard, and boons of both!

The classes are not EQUAL but they are fair enough most of the time.

In your QQer opinion we should nerf and buff everything until all classes become copy-paste same. Unbelievable, you leave your logic in another room before posting on forums?

OR maybe you could actually read my post and see where I was coming from when I posted that. If you did you`d see that you just repeated my point exactly but since you took my point out of context you made it sound like it was your idea all along. Do I have to do a “/sarcasm off” next time so you can better understand when I’m mocking an obviously terrible point? Notice the whole part just below my post that basically screams how dumb that example was. It was merely sorrow’s point but flipped onto the classes he was comparing thief against.

Sorry to burst your bubble but that’s class diversity. Thieves have more stealth, mesmers have more clones and invuln, guards have more tank, support, and passive damage. Mes and guard have copious amounts of aiges and block while thieves have a healthy supply of evades. You’re hating on class diversity and it’s making you look like a troll.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

(edited by randomfightfan.4091)

Stop nerfing us

in Thief

Posted by: Serhend.6382


OR maybe you could actually read my post and see where I was coming from when I posted that. If you did you`d see that you just repeated my point exactly but since you took my point out of context you made it sound like it was your idea all along. Do I have to do a “/sarcasm off” next time so you can better understand when I’m mocking an obviously terrible point? Notice the whole part just below my post that basically screams how dumb that example was. It was merely sorrow’s point but flipped onto the classes he was comparing thief against.

Yes, you should definitely use a sarcasm on and off function, because otherwise I cannot see if it is for real or if it is sarcasm, due to all the qqers ACTUALLY saying the things you are joking about. Unbelievable but yes, there are people who talk about nerfing guardian hp, mesmer, thief and everything. And Anet even listens to them, it is only normal that I am oversensitive about anything getting nerfed or even buffed, because this has no end.