Thief Steady Damage.

Thief Steady Damage.

in Thief

Posted by: Alice.8694


Sword Pistol
Tactical Strike: 32.
Ini cost: free.

Slice: 34, Slash: 34, Crippling Strike: 55.
Auto attack total: 123
Ini cost: free.

Pistol whip initial hit: 14, Pistol whip flurryx8: 16.
Pistol whip total: 142
Ini cost: 5.
Damager per ini: 28.4 + brief evasion and daze.

Dagger Dagger
Backstab: 103. (from behind)
Ini cost: free

Auto Attack
1st Double strike: 14, 2nd Double strike: 11, Wild strike: 35.
Total: 60
Ini cost: free

Above 50%: 41, Below 50%: 62, Below 25%: 83.
Ini cost: 3.
Damage per ini: 13.6, 20.6, 27.6.

Death Blossom.
Three hits, 12, 12 and 8.
Total: 32.
Ini cost: 5.
Damage per ini: 6.4 + Three stacks of bleeding.

Dancing Dagger: 20 per bounce.
Ini cost: 4
Damager per ini. 5 per bounce (4 bounces maximum)

Cloak and Dagger: 43.
Ini cost: 6
Damage per Ini: 7.1 + stealth and vunerable.

Dagger pistol
Shadow Shot: 52
Ini Cost: 4
Damage per ini: 13 + blind.

Sword dagger
Flanking Strike: 32, Flanking Stab: 64.
Total: 96.
Ini Cost: 4
Damage Per Ini: 24 + One boon removed.

Short bow
Trickshot: 25 once per bounce. (3 Bounces maximum)
Ini cost: free.

Cluster single explosion: 66
Cluster triple explosion: 23×3
Ini cost: 3.
Damage per Ini: 22 or 23 + one or three stacks of bleed.

Disabling Shot: 34.
Ini cost: 4
Damage per Ini: 8.5 + evasion + cripple.

Pistol Pistol
Sneak Attack: 5 shots hitting for 10 plus 1 bleed per shot.
Ini cost: free

Vital Shot: 17.
Ini cost: free

Eight hits for 13: 104… However data actually showed 7 hits for 13 and one for 19: 110.
(repeat testing needed)
ini Cost: 5
Damage per Ini: 20.8 or 22.

Bodyshot: 23.
Ini cost: 3.
Damage per ini: 7.6 + vunerable.

Headshot: 11.
Ini cost: 4.
Damage per ini: 2.75 + daze.

Black Powder: 11.
damage per ini: 1.8 + PBAoE Blind.

Best base damage for ini cost: Pistol Whip
Worst base damage for ini cost: Black Powder

How the numbers were obtained: Completely naked, Traits refunded, Steady weaponry.

Things to improve on: If anyone can get me the exact time taken for each skill to act, I would be able to compare time/damage/ini taken for every skill as well. This would be useful in highlighting under performing skills.
A numerical ‘steady’ value for bleed and poison would be awesome… If anyone has a good idea on how to work that out.

Updated as of 6/12/2012.