Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Since when is soloing Lupi, on any class, an impossible task?…especially after the dungeon update.

Are people being serious in this thread?

what exactly did dungeon update do for lupi? ive run him countless times in groups and it doesn’t feel any different aside from a few less invisible circles owning me (still there though). They didn’t lower his hp (pretty sure) and definitely didn’t lower his damage.

They lowered his HP considerably for one.

They haven’t touched his HP.

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


lol you don’t need to be super fast when you’re planning ahead, you know when you’ll need it. Also remember, the heal dodges/evades… I use it for the evades too and so should you.
Newais ed try doing the content before you have your mini freak outs.

Thats not a freak out, your genuinely bad. And planning ahead doesnt stop you from using kbinds, or, for the lack of better gameplay, better clicking… I dont do pve, just SPVP and WWW, the pve i did was Orr, coz i needed the temples to spend my karma in gear. Also, i use withdraw as well, only i do it a lot better than you, thats beyond belief, the most meritable thing in that skill for me is its insta cast perk, along with immo removal. You completely destroy it with that gameplay. Dont even try to tell me how to play, plz. Your not the example to follow.
@the rocker: Dude, if he tried to solo ME with that amount of clicking, he would die in a flash. Soloing a static monster that doenst know what is a smoke field is quite different from soloing a player, something i do almost everyday. On my thief. And my ele. This is just bad. Ive seen pve players in vids that are a loooooot better than this. This is just bad. Woooooo, he soloed Lupicus. Lulzy.

I’d say before you judge, go solo lupicus, come back and show a video of it before you point fingers, you might find it harder than you think.

sPvP and PvE are different play styles and require different skills to play, you don’t play the same way in PvE and sPvP.

I dont need to solo Lupicus to see that the video displayed a very bad player. I dont do videos, thats for kids, mostly. And im pretty sure im a lot better than dis guy. He wouldnt hold a candle to me in a 1vs1. And youre wrong, pve and pvp dont have to necessarily have different skillset required, thats a myth. Its just different gameplay, its a scripted battle that you will memorize after enough repetitions, unlike pvp. Here, as you can see, the fast reactions that are the bread and butter of pvp, the twitch reflexes, are not required, you also are not required much of awareness, since you know whats gonna happen in advance, you are not required much attention either, you know whats next. Its just easier. And clicking the heal skill, specially one that has insta cast as one of its advantadges, is just awful. Im pretty sure that in the future i will do lupicus, when i bore from www and spvp, but im also sure ill do it just a couple times, as i will with most of the rest of the content. It just bores me like that, i cant see the point in repeting the same content over and over again a million times, like pve guys do it. I finish the content of a game, like i did with skyrim, and the game is over to me.

Honestly…if you haven’t done the content…you shouldn’t be bashing him or making yourself sound so like such a great player…And honestly in the context of pve…there’s it doesn’t matter one way or another how he choose to use his Withdraw skill while fighting lupi…

Oh and also…a video is best way show proof to everyone that you can actually back up your own claims.

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: DanH.5879


i think the thief class is being trolled again, even after we got stealth nerf/fix
inserting double face palm right now and crying like a little girl wondering where is the OP ness in my class for PvE.
my downed ability stealth for 2s is so bad now… and other classes have aoe knockdown/fear etc….a 2nd life for f sake…

(edited by DanH.5879)

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


i think the thief class is being trolled again, even after we got stealth nerf/fix
inserting double face palm right now and crying like a little girl wondering where is the OP ness in my class for PvE.
my downed ability stealth for 2s is so bad now… and other classes have aoe knockdown/fear etc….a 2nd life for f sake…

agreed, the down state is pretty bad right now. The stealth is now really only useful for getting you 1, maybe 2 poisoned dagger throws off.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


I dont duel. Duels is for morons. And plz, challenging me for a duel?? and then saying that i have “kid-like face palm moments?” Duels is for baddies. You should learn to take criticism. It would make you better. Soloing Lupicus tells me jack sheet about your or anyone else’s skills. Anyway, im in the desolation borders almost all nights after midnight (UK time), you will find me easily soloing camps and ganking peeps or small groups. Just be a vizunah and ill be happy to fight you. But be warned: i know what is a smoke screen…unlike Lupicus.

lol just lol, you were the one who said how much you’d wreck me in a 1v1. That was another facepalm moment bud

I dont need to solo Lupicus to see that the video displayed a very bad player. I dont do videos, thats for kids, mostly. And im pretty sure im a lot better than dis guy. He wouldnt hold a candle to me in a 1vs1. And youre wrong, pve and pvp dont have to necessarily have different skillset required, thats a myth. Its just different gameplay.

now add me up next time and I’ll record and post it even if I lose

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

(edited by randomfightfan.4091)

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


I cant imagine anyone who plays thief in PvE considering it OP.

I died a LOT when I was learning thief at first. Now that I’ve learnt it, I rarely ever die (unless I’m just messing around/not paying attention). It almost feels like god mode. Who needs hp/armor if you rarely ever get hit and kill things before they know they’re getting attacked?

So the last time you soloed a champion was when?

not counting lupi :P
did the champ abom a lil while ago, soloed some group event ogre thing in fields of ruin when I was 100%ing, did some troll champion a while ago… can’t think of anything else but that’s mostly cause I do dungeons all day instead of events.

I tried my luck with champion karka but failed hard. I had/have no idea what it does. All I know is it jumps on you (which I dodge), spawns babbies (which I kill), but then die to w/e that kittenitten is. I dodge the single target thing but get immobilized in some goop thing. Even after I blink out and cleanse the imo I still take damage. No idea how that works but I think I could take it if I can figure it out.

I should clarify my point. Considering I literally tell a guy go PD and you cna solo most champs without issue. Lupi doesn’t count. No not that I doesn’t count if you can do it great what I mean is every class can do it. Its a timing fight no more no less.

There are some fight point blank this class cant handle solo. Simply put Ele, Guard, and most other classes can do it with little to not risk. Many people view thief as “I kill things fast hooray I am great at PvE”, but for me I always judge PvE against the kitten I can pull off on Ele vs any other class. As you can guess even my beloved thief comes up short. Thief PvE in dungeons is precarious at best. Judging by your comment you run one of my favorite builds S/D ( I could be wrong) which is one of the best for dungeons. In dungeons we aren’t the best heads up dps but we can daze lock, remove buffs consistently, rez, blind spam, get through pick up mission with stealth, and lots more. D/P I probably one of the best builds to remove a champs anti cc buffs and I don’t know of another class or build that can do it as quick.

Off topic: those aren’t champ karka its the vet. The one that spawns adds is trick. The only classes I can solo it on in a comparable way are ranger BM and Ele DD, Thief’s main issue with that fight is the onslaught of cc and how closing the gap often leads to a cc chain. 2 things I can tell you. The mobs are like mesmer shatter you can dodge as they come in. the other thing is that in most Karka fights ranging leads to a longer but much safer fight. It can be done.

I ma not saying thief sucks in PvE (check my post history if you like) Its just not as flexible overall solo as other classes.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


I should clarify my point. Considering I literally tell a guy go PD and you cna solo most champs without issue. Lupi doesn’t count. No not that I doesn’t count if you can do it great what I mean is every class can do it. Its a timing fight no more no less.

There are some fight point blank this class cant handle solo. Simply put Ele, Guard, and most other classes can do it with little to not risk. Many people view thief as “I kill things fast hooray I am great at PvE”, but for me I always judge PvE against the kitten I can pull off on Ele vs any other class. As you can guess even my beloved thief comes up short. Thief PvE in dungeons is precarious at best. Judging by your comment you run one of my favorite builds S/D ( I could be wrong) which is one of the best for dungeons. In dungeons we aren’t the best heads up dps but we can daze lock, remove buffs consistently, rez, blind spam, get through pick up mission with stealth, and lots more. D/P I probably one of the best builds to remove a champs anti cc buffs and I don’t know of another class or build that can do it as quick.

Off topic: those aren’t champ karka its the vet. The one that spawns adds is trick. The only classes I can solo it on in a comparable way are ranger BM and Ele DD, Thief’s main issue with that fight is the onslaught of cc and how closing the gap often leads to a cc chain. 2 things I can tell you. The mobs are like mesmer shatter you can dodge as they come in. the other thing is that in most Karka fights ranging leads to a longer but much safer fight. It can be done.

I ma not saying thief sucks in PvE (check my post history if you like) Its just not as flexible overall solo as other classes.

I’ve read this multiple times and I still can’t figure out what you’re trying to say… I guess the 1 thing I should say is that p/d really isn’t as good as most people think it is but is a VERY strong weapon combo to use when learning thief.

It’s one of those things that makes it harder to fail but not necessarily easier to succeed… if that makes any sense to you.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

(edited by randomfightfan.4091)

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: bomber.1540


looking forward to watching the showdown!

Randomfightfan VS Eduardo

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


I should clarify my point. Considering I literally tell a guy go PD and you cna solo most champs without issue. Lupi doesn’t count. No not that I doesn’t count if you can do it great what I mean is every class can do it. Its a timing fight no more no less.

There are some fight point blank this class cant handle solo. Simply put Ele, Guard, and most other classes can do it with little to not risk. Many people view thief as “I kill things fast hooray I am great at PvE”, but for me I always judge PvE against the kitten I can pull off on Ele vs any other class. As you can guess even my beloved thief comes up short. Thief PvE in dungeons is precarious at best. Judging by your comment you run one of my favorite builds S/D ( I could be wrong) which is one of the best for dungeons. In dungeons we aren’t the best heads up dps but we can daze lock, remove buffs consistently, rez, blind spam, get through pick up mission with stealth, and lots more. D/P I probably one of the best builds to remove a champs anti cc buffs and I don’t know of another class or build that can do it as quick.

Off topic: those aren’t champ karka its the vet. The one that spawns adds is trick. The only classes I can solo it on in a comparable way are ranger BM and Ele DD, Thief’s main issue with that fight is the onslaught of cc and how closing the gap often leads to a cc chain. 2 things I can tell you. The mobs are like mesmer shatter you can dodge as they come in. the other thing is that in most Karka fights ranging leads to a longer but much safer fight. It can be done.

I ma not saying thief sucks in PvE (check my post history if you like) Its just not as flexible overall solo as other classes.

I’ve read this multiple times and I still can’t figure out what you’re trying to say… I guess the 1 thing I should say is that p/d really isn’t as good as most people think it is but is a VERY strong weapon combo to use when learning thief.

It’s one of those things that makes it harder to fail but not necessarily easier to succeed… if that makes any sense to you.

Let me summarize. What ever you think your thief is doing well in PvE frankly unless its killing single regular mobs almost any class can do the other things better. This doesn’t speak so much to the overall value of the class,however these are the facts. Thief is lacking in PvE it has its ups but it has more downs. I love the class but that the truth.

If we get back to the original discussion where some one stated thief is OP in PvE. Where is the proof. No one chomps at the bit to carry a thief in an dungeon. I do think thieves are valuable but lets be realistic.

Party Support
-Guardian and Elementalist


-Necromancer. Engineer

Group Utility Skills

What is left over is thief and ranger with no real defined rolls they are especially good at. Lets not kid ourselves play any other class and you can see the wide gaps between PvE for thief and everyone else.

P/D was an example for the guy who asked how since its simple. I play D/P most of the time now,

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Let me summarize. What ever you think your thief is doing well in PvE frankly unless its killing single regular mobs almost any class can do the other things better. This doesn’t speak so much to the overall value of the class,however these are the facts. Thief is lacking in PvE it has its ups but it has more downs. I love the class but that the truth.

If we get back to the original discussion where some one stated thief is OP in PvE. Where is the proof. No one chomps at the bit to carry a thief in an dungeon. I do think thieves are valuable but lets be realistic.

Party Support
-Guardian and Elementalist


-Necromancer. Engineer

Group Utility Skills

What is left over is thief and ranger with no real defined rolls they are especially good at. Lets not kid ourselves play any other class and you can see the wide gaps between PvE for thief and everyone else.

Thank you for actually posting an intelligent response (no offence to anyone else, I know there were others but this one just popped for me)!

In open world pve, thieves that use sbow will have amazing aoe, respectable dps (esp for ranged), and the unique ability of almost never getting hit. When there are ranged mobs around that cause me trouble, use daggers or block/reflect and take them out quickly so you can get back to kitting the melees without any troubles. If a thief is in trouble, even without stealth, they are the BEST at making distance and getting out.

Now I’m not going to say that you’re wrong about your categories that you listed the other 6 classes, but you’re missing a point that revolves around the entirety of gw2.
There are no hard defined roles.
Yes some classes are better than other in areas but that doesn’t make the other class useless in that area. It just means the player will either need to put more effort into doing that task or ignore that task and excel at one that is more suited to their strengths.

Party support: yes guardian and ele are great at this all by themselves, but with a thief, their effectiveness will be multiplied. I say this because thief has the best access to any finishers and standalone has some of the best fields in the game. Instead of supporting with aiges and regen, thief gives flat bursts of heals, various forms of armors, boons, condi removal, etc.

Dps: thief has the 2nd highest dps, 2nd only to warrior. It takes thought making this happen, opposed to just using hundred blades over and over, but is still very doable.

AoE dps: Thief has higher aoe dmg than necro by far and is significantly more sustained (going to mention epidemic later). And egi is one of the few classes that actually has to try harder than the thief to get their aoe damage out. I can’t comment any more on engi because that is the 1 class I haven’t made yet but when I do fight them in wvw (not talking about the low lvl ones), their damage is usually very laughable, avoidable, and negateable.

I did say necros had very low aoe dps, but that was only because we were talking about dungeons. Most mobs and bosses in dungeons cleanse conditions faster than open world mobs and bosses and faster than players. That dps also takes a very long time to build up, meaning that when the necros have finally built up enough stacks of something to get spread around and make a real impact, the pure dps people have already almost killed all of them.

Group utility: Time warp = mesmer wins… sad but true… Thieves still give great utility, just not THAT great.

What we are left with is someone who has many of the strengths of all the other classes (meaning they do have their share of weaknesses too, is true), who is able to fill the shoes of any class who isn’t currently in the party, while maintaining the rare ability of being self-sufficient.

Thieves aren’t specialists in dungeons, as many have said before, but the class can be very powerful anywhere.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: BlueDragon.7054


80 fraks I think 5 thieves could do: water, swamp, ice, kitty, dredge (would probably have a LOT of wipes killing the mobs in the cart room but the bosses would be easy),

I´m not sure in lv 80 but at least in lv 48 I find signet of Malice very useful with the mobs in the cart room, probably (i´m not sure) 5 thieves could do it without much wipes, signet of malice can full heal you there several times, and i also find very useful there the regen from stealth, with regen + signet of malice, if the mobs are grouped you full heal easily, if you are in troubles ds =).

It would be fun to do a 5 thieves party fotm run, but i think there aren t many thieves willing to try. There are many thieves that leaves a party just after joining if they see there are already 2 thieves.

I don t care if it would be harder or easier, but i definitely would like to try a 5 thieves run xD, especially the shaman, 5 ds should be awsome against the elementals. And if it s hard it doesnt matter it would be fun for me, because i actually enjoy the fractals, and i run them because i like them, not just for the skins.

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: Panacea.4927


Thieves dont really have access to the best combo fields as most of then are random steals. The goo you can steal is pretty decent at a stationary target and aswell when your team shoots through and the water field is very decent too, but besides that the blind fields are very lackluster when it is against bossfights and the poison field just applies tons of poisons against bosses which dont heal themself anyway. Thieves only get points for weakness with their poison field if they have 15 points in DA.

Even the point about access to every combo finisher is a moot point.
Leaps will mainly offer you fire armor, chaos armor and frost armor. All these armors only have an effect if you get hit which you want to avoid as thief. The only use there is frost armor as the damage reduction will be 10% if you have it on you.
Whirls will shoot random bolts and are more suited against group fights and even there the amount of bolts and the effect of them is not that overhelming
The blast finisher is really the only thing thieves can excel at, but since most bossfights tend to be a ranged battle with your group beeing spread out, you cant really utilize blast finisher proper. Either you need to place the combo field far away from your enemy and with that waste initative and with that damage with spamming clusterbombs at your feets, or you only buff maybe 1-2 targets. Other classes have it easier with just pressing a button and giving out buffs without a big sacrifice of damage and time to invest to apply those buffs. Yet it is still one of the best things a thief has to offer and when you buy healing seeds, you have at least a waterfield on demand. (Now I see alot of thieves google for healing seed and doing the event, stacking up 250 of them for dungeons :P)

The part about good AoE damage should be put into brackets aswell. To apply a really good amount of AoE dmg, you need to drop clusterbombs very close to you as the travel time of them is too high to use them effectively at high ranges.

The whole design of thieves to work with conditions rather with buffs is a pretty bad design for PvE bosses.
Blind is the condition counterpart of Aegis and blinds are only 10% effective on boss mobs.
Weakness is the condition counterpart of Protection and besides that it only debuffs the damage of 25% while protection removes 33% damage, it also lasts only 50% of its duration on a boss.

The only really usefull thing at thieves is caltrops, if you ask me. Bosses are still fully effected by cripple and when a guardian immobilizes them while you drop caltrops, you dont only get some nice bleed stacks on them, you also get a pretty high cripple duration which helps your team to kite the boss.
Smokescreen is nice too if you have alot of ranged persons shooting through it while it protects them.
And of course shadow refugee for stealth revives or some stealth jobs like door bombing at the dredge fractal.

To sum it up, thieves need to work much harder to be at least as valuable as other classes in PvE. A rework of combo’s and more access for thieves to combofields could help there alot. Since steal is pretty lackluster aswell, it could be used as tool for thieves to steal and apply more combo fields and utilize their effect.

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: Brtiva.9721


To me, it is worse. I don’t use stealth now. I suppose it depends on what you like.

I liked to use the possibility of stealth to drop aggro, which had to be worked at. It never just dropped aggro from stealth, I had to practice it a bit to learn how to control wether aggro was held or dropped. The real use was in dropping aggro for me. The change seemed totally pointless to me, as I had to actually work to ensure aggro was dropped.

Now, I am changing my whole style. Stealth is basically a waste of resources for me now. I have not used it much since the patch, and in the past couple days have not used it at all. It just acts like a taunt when emerging from stealth.

A backstab build needs CnD to set up of course, but I never used it for that. Was never a backstab thief.

I now consider the thief to be maybe a duelist of sorts, not a sneaky thief.

So some like it; I feel it just limited what can be done and makes it more of an undistinguished play style, more dull. Less options, less control. A bit of the fun is gone for me.

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


added a new vid showing off just a few things where a thief is more than useful in fractals.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: jim.5380


Good gameplay on the OP, I am glad to see that d/d thief works on fotm cause i am playing one since the game released on spvp and now for 10 days on pve. Even if he clicks its still pve u don’t need to avoid thief haste burst with ur withdraw skill or die its cool guys relax and if u are so pro just post ur gameplay videos to see them.

Jim Battlemaster

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: Panacea.4927


Its funny that in the whole video the guardians shine much more with their wall of reflection, stability and sanctuary as you as thief. The only noteable things here was melting the ice wall with stealth and disableing the trap with the 3 switches, yet these 2 things are not really a real burden anyway.

The fractal at which thieves shine the most is ironically the one where blinds dont work. Stealth at the dredge fractal is pretty helpful for using the gears, bombing the door/melting the door.

Good thieves still can hold their own, but why taking a class which doesnt offer much for the group, which other classes can offer too while they also have some other things to offer which thieves dont have?

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Its funny that in the whole video the guardians shine much more with their wall of reflection, stability and sanctuary as you as thief. The only noteable things here was melting the ice wall with stealth and disableing the trap with the 3 switches, yet these 2 things are not really a real burden anyway.

You obv didn’t see the stunlock/perma cripple on grawl and as I said in the video description, that is just a taste of what thieves are capable of doing. The water super swim isn’t a big deal but it still helps and thief can do it significantly easier than any other class… Every bit helps. Also, in kitty fractal, no reflects work against old tom, only blocks… like smoke screen (granted summon shield and sanctuary both work if placed right). Lastly, this video wasn’t to say thief>guard, not at all. This was just to say thief is good in fractals (they are in the top 3 with guard and mes).

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

(edited by randomfightfan.4091)

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: Ekemeister.8905


I think stealth not resetting aggro tables is a wonderful fix. Kills don’t reset when I’m roaming on my backstab thief fighting vets or during Dungeons. No one likes to see a boss refill their health.

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: Panacea.4927


You obv didn’t see the stunlock/perma cripple on grawl and as I said in the video description, that is just a taste of what thieves are capable of doing. The water super swim isn’t a big deal but it still helps and thief can do it significantly easier than any other class… Every bit helps. Also, in kitty fractal, no reflects work against old tom, only blocks… like smoke screen (granted summon shield and sanctuary both work if placed right). Lastly, this video wasn’t to say thief>guard, not at all. This was just to say thief is good in fractals (they are in the top 3 with guard and mes).

The cripple helps, but its not something other classes cant do either. Everyone has their bunch of CCs and with that it is not something a thief can alone bring to the table. In the end it would be better to have more dedicated CCers there and some who burst them down instead of letting CCs overlay on each other.
The water one was pretty useless as you just can swim as a group and you are fine.
Smokescreen is usefull against Tom and one of the only things which work on his poison bullets, but it only blocks one side and yet again a guardian could have done it better and more reliable, so again not a reason to take a thief with you.

I wouldnt put thieves under the top 3 classes for group PvE. Thieves can do something, that is true but that tiny something gets outclassed by other classes. So the question still stands: Why taking a thief with you if another class would help your team more?

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


The cripple helps, but its not something other classes cant do either. Everyone has their bunch of CCs and with that it is not something a thief can alone bring to the table. In the end it would be better to have more dedicated CCers there and some who burst them down instead of letting CCs overlay on each other.

Smokescreen is usefull against Tom and one of the only things which work on his poison bullets, but it only blocks one side and yet again a guardian could have done it better and more reliable, so again not a reason to take a thief with you.

Permanent cripple, permanent stun, and doesn’t lose out on dps. Unlike other classes, who only have access to a few cc abilities (and using them usually makes them lose out on dps), thief has spammable hard cc on a high damage attack. We even have a spammable imobilize on the same weapon skill slot as our stun breaker that allows us to jump right back into the combat. Because me and the other thief were stun/cripple locking the grawl, you never got to see either of us pull one of the shamans from near beside one of the captives back to the spawn zone. No other class can bring all of that in 1 package.

Also you obviously have either not watched the video closely, or have no idea how smoke screen works. Place the screen on Tom and it blocks ALL of the projectiles, not just 1 side.

I’ve been busy with life stuff recently but I should be able to put out another vid sometime soon after I do some more fractals just to show the doubters some very shiny moments.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: Panacea.4927


Pistolwhip doesn’t give you perma stun. The stun duration of it is 1 second while the hit+windup time is much longer. Basicly when you start to hit your enemey the stun is already gone.
Furthermore you lose dps if you go with a sword/x build as D/D will offer a higher DPS (Pistolwhip does less damage as autoattacking with your sword). Other classes also don’t need to use their only ressource for either CC or Damage as the cooldownsystem allows them to toss in CCs when their damage combos are on cooldown.
Thieves have 3 hard CCs, which is daze from tactical strike, which won’t help you when you want to stop a mob from running, headshot which is a really short daze and doesn’t do damage and the stun from pistolwhip which has also a very short duration and cuts into your damage (as I said above, Pistolwhip does less as autoattacking with your sword). The spammable immobilize also can only be used a few times till you are out of innitiative and provides only a 1 second immo which isnt very long and cuts ALOT into your damage.
Other classes have more usefull hard CCs which are not as much spammable but for that have a longer duration and dont cut that much into the damage of them.

So the question still stands, why picking a thief when you want utility which other classes can offer much better without cutting into their damage?
Why picking a thief when you want damage when other classes can apply more damage?

There is a reason you see so many ppl prefering Guards and Warriors in group PvE and its not because they are kitten from thieves in WvW. (well maybe for some of them it is the case)

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: Dirty Dova.6490

Dirty Dova.6490

So basically you have never played thief other than invis crit try a condition tank build it is just as strong. In pve and pvp. You can get so many evades just in traits and then utilities. I have seen dots for 138 and you can spam them on pistol. Maybe try kiting with caltrops and immoblizes

I have a lvl 80 ele thief and warrior also a lvl 52 mesmer. I understand what op is and isnt.

(edited by Dirty Dova.6490)

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: phor.7952


I think the change is fine for PvE in general. Zerker builds just need to realize there is no trinity and mix in some survivability to compensate.

However, it UNEQUIVOCALLY broke our downed state. Smoke bomb is a kitten joke now. Fix it, and I’ll be fine with the change to stealth mechanics.

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


idk if the 2 guys above me are talking to me or to others, if to me then you should re-read my post. I’m actually saying the change was a buff.

If you’re talking to others then ignore this post :P. I actually love how the change made it so you can more effectively use stealth in an offensive way instead of just defensive all the time.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Is OP just the word for strong or good nowadays? I always thought OP meant broken, imbalanced etc.

Guess its like troll someone that disagrees is a troll it seems now.

I do think the potential for thief in pve is completely op (meaning the broken, imbalanced type). It’s just a shame hardly anybody wants to take the time and find out just how they can play like that.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: Cost.6917


I didn’t play a thief long enough yet, but I don’t get all that wine about “nerf”.
I was kind of uncomfortable that bosses were going half-hearted against me, but now it’s ok.

But yes, downed state is garbage now.

Adjora (thief), Rabanastra (ele), Anji The Crimson (war) – Piken [Rise]

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


It seems to me that aggro dumping is a no-brainer for a low-health, low-armor, high damage melee classes. This ‘fix’ makes absolutely no sense to me.

However, the Thief’s downed state has always been garbage, to the point of being laughable, in PvE. Smoke bomb isn’t really any worse than it ever was.

(edited by Einlanzer.1627)

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: bomber.1540


I agree that the thief is nowhere near as good in pve as a ‘super’ class which combines all the best aspects of the other 7 classes and none of the drawbacks..

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: Brtiva.9721


It seems to me that aggro dumping is a no-brainer for a low-health, low-armor, high damage melee classes. This ‘fix’ makes absolutely no sense to me.

However, the Thief’s downed state has always been garbage, to the point of being laughable, in PvE. Smoke bomb isn’t really any worse than it ever was.

Yes, I used it to dump aggro…and, thing is, I had to make it drop aggro. It did not just happen for me automatically, but I found I had to distance and position myself or aggro would be kept. It was a useful tool before.

Now , I have not used stealth except maybe 3 times since the change. I never used it a lot but it was a good tool. I actually have little use for it anymore.

Some people like it now, but I do not and I am much more of a duelist now than a sneaky thief. Hard to be sneaky when exiting stealth acts as a taunt! I see all the "X’’s pop over the enemies heads when stealth ends (regardless of distance or psoition) and wonder why I bothered hehehehe. So I have been changing how I play a bit if I feel like using my thief….ummm, Duelist

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Thief is so OP in PvE, people are just screaming for us in Fractals and Dungeons!

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Added another fractal vid. Should be more informative and shows off a few more things that I find are awesome.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)