Thief: the ONLY prof without 1200 range

Thief: the ONLY prof without 1200 range

in Thief

Posted by: folly dragon.4126

folly dragon.4126

Thieves, the NEW siege team. Excuse me Mr Ranger, can you let me use the arrow cart since you can use your longbow to reign down on folks. Come on Guardian, use scepter 1 and 2, I need that ram, its my only job now.

Sorry guys, the killed me while sieging because you guys didnt heal me.

Go scout our next target will you thief.

Mesmers, the new thieves

Thief: the ONLY prof without 1200 range

in Thief

Posted by: Shemsu.8721


Sure, you can have your 1200’ range weapon as soon as they take away that ridiculous 1500’ steal teleport trait.

Yes please! Where do I sign? Since shadowstep pathing is now “fixed” and my steal doesnt move me at all but goes on cd anyway, I’d much much have a weapon that can reach my enemies than a single ability that fails more often than it works.

Hell change long reach from 1500 range steal to pistol/shortbow range is 1200. I’ll even waste points in trickery for that!

Thief: the ONLY prof without 1200 range

in Thief

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458


One of my favorite game trilogies, but the only way you’re gonna be Garrett in this game is RP. If they wanted to be true to that game you’d have perma-stealth, almost no damage with daggers and only an auto attack at that, and only 1 damaging arrow. Then you’d have even fewer hit points than you already do – so’s you could die in 2 hits from a sword – and stealing would be a great source ah money.

And seein’ as Thief 4 is really just a reskin of Assassin’s Creed, yer never gonna be Garrett again.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

Thief: the ONLY prof without 1200 range

in Thief

Posted by: TheAmpca.1753


Thats in line with the Elementalist frost bow distance 900.

1200 for bows is reserved for rangers…

You guys can still become invisible…

Someone finally called us Thieves out with common sense! (and I’m not being sarcastic)

The point is: we have Stealth. Bows are for kiddy-wanna-bee Rangers. I think some of these Thieves played games where Rangers had stealth and thought they would have the same type of fun with a Thief running around with a Bow.

First of all may I point out warriors have a 1200 range on their bow(I think?). Either way the point is not that oh my god I want to be able to shoot a bow at 1200 range. It’s I want to be able to shoot SOMETHING at 1200 range. Oh yay I have stealth which makes me immune to the mass amount of aoes i have to walk into in WvW to get in range to shoot, except for the fact that it doesn’t.

Thief: the ONLY prof without 1200 range

in Thief

Posted by: noname.4231


Goodbye GW2…..

Thief: the ONLY prof without 1200 range

in Thief

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


LOL yeah and the only profession with perma-stealth, I’ll trade you perma-stealth for 1200 ranged weapon.

I’d need to trait heavily into the stealth line to get it working (+ 1s to stealth skills, 2s stealth on steal, really, great perma stealth possibilities xD)
It cant be permanent by far :P

Infusion of shadows, quick recovery, infiltrator’s signet (and when you can’t rly maintain it: Patience)
It’s not hard to maintain perma stealth. I use everything besides patience when scouting on a zerg. I keep myself stealthed and follow them while reporting to a commander. Though since last patch it seems to be harder to maintain stealth without running out of initiatives.. either I’m out of touch of my combo (been leveling alts) or something got patched… Getting patience will still make it work though (but I don’t like giving up on my precision tier so I won’t do that).

Now back on topic, since I run shortbow only for stealthing (and dual melee during combat) this nerf didn’t hit me much. But you hit a lot less in keeps now which sucks … MOAR AC I SAY

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]