Zerker to Marauder?

Zerker to Marauder?

in Thief

Posted by: Jinx.4619


I use mix zerker, valk and maruader

Full acd Zerk Trinket
Full ValK acd armors Fury ruin
S/P Marauder Fire/Lightning burst sigil
SB Maruader
Running Critical Strikes to maintain fury at all times

You will have Hp around 16k
Crits Chance 46+20
Crits Damage 230%

I run Daredevil/Critical/Tricksters

Have 0% problems against PvE

If you use full zerk I can garuntee you will downed most of the time
Which lead to Dps loss especially D/D build since you cant do the perfect dodge anyway

Btw this my raid build i use lots of interrupt

Zerker to Marauder?

in Thief

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Note here: if you are optimizing, it is always better to go marauder over viper. The 4-stat armor prefixes have more total points than the 3-stat armors, so a valkyrie/berserker mix will never be as strong as a marauder/berserker mix.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Zerker to Marauder?

in Thief

Posted by: darkaheart.4265


so i found this armor set to give the best stats but with the exception to run pack runes to make up for the lost precision

this is the armor i currently have with marauder weapons and zerker+val trinkets,
it has -35 power and -3.93% ferocity less than the first build but its free of pack runes, giving the option to run any other runes (i use this armor for wvw and pve)

i also have my training wheels zerker armor set with wurm runes so if you feel like neither of those armor sets have enough vitality…it has -209 power, +11.2% ferocity and +1,980 health compared to the first build

over all marauder gives you more stats for your buck but only if you can combine and get the stats you are looking for

i7 3770k @ 4.5 ghz|Z77X-UD5H Motherboard|16GB @ 1600Mhz|GTX 1080|Corsair AX750 PSU|Windows 10 Home

(edited by darkaheart.4265)