"100% adrenaline decay" needs to be dropped

"100% adrenaline decay" needs to be dropped

in Warrior

Posted by: courgi.7918


I originally welcomed the idea of smarter adrenaline management but the increased decay I think is overkill and unnecessary. I want to be rewarded for managing adrenaline smartly, not have the rug pulled from under me no matter what after combat.

Please consider removing it.

"100% adrenaline decay" needs to be dropped

in Warrior

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I originally welcomed the idea of smarter adrenaline management but the increased decay I think is overkill and unnecessary. I want to be rewarded for managing adrenaline smartly, not have the rug pulled from under me no matter what after combat.

Please consider removing it.


"100% adrenaline decay" needs to be dropped

in Warrior

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

You are aware that before this patch, adrenaline decayed to 0 when out of combat, yes?

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

"100% adrenaline decay" needs to be dropped

in Warrior

Posted by: rseqw.9706


You are aware that before this patch, adrenaline decayed to 0 when out of combat, yes?

He’s referring to the amount of time it takes for adrenaline to dissipate after exiting combat.

"100% adrenaline decay" needs to be dropped

in Warrior

Posted by: Shanks.2907


Don’t abuse your mobility to reset fights so often and you won’t have to deal with it as much.

"100% adrenaline decay" needs to be dropped

in Warrior

Posted by: Zackie.8923


adrenaline drops too fast, should increase the rate of acquiring adrenaline to balance it or reduce the 30 strikes to 15 as max or something

"100% adrenaline decay" needs to be dropped

in Warrior

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


Don’t abuse your mobility to reset fights so often and you won’t have to deal with it as much.

Orly? And what about other classes resetting it for you and then coming back for more? Having it go away on miss is one thing, but having it deplete in a few seconds when you get ooc is a bit much.

"100% adrenaline decay" needs to be dropped

in Warrior

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


Don’t abuse your mobility to reset fights so often and you won’t have to deal with it as much.

I don’t think that’s the problem they are talking about. If warriors are fighting someone, say a thief, the thief can reset the fight whenever and however he wants because of his stealth and mobility (not saying thieves are OP). This leads to the warrior loosing his adrenaline, and thus the thief’s biggest threat from the warrior is removed, meaning he can go back in without having to worry about the burst attack, as well as the warrior’s adrenaline reliant traits becoming useless.

Other classes that can do this that come to mind are engineers, mesmers, rangers, and elementalists…not sure if the guardians have that same luxury, and I know necros don’t.

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

"100% adrenaline decay" needs to be dropped

in Warrior

Posted by: Paavotar.3971


Don’t abuse your mobility to reset fights so often and you won’t have to deal with it as much.

Here, have a “I am Smart and Witty” badge. You can put it right next to your other badges.

But back to topic. I agree it’s rather harsh at the moment. There was a problem with the old system, of course. I could run from North part of Borderlands to South without losing my Adrenaline because every now and then I took falling damage or hit some random mob on the way.

But as it is now, when I go off combat, I lose all my adrenaline in 3 seconds or less (depends how much I had it). I wouldn’t want the old system either, so that I could carry my adren where ever I go, but somekind of 3 to 5 second header before it starts to drain would be nice.

This way you can still try to get into combat with something else if your original target died and don’t lose all your adrenaline.

Just to make you understand how weird the new system is, let me tell you about one fight. It was small scale fight, like 3v3 or such in Quarry in borderlands. Ring is up and I rush there, I target one of the targets, he wasn’t near the others at the time so easy picking. Kill him quiet fast, get a lot of adrenaline on the way. Now, after I stomped the poor fella, I started to instantly lose my adrenaline because I hadn’t hit anyone else, even though the others were roughly 700 units away from me. And before I could hit anyone I had pretty much lost all of my adrenaline. It didn’t feel very fair to be honest.

Next time I fight, I sure know to hit everyone once before consentrating to anyone. This is a problem in my opinion.

A Pink scumbag of [FACE] and deep inside a [GuM]ster
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger

"100% adrenaline decay" needs to be dropped

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


I agree – the decay has to be there – the old retention rate was too high but the rate of decay we have now is way too fast.

A middle ground should be found.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

"100% adrenaline decay" needs to be dropped

in Warrior

Posted by: Hyperion.4638


Agreed, i don’t mind the loss of adrenaline on miss, but this decay is a joke, anyone can just reset the fight and you are left with 0 adrenaline, the old system must be brought back.

"100% adrenaline decay" needs to be dropped

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

Agreed, i don’t mind the loss of adrenaline on miss, but this decay is a joke, anyone can just reset the fight and you are left with 0 adrenaline, the old system must be brought back.

I should not have to fight thieves that will listen for my verbal “Adrenaline full!” cues, immediately stealth, reset me, then come right back in. I dont get to reveal stealthed classes by hitting them, why should they be able to toy around with my core mechanic ?

I was fine with adrenaline bursts depleting adrenaline. We were already at the mercy of any class that had a stealth, who thought it was a good idea to nudge us further toward free loot bags?

And the community says anet doesn’t listen to them. Cute.

I can barely be bothered to care though. If it isnt “warriors with X are OP” its “Warriors with Y are OP.”

I suspect someone accidentally attributed 50% to arcing slice bonus and 100% to Adren decay when it should have been the other way around.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)

"100% adrenaline decay" needs to be dropped

in Warrior

Posted by: Manuelito.6081


Agreed, i don’t mind the loss of adrenaline on miss, but this decay is a joke, anyone can just reset the fight and you are left with 0 adrenaline, the old system must be brought back.

I should not have to fight thieves that will listen for my verbal “Adrenaline full!” cues, immediately stealth, reset me, then come right back in. I dont get to reveal stealthed classes by hitting them, why should they be able to toy around with my core mechanic ?

I was fine with adrenaline bursts depleting adrenaline. We were already at the mercy of any class that had a stealth, who thought it was a good idea to nudge us further toward free loot bags?

And the community says anet doesn’t listen to them. Cute.

I can barely be bothered to care though. If it isnt “warriors with X are OP” its “Warriors with Y are OP.”

I suspect someone accidentally attributed 50% to arcing slice bonus and 100% to Adren decay when it should have been the other way around.

so true.
