[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: galandor.1059


nice videos, gave me some insight.

Engineer:Warrior:Necromancer – Rank 39

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Israel.7056


Amazing 1vX video. I feel like I’m seeing more people running this build now.

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


I’ve been doing sPvP every day so far, mostly on 1v1 servers but some hot joins too and every warrior is using some variation of this build even though initially some people didn’t really “appreciate it” to say so. It’s not quite at the level of engineers/necros/mesmers who in my opinion are at the top of the food chain but you have a pretty decent fighting chance. The more you practice though, the better it gets.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


I’ve been doing sPvP every day so far, mostly on 1v1 servers but some hot joins too and every warrior is using some variation of this build even though initially some people didn’t really “appreciate it” to say so. It’s not quite at the level of engineers/necros/mesmers who in my opinion are at the top of the food chain but you have a pretty decent fighting chance. The more you practice though, the better it gets.

Its not like you discovered anything a lot of people know how 50% crit chance on stun worked, it is nothing new in this patch either, this trait was long ago here.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


I’ve been doing sPvP every day so far, mostly on 1v1 servers but some hot joins too and every warrior is using some variation of this build even though initially some people didn’t really “appreciate it” to say so. It’s not quite at the level of engineers/necros/mesmers who in my opinion are at the top of the food chain but you have a pretty decent fighting chance. The more you practice though, the better it gets.

Its not like you discovered anything a lot of people know how 50% crit chance on stun worked, it is nothing new in this patch either, this trait was long ago here.

Lol? You could say that about any build then, oh hai look he is using a trait people know off, it is nothing new! Pretty hilarious :P

While im sure there are a few warrs who were using a build like this before patch, Matale is the first one to bring a spec to light that lets you do full 100blades on an opponent with little no risk or sacrifice :P

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


I’ve been doing sPvP every day so far, mostly on 1v1 servers but some hot joins too and every warrior is using some variation of this build even though initially some people didn’t really “appreciate it” to say so. It’s not quite at the level of engineers/necros/mesmers who in my opinion are at the top of the food chain but you have a pretty decent fighting chance. The more you practice though, the better it gets.

Its not like you discovered anything a lot of people know how 50% crit chance on stun worked, it is nothing new in this patch either, this trait was long ago here.

Lol? You could say that about any build then, oh hai look he is using a trait people know off, it is nothing new! Pretty hilarious :P

While im sure there are a few warrs who were using a build like this before patch, Matale is the first one to bring a spec to light that lets you do full 100blades on an opponent with little no risk or sacrifice :P

You are in love with him or something?

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


lol I wasn’t trying to imply I came up with it, a variation of this was played even at launch by a warrior from Team Paradigm I believe… but before it was a 1-trick build where you either won with Frenzy or you just lost.. now you have the opportunity to run your burst over and over again as long as you can survive.. I just thought it’s funny how much drama there was initially and how now, just a week later a lot of people are playing it successfully and it’s become quite popular

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


The buff with Skull Crack brought almost immediately to the birth of this setup. The true merit is to put m/s + gs in a build that works.

That’s what matters: the best the build works, the more the props to the builder.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


I just wanted to post an update as I was really surprised and happy with this:

In EU there’s a 1v1 server called “1v1 King of the Hill – win and continue” and it pretty much means just that. You do 1 game and if you win you stay and the loser goes and spectates. I’ve been playing on this server more than the other 1v1 servers because I noticed the players there are better. I was running 0/20/20/0/30 with Soldier’s Amulet and Berserker Jewel for a while and doing ok. After I saw a shout build warrior with the same weapons 0/10/30/30/0 doing pretty well I decided to try the same Amulet he was using which is Valkyrie with Berserker Jewel but continue with my build.

The server reset and I was able to join straight from the first fight and I won 20 in a row until the server reset again (50 points is the max), making me pretty much King of the Hill. I was pretty fortunate that I didn’t meet a lot of Mesmers and Necromancers which I don’t do very well against, I have a win ratio of around ~50% (I only met around 2-3 of each). The fights were generally pretty close, I didn’t just smash people into the ground, some went better and some worse but I won them all. Several of them, particularly against a DPS Guardian I was forced to keep kiting with Rush and whirlwind until I was able to burst him down and after repeating this a few times he ran out of defensive CDs. I played vs Thieves, Engineers, Guardians, Warriors, Eles, Mesm and Necros.

Anyways, bottom line and what I wanted to get to is that this build works pretty well and using the Valkyrie Amulet made a big difference for me. I’m sure if some of the really good players that play there constantly would have showed up I might not have been able to achieve this, but regardless, it made me really happy. Good luck to everyone else!

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

The buff with Skull Crack brought almost immediately to the birth of this setup. The true merit is to put m/s + gs in a build that works.

That’s what matters: the best the build works, the more the props to the builder.

Agreed. When I saw the buffs to Skull Crack, my first impression was “Oh oh oh! How am I gonna use this!? Gotta test it out!”

I still suck with anything but my previous set-up though.

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: dooger.2640


I prefer 0 30 20 0 20, it generates adrenile waaaay waaay faster, esp if you swap in longbow (each F1 on a keep defense refills adrenaline bar to full on its own)

I can never find one weapon set thats good for all situations. Top rogue players are very very hard to ever land gs abilities on (oh man its nice when ya predict whirlwind on one though), sometimes I prefer s/shield + longbow on them

I guess the thing that rocks on 0 30 20 0 20 I can switch weapons/armour and traits to move between m/s + gs to s/shield + longbow to total glass sniper rifle + x on the fly.

So many mace users at this point, players are adjusting and its lost some of its total pownage. I guess in any event the issue with warrior has never been how do I beat 80% of the scrubs rolling around in wvw, its being competitive vs top rogue/ele/guardian players. Warrior is close but still not quiet there.

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: kebton.8142


- well that looks awesome build that makes me start a new warrior ^^
whats your recommendation during leveling to 50 for example
what weapons should I use before getting all the required trait for the build
- can i use this one for PVE ?

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


I just wanted to post an update as I was really surprised and happy with this:

In EU there’s a 1v1 server called “1v1 King of the Hill – win and continue” and it pretty much means just that. You do 1 game and if you win you stay and the loser goes and spectates. I’ve been playing on this server more than the other 1v1 servers because I noticed the players there are better. I was running 0/20/20/0/30 with Soldier’s Amulet and Berserker Jewel for a while and doing ok. After I saw a shout build warrior with the same weapons 0/10/30/30/0 doing pretty well I decided to try the same Amulet he was using which is Valkyrie with Berserker Jewel but continue with my build.

The server reset and I was able to join straight from the first fight and I won 20 in a row until the server reset again (50 points is the max), making me pretty much King of the Hill. I was pretty fortunate that I didn’t meet a lot of Mesmers and Necromancers which I don’t do very well against, I have a win ratio of around ~50% (I only met around 2-3 of each). The fights were generally pretty close, I didn’t just smash people into the ground, some went better and some worse but I won them all. Several of them, particularly against a DPS Guardian I was forced to keep kiting with Rush and whirlwind until I was able to burst him down and after repeating this a few times he ran out of defensive CDs. I played vs Thieves, Engineers, Guardians, Warriors, Eles, Mesm and Necros.

Anyways, bottom line and what I wanted to get to is that this build works pretty well and using the Valkyrie Amulet made a big difference for me. I’m sure if some of the really good players that play there constantly would have showed up I might not have been able to achieve this, but regardless, it made me really happy. Good luck to everyone else!

You didn’t find many mesmers in the server I call the Mesmer Club? Lucky one! I’m jealous .-.


You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


I’ve been doing sPvP every day so far, mostly on 1v1 servers but some hot joins too and every warrior is using some variation of this build even though initially some people didn’t really “appreciate it” to say so. It’s not quite at the level of engineers/necros/mesmers who in my opinion are at the top of the food chain but you have a pretty decent fighting chance. The more you practice though, the better it gets.

Its not like you discovered anything a lot of people know how 50% crit chance on stun worked, it is nothing new in this patch either, this trait was long ago here.

Lol? You could say that about any build then, oh hai look he is using a trait people know off, it is nothing new! Pretty hilarious :P

While im sure there are a few warrs who were using a build like this before patch, Matale is the first one to bring a spec to light that lets you do full 100blades on an opponent with little no risk or sacrifice :P

You are in love with him or something?

Yeah i am, he is handsome as hell!

That.. or i just have a low tolerance for bullkitten :P

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: ChaiTea.1256


Just curious but I notice that you sometimes don’t use Signet of Rage during your fights, if not using it in the middle, occasionally ending fights without it at all. Any reason or just prefer to use it when you need? cause Most generally use near the beginning to get a strong opening.


[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


I prefer 0 30 20 0 20, it generates adrenile waaaay waaay faster, esp if you swap in longbow (each F1 on a keep defense refills adrenaline bar to full on its own)

I started trying this out and I really like it. One of my main issues was getting adrenaline in the beginning of a fight and this really speeds up things. At the end of 100b I’m already full too which is great. This variation of the build helps you lock someone down really really fast early on. You can pretty much go Skull Crack > 100B > Daze > Shield Bash > Skull Crack or some variation of it.

I’ve also swapped my GS sigil to add bleeds on weapon swaps. This way I have a guaranteed 10% dmg increase on my 100B.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

(edited by stefanplc.5234)

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


- well that looks awesome build that makes me start a new warrior ^^
whats your recommendation during leveling to 50 for example
what weapons should I use before getting all the required trait for the build
- can i use this one for PVE ?

I wish I could help you but I haven’t really done any PvE content in a while and especially on my warrior. As far as I remember Rifle/GS is great for leveling and I believe using the signet for your heals is a pretty good choice. Maybe someone else can help you more, I’ve been focusing on PvP only.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


Just curious but I notice that you sometimes don’t use Signet of Rage during your fights, if not using it in the middle, occasionally ending fights without it at all. Any reason or just prefer to use it when you need? cause Most generally use near the beginning to get a strong opening.

I was thinking about swapping to Runes of Lyssa for a while as an extra condition removal is always great. I did swap to them in sPvP and it was a great choice I just didn’t have the gold yet to do it in WvW. In some of the WvW fights I didn’t use Signet of Rage because I wanted to see how the build would perform without it. I was just testing the waters and also feeling pretty confident that I didn’t need it.

But yeah, in the future I’ll be using Runes of Lyssa and that means that I’ll use my Signet of Rage either as a condition removal or to try and counter some CC/Burst coming my way since you also get Stability and Aegis.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


Yeah i am, he is handsome as hell!

I agree.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


You didn’t find many mesmers in the server I call the Mesmer Club? Lucky one! I’m jealous .-.

Haha, very true! I am getting better at beating them though, so hopefully soon enough it won’t be that big of a deal. The shouts 0/10/30/30/0 build does pretty good against them, at least the warrior that played it did.

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Tyrion.4259


Yea, I’ve been running this as well – i put 30 in defense to get defy pain. I don’t have any traits to help me gain adrenaline and I don’t really notice it – the reason is I prefer not to have cleansing ire and instead use Hoelbrak, Lemongrass, and Dogged March.

You also need bull’s charge with this build for gap closing. The only debate I have is to pick up a condition removal trait like signet of stamina to ensure those guys that run condition duration improvement foods and traits can still be fought effectively. Right now, having 93% removal on chills, immobilizes, and what not is really nice most of the time. Just falls off you.

The other thing is I get bored easily so trying to come up with alternatives for solo WvW play and can’t really find a counter except for maybe my old GS/Hammer build. However, the shield with missile deflection on 2 skills, the full 100blades landing with sigil of paralyzation, coupled with a very hard to see skullcrack makes it far superb.

Here’s my alternative build to the OP – http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fIAQNApeRjcOBvxOGPMxBE0DsQDzijClgJUKmD7A-jUDBYLCi0yBiQAM5RhNBSQrCqIasKGYqSK1KXAaYQ2bAGcQeDLrWGAmxA-w

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Gabage.1235


With there being no Valk or Beryl Ascended gear would you recommend staying exotic or do you have a plain for ascended gear in mind?

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: stefanplc.5234


With there being no Valk or Beryl Ascended gear would you recommend staying exotic or do you have a plain for ascended gear in mind?

In sPvP I’ve played this build with both Berserker’s Amulet and Valkyrie’s Amulet and they both did fine. With Berserker’s Amulet you just have to be much more careful in regards to incoming damage but at the same time you start critting more often and hence do more damage.

The only main stats you need to have is power and crit damage. Other than that, anything should be fine. Stamina or Toughness are probably your best choices for 1vX or group fights because you can’t pay attention to everything and these 2 stats help you stay alive. Precision though can also work because you can end fights quicker that way, you just need to really know the professions you’re facing so you can avoid their damage properly.

In sPvP I found 0/20/30/0/20 to be my personal favorite with the Balanced Stance trait in Defense. Many opponents try to CC you when you get in range as part of their defense strategy and you just counter it automatically allowing you to apply way more pressure.

Good luck!

Matale & Sohpital – Warrior & Thief PvP

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I learned on this forum that there are 2 players you should ignore. Don’t try to reason with them, because they’ll never see that warrior is actually a really strong class. I have never EVER seen a possitive reply from them. But yea some people are pessimists, some are optimists and some are realists. I like to stay a realist.

These 2 are: XII and that daecello (or whatever) guy.

Would add AlBundy (I think his name is). Daecollo does sometimes spark some discussion and debate that I admit I learn from (usually from posters posting videos or facts about other classes) but much of the contrary discussion does get me out there playing PvP and WvW where normally I’d stick with dungeons and open world PvE.

I will say, the OP’s build looks effective but it’s not easy to learn to use. Need to be able to read the enemy well and I’m not doing so well at that.

I thought Xll and Al bundy were pretty well informed judging from their replies.

Most of your posts , milk, are zerg wvw and – correct me if I’m wrong- you are playing a thief now and in favor of the downed system?

As for LeoG, I can’t see his posts because they keep getting moderated and removed for some reason.

What Xll said about Stefanplc’s video were valid points. I Just see he was aggressive about it and Stefan does not take well to criticism.

You made me laugh a bit ^^, I am reaching the 1500 hours on my warrior, atleast 1200+ in WvW and around 50k+ kills aswel. And yes, well not entirely zerg. You’ll rarely find my in a pug zerg. My post are about organized guild raids. We run around 25-35 people depending on the day. And yea, I like the downed state. Nothing wrong with it. My guild never complained about it. Let melee train just pierce through the enemy downing everything and the range nukes those downed to dead. Every kill grants health, so healing the melee train.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

[2 Videos] Matale 8 - WvWvW 1vX and Duels

in Warrior

Posted by: Rok.5260


I honestly love the OP’s music haha. Was nice to listen to the music and watch the video