(edited by Penguin.7906)
5 Viable Warrior Spvp specs post-patch
Here’s a variation of Macebow I like to use. (more condi orientated)
Kick works pretty well with this build. low cooldown fast interrupt that hits multiple enemies.
I like to use signets cause then I can use Signet Mastery and get a shorter cooldown on signet of rage and makes Signet of Dolyak almost a better version of balanced stance.
I like using Deep Cuts trait because 50% bleed duration increase is ridiculous. Makes Pin Down a very deadly skill.
Also Missle deflection is hilarious after the patch given all the rangers.
Sigils of agony for 20% more bleed duration, Doom on bow for easy poison applying, and energy on Mace for extra evasions.
Krait runes pretty self explanatory, and rabid cause I like toughness.
I would also like to add that Throw Bolas is very nice in greatsword builds.
100b is 3 and a half seconds. Throw Bolas is 4 seconds Immobilize (without + condi duration) Just sayin’ ^^
(edited by FalconBeta.9185)
GS Burst will do more damage with Armored Attack instead of Burst Mastery. Also Rune of Strength is better with Celestial for the 5% damage, unless you go with Dogged March, but you shouldn’t go with that when you have 3 Stances IMO. Just saying
Also with Armored Attack and Defy Pain you have another Endure Pain, wich opens space for Throw Bolas or even Bulls Charge
“4 Viable Warrior Spvp specs post-patch”
- Woah, is this guy serious? Gotta check this one out!
Opens thread
… and back to WvW
I’m enjoying this build a lot
The main thing that keeps these viable is geomancy/doom on longbow with might stacking. Not seen allot of warriors use it.
heres another surprisingly strong build:
alows you to easily stick to enemies and get that swap proc off on every cd. bleed and torment is also strong
“4 Viable Warrior Spvp specs post-patch”
- Woah, is this guy serious? Gotta check this one out!
Opens threadBow
Bow… and back to WvW
Couldn’t agree more man.
I still run 6/2/0/0/6. Gs/rifle…
Bolas, bulls, signet of might….
Hilarious watching engi or guard block and then get kill shot for over 10k…
Least in pvp hotjoins….
Please use correct terminology. The builds are called
- hambot
- greatsordbot
- macebot
- axebot
note1: same shiet applies to all warrior builds
note2: no “w” in greatsword is intentional
Holy kitten, you guys are complaining about build diversity in spvp… We can basicly use every single weapon together with bow. And bow is a super fun weapon. But no pleasing you guys i guess.
edit you can beat all the meta builds with these, ele, engi, ranger, thief, guard you name it. A lot of the other classes are struggling way more in build diversity than us. Yes the traits are much alike in all builds, but atleast they play differently.
(edited by Penguin.7906)
And bow is a super fun weapon. But no pleasing you guys i guess.
That may be YOUR opinion, but there are also a lot of people that are freaking bored of longbow. Build diversity? Ha ha.
I would say axebow is still the #2 build. I don’t see the gs or mace variants having definite superiority.
GS can work if well played but needs set up for burst, otherwise you will be with pretty much 4 skills since 100b will never hit decently. I was out 1 week because of college and this weekend I tried GS with Berserker, 4/0/6/0/4 and Pack Runes. Pretty good and way better now after patch. I know GS burst skills did not got the buff it deserved but at least hits at a lvl that I think it might compensate depending on the situation.
Bow is pretty much the class for PvP. I think at this point ANet should rename us to Bow instead of Warrior. But I still like it since I allways liked the combo of a melee and a range weapon.
Rousing resil, lung capacity, shrug it off.
every 28 seconds you proc shake it off. This in combination with shake it off act as inependent stun breakers that grant 1000 toughness for 8 seconds every 28 seconds passively, and with balanced stance/shake it off every 16 seconds in rotation.
With soldier runes+berserker amulet GS still cleaves 2.5K/100b for 7.5k work perfect hammer by dropping cleansing ire (which you don’t need with 3 forms of condi removal)
Entirely viable. Super strong.
“4 Viable Warrior Spvp specs post-patch”
- Woah, is this guy serious? Gotta check this one out!
Opens threadBow
Bow… and back to WvW
hahahaha so true …. i have parked my warrior in malchor’s leap to collect materials and only .
i will not bother change my equipment again ….because , i don’t care anymore ….
(edited by Reborn.2934)
Rousing resil, lung capacity, shrug it off.
every 28 seconds you proc shake it off. This in combination with shake it off act as inependent stun breakers that grant 1000 toughness for 8 seconds every 28 seconds passively, and with balanced stance/shake it off every 16 seconds in rotation.
With soldier runes+berserker amulet GS still cleaves 2.5K/100b for 7.5k work perfect hammer by dropping cleansing ire (which you don’t need with 3 forms of condi removal)
Entirely viable. Super strong.
- Does ‘Rousing resil’ activate on every stun beak? regardless of actually breaking a stun?
(From what you write it seems like it does but I nvr tested it)
- Does ‘Shrug it off’ is effected by ‘lung capacity’? well of course it should be, by I don’t think they connected them. So y 28sec? its has 30se CD or 24sec if effected by reduction.
Anyhow can you post the whole build? is it hammer + GS?
Actually looks pretty accurate, nj. I do prefer to run GS/LB with zerk or assassin though. The mobility lets you deal with reduced survivability.
What about Sw+Sw (or Shield)/LB? I’m sure that Sw/sw is more viable than Axe/Sw or Mace/Sw …. Also, why all of your builds include Celestial Amulet?
And bow is a super fun weapon. But no pleasing you guys i guess.
That may be YOUR opinion, but there are also a lot of people that are freaking bored of longbow. Build diversity? Ha ha.
how about we start talking about diversity when we can use anything other then 3 stances
OT: GS is no where close to viable. soloq and hotjoin sure, but i also play mace/axe in soloq.
What about Sw+Sw (or Shield)/LB? I’m sure that Sw/sw is more viable than Axe/Sw or Mace/Sw …. Also, why all of your builds include Celestial Amulet?
SwordSword is very viable, edited in what i use.
Also the reason for celestial on all builds is how imensively strong Geomancy/Doom and Battle/Energy are together.
I still run 6/2/0/0/6. Gs/rifle…
Bolas, bulls, signet of might….
Hilarious watching engi or guard block and then get kill shot for over 10k…
Least in pvp hotjoins….
Would you mind sharing this build? The various bow builds aren’t really doing it for me, so I’m still looking to find a fun niche build I can use on Warrior. (I only ever play Hotjoin, so it doesn’t need to be a super meta build. )
I still run 6/2/0/0/6. Gs/rifle…
Bolas, bulls, signet of might….
Hilarious watching engi or guard block and then get kill shot for over 10k…
Least in pvp hotjoins….
Would you mind sharing this build? The various bow builds aren’t really doing it for me, so I’m still looking to find a fun niche build I can use on Warrior. (I only ever play Hotjoin, so it doesn’t need to be a super meta build.
But that’s before I knew adrenaline will just vanish the sec you out of combat.
It’s a gimmick build anyhow that won’t carry you in 1v1
Would you say that axebow (celestial axe) is not really a viable competitive build anymore? Or is it viable and just harder to play now?
Would you say that axebow (celestial axe) is not really a viable competitive build anymore? Or is it viable and just harder to play now?
Still viable, but since Eviscerate is so hard to land and the build is heavy realiant on that skill, it makes a bit less viable than Hambow. But if well played it will work fine still
Would you say that axebow (celestial axe) is not really a viable competitive build anymore? Or is it viable and just harder to play now?
Still viable, but since Eviscerate is so hard to land and the build is heavy realiant on that skill, it makes a bit less viable than Hambow. But if well played it will work fine still
I would say Sword/Sword does same job only better.
Would you say that axebow (celestial axe) is not really a viable competitive build anymore? Or is it viable and just harder to play now?
Still viable, but since Eviscerate is so hard to land and the build is heavy realiant on that skill, it makes a bit less viable than Hambow. But if well played it will work fine still
I would say Sword/Sword does same job only better.
Can you explain? I’m kinda curious to try sword/sword
Would you say that axebow (celestial axe) is not really a viable competitive build anymore? Or is it viable and just harder to play now?
Still viable, but since Eviscerate is so hard to land and the build is heavy realiant on that skill, it makes a bit less viable than Hambow. But if well played it will work fine still
I would say Sword/Sword does same job only better.
Can you explain? I’m kinda curious to try sword/sword
Well is can work better because Final Thrust hits as hard as Eviscerate when target is below 50% and Sword has more condi presure than Axe/Sword with more CC to and a Burst that set ups Final Thrust if you want
I still dream with GS
Would you say that axebow (celestial axe) is not really a viable competitive build anymore? Or is it viable and just harder to play now?
Still viable, but since Eviscerate is so hard to land and the build is heavy realiant on that skill, it makes a bit less viable than Hambow. But if well played it will work fine still
I would say Sword/Sword does same job only better.
Can you explain? I’m kinda curious to try sword/sword
Well is can work better because Final Thrust hits as hard as Eviscerate when target is below 50% and Sword has more condi presure than Axe/Sword with more CC to and a Burst that set ups Final Thrust if you want
I still dream with GS
Don’t forget mobility as well which is what axe lacks. That being said, if you can consistently land your Evis then the power DPS is probably higher. It just depends on what you want to do. Take Leg Specialist and you can bring a good amount of control as well.
EDIT: Been thinking about it and what do you guys think about running a build like this and have them be someone that rotates between home and mid providing support where needed.
I’m not really sure it’s viable though due to the lack of stability. If you built your team around it though like having your standard Bunker Guardian, this, and a Celestial Dagger Ele you could then add in two damage dealers of your choice and have a significant amount of sustain. I’ll see if I can get that comp together later and see if it works.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)
I still play my LB/AxeSH zerker build and it is definitely still viable. You just have to be a little more careful with Evics.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
Would you say that axebow (celestial axe) is not really a viable competitive build anymore? Or is it viable and just harder to play now?
Still viable, but since Eviscerate is so hard to land and the build is heavy realiant on that skill, it makes a bit less viable than Hambow. But if well played it will work fine still
I would say Sword/Sword does same job only better.
Can you explain? I’m kinda curious to try sword/sword
Well is can work better because Final Thrust hits as hard as Eviscerate when target is below 50% and Sword has more condi presure than Axe/Sword with more CC to and a Burst that set ups Final Thrust if you want
I still dream with GS
Don’t forget mobility as well which is what axe lacks. That being said, if you can consistently land your Evis then the power DPS is probably higher. It just depends on what you want to do. Take Leg Specialist and you can bring a good amount of control as well.
EDIT: Been thinking about it and what do you guys think about running a build like this and have them be someone that rotates between home and mid providing support where needed.
I’m not really sure it’s viable though due to the lack of stability. If you built your team around it though like having your standard Bunker Guardian, this, and a Celestial Dagger Ele you could then add in two damage dealers of your choice and have a significant amount of sustain. I’ll see if I can get that comp together later and see if it works.
This lacks damage, it will hit like a noodle x) and the sustain won’t be better either
I still play my LB/AxeSH zerker build and it is definitely still viable. You just have to be a little more careful with Evics.
zerker is not and wont be viable on warrior in spvp.
Would you say that axebow (celestial axe) is not really a viable competitive build anymore? Or is it viable and just harder to play now?
Still viable, but since Eviscerate is so hard to land and the build is heavy realiant on that skill, it makes a bit less viable than Hambow. But if well played it will work fine still
I would say Sword/Sword does same job only better.
Can you explain? I’m kinda curious to try sword/sword
Here’s me playing Hybrid Sword to give you an idea of how it plays.
And here’s the build I use.
I still play my LB/AxeSH zerker build and it is definitely still viable. You just have to be a little more careful with Evics.
zerker is not and wont be viable on warrior in spvp.
Care to explain why? I’m not talking about high end Tpvp but it does quite well in soloQ. I have no problem getting adrenaline or setting up Evics.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
(edited by Julie Yann.5379)
I still play my LB/AxeSH zerker build and it is definitely still viable. You just have to be a little more careful with Evics.
zerker is not and wont be viable on warrior in spvp.
Care to explain why? I’m not talking about high end Tpvp but it does quite well in soloQ. I have no problem getting adrenaline or setting up Evics.
If you are playing against competent people, you wil either get outsustained or bursted before you can land eviscerate.
Would you say that axebow (celestial axe) is not really a viable competitive build anymore? Or is it viable and just harder to play now?
Still viable, but since Eviscerate is so hard to land and the build is heavy realiant on that skill, it makes a bit less viable than Hambow. But if well played it will work fine still
I would say Sword/Sword does same job only better.
Can you explain? I’m kinda curious to try sword/sword
Here’s me playing Hybrid Sword to give you an idea of how it plays.
And here’s the build I use.
So I started using this build late yesterday and most of today and I was kinda skeptical, what reduced stance durations and no signet mastery? Eh I tried it anyway and it’s been really, really effective. Whenever Iwould go into 1v1 rooms I felt I struggled a bit with guardians because of my burst missed with axe I was mostly done for as they walled me. This sword/sword build makes me outlast most enemies and they have an even harder time trying to run from me. Even if I miss with final thrust, the condi pressure and immobilizes are so good that I feel like I’m not completely reliant on it, it’s just there for the massive burst if I need it.
Axebow (barely viable)
Man, Axebow is the second most reliable Warrior build for SPVP, right after Hambow (meta).
All the other builds you’ve linked are so BAD that I’d consider myself lucky if one warrior on the enemy team was using them.
I still play my LB/AxeSH zerker build and it is definitely still viable. You just have to be a little more careful with Evics. If you want a little more toughness swap balance stance for Doly Signet.
zerker is not and wont be viable on warrior in spvp.
Care to explain why? I’m not talking about high end Tpvp but it does quite well in soloQ. I have no problem getting adrenaline or setting up Evics.
If you are playing against competent people, you wil either get outsustained or bursted before you can land eviscerate.
lol..You clearly haven’t learned to play this build. It can hold it’s own versus any class (build) 1v1. No issues whatsoever landing Evics. It does struggle in 1vx but I believe any build that doesn’t is OP on 1 way or another. It is more viable than the Mace/Bow, GS/Bow, and Sword Hybrid you posted.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
(edited by Julie Yann.5379)
Sword is no good, because, final thrust miss way too much,
it does little damage when 50% above, and you have to spec in to arms, which is, really, a useless trait line, pvp wise.
and axe is better direct damage over all with better cleave on down body. plus you get to spec in to str.
@aboves, Axe zerker will be usable just like how zerker hambow can also be used. but it won’t be as good as axe/sword celestial just like how zerker hambow wont be as good as ptv hambow. and only ptv version of hambow is viable in serious play right now.
(edited by Simon.3794)
Would you say that axebow (celestial axe) is not really a viable competitive build anymore? Or is it viable and just harder to play now?
Still viable, but since Eviscerate is so hard to land and the build is heavy realiant on that skill, it makes a bit less viable than Hambow. But if well played it will work fine still
I would say Sword/Sword does same job only better.
Can you explain? I’m kinda curious to try sword/sword
Here’s me playing Hybrid Sword to give you an idea of how it plays.
And here’s the build I use.
So I started using this build late yesterday and most of today and I was kinda skeptical, what reduced stance durations and no signet mastery? Eh I tried it anyway and it’s been really, really effective. Whenever Iwould go into 1v1 rooms I felt I struggled a bit with guardians because of my burst missed with axe I was mostly done for as they walled me. This sword/sword build makes me outlast most enemies and they have an even harder time trying to run from me. Even if I miss with final thrust, the condi pressure and immobilizes are so good that I feel like I’m not completely reliant on it, it’s just there for the massive burst if I need it.
Glad you enjoyed it mate, so many naysayers haha.
Would you say that axebow (celestial axe) is not really a viable competitive build anymore? Or is it viable and just harder to play now?
Still viable, but since Eviscerate is so hard to land and the build is heavy realiant on that skill, it makes a bit less viable than Hambow. But if well played it will work fine still
I would say Sword/Sword does same job only better.
Can you explain? I’m kinda curious to try sword/sword
Here’s me playing Hybrid Sword to give you an idea of how it plays.
And here’s the build I use.
So I started using this build late yesterday and most of today and I was kinda skeptical, what reduced stance durations and no signet mastery? Eh I tried it anyway and it’s been really, really effective. Whenever Iwould go into 1v1 rooms I felt I struggled a bit with guardians because of my burst missed with axe I was mostly done for as they walled me. This sword/sword build makes me outlast most enemies and they have an even harder time trying to run from me. Even if I miss with final thrust, the condi pressure and immobilizes are so good that I feel like I’m not completely reliant on it, it’s just there for the massive burst if I need it.
Glad you enjoyed it mate, so many naysayers haha.
I had my doubts to be honest, and I still think axe/sword can be a great build too, I guess I’ve just had better luck with s/s so far since the patch. Final thrust, similar to the axe burst, can be a little hard to land for me sometimes, but the difference so far for me is I never feel like I am reliant on final thrust for win a fight. If I miss, there’s also the condi damage, the immobilizes, mobility, and especially the burst attack on sword hits pretty well in both power and condition.
Axebow (barely viable)
Man, Axebow is the second most reliable Warrior build for SPVP, right after Hambow (meta).
All the other builds you’ve linked are so BAD that I’d consider myself lucky if one warrior on the enemy team was using them.
You sir clearly don’t know what you are talking about
In terms of S/S build posted, well I think investing in Arms is not that bad either.
Why not this for more condi pressure, while having some Power presure too?
(edited by mPascoal.4258)
Axebow (barely viable)
Man, Axebow is the second most reliable Warrior build for SPVP, right after Hambow (meta).
All the other builds you’ve linked are so BAD that I’d consider myself lucky if one warrior on the enemy team was using them.You sir clearly don’t know what you are talking about
In terms of S/S build posted, well I think investing in Arms is not that bad either.
Why not this for more condi pressure, while having some Power presure too?http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fJAQNAscTjMd0FaVImhwJagkABdrMluGoiuqA-TpRFwAEeAAAOBAk2fIxRAAxhA4ZZAA
I have tested this aswell, but dueling other high sustained classes with this is way harder. Without brawlers recovery you lose so much condi clear and therefor sustain. The damage on the two are extremely similar. Longer bleeds are only good against classes struggling with removing them and those fights should be won easily without the trait, so it’s a bit redundant.
@aboves, Axe zerker will be usable just like how zerker hambow can also be used. but it won’t be as good as axe/sword celestial just like how zerker hambow wont be as good as ptv hambow. and only ptv version of hambow is viable in serious play right now.
It must be my play style but I fair much better on my zerk Axe/bow than the Celestial. I survive longer and am able to keep more pressure. Maybe I’m just playing it wrong but with the celestial I die a whole lot more.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
It must be my play style but I fair much better on my zerk Axe/bow than the Celestial. I survive longer and am able to keep more pressure. Maybe I’m just playing it wrong but with the celestial I die a whole lot more.
The moment you find opponents able to kite you properly, you’ll start thinking about celestial, trust me.
It must be my play style but I fair much better on my zerk Axe/bow than the Celestial. I survive longer and am able to keep more pressure. Maybe I’m just playing it wrong but with the celestial I die a whole lot more.
The moment you find opponents able to kite you properly, you’ll start thinking about celestial, trust me.
You get kited just as easily with the celestial build. I got a LB with a super strong AA especially when the sigils of air and fire proc, I can kite right back. I do struggle against some Ranger builds (mostly dcause I first get surprised RF from behind), some Mesmers are just so kitten confusing, I just can’t keep track of where they are but that is a L2P thing . Condis can be cleared, the attacks applying condi can be blocked, and the isn’t enough condi application on the Celestial Axe to overwhelm someone with. I find direct damage to be much more reliable. Like I said, I hardly ever miss an 8-10k Evic.
EDIT: Although I still firmly believe that the zerker axe (in my case anyway) is better than the celestial Axe. I have to change my opinion on that Hybrid Sword Build in the OP. After dueling with and being on the receiving end of it I can attest to the amount of pressure in can put on someone.
@ penguin
Have you tried using strength runes and traiting dual weilding instead on leg specialist? You already have enough condi management, the extra 10% damage you get from these 2 combined is really nice. I was critting 1.5k AA on a bunker guard earlier.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
(edited by Julie Yann.5379)
Yeah strength rune/dual wielding is a perfectly fine alternative. You trade damage for sustain, I just happen to like the sustain more I guess.
So do I want to build myself a celestial set for WvW then? Or just stick with my old pvt stuff.
Nono this is purely for spvp, I wouldn’t recomend clestial in wvw.
I think it might be very good for some solo roaming but that’s about it. It wouldn’t be effective in big fights, I mean next to useless. I’m in the process of making one to try it out but since I have no stock of Charge Quartz it’s going to be a while.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
I still run 6/2/0/0/6. Gs/rifle…
Bolas, bulls, signet of might….
Hilarious watching engi or guard block and then get kill shot for over 10k…
Least in pvp hotjoins….
i’ve been running 6/5/0/0/3 GS, 4 signet, Assassin in hotjoin and had some pretty hilarious 20k+ hundred blades (with 23k as my highest so far) XD
the QQ that follows once they see it in their death breakdown is the best bit
imho all of this meta defense tree, bow, bow, bow, dual stance nonsense just trivializes everything, playing as a zerker makes things exciting