Axe/Shield + Rifle Dmg Dealer

Axe/Shield + Rifle Dmg Dealer

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I admit it, I love seeing big crits. What I don’t like is having my dmg blocked because with bulls+100b any player with a brain can see it coming. So I decided that Axes is where I would have to turn for those big crits that was l like. I have Bolas+Frenzy unlike the GS build and I actually use my rifle for my burst. Once you fill your adren you switch to your rifle with a sigil of intel (so be careful not to auto attack and waste your 100% crit chance) and use Bolas+frenzy but instead of 100b you use kill shot followed by volley. This burst is much faster than 100b but people don’t see it coming as often as they do 100b and it is also ranged. Now, Bolas does have some issues with moving targets but it recharges faster and if they don’t remove the immobilize you can still burst with frenzy on CD, helping to negate the downsides of kill shot.

Of course, you can also use Evis if needed which is why I have the shield rather than dual axe as Shield bash helps with the problem of Evis not hitting moving targets.

Bolas also synergies well with the perk Opportunist, which gives you fury whenever you immobilize a target. Take this with the tactics perk Leg Specialist, which immobilizes the target for 1s when you cripple (which you have 2 ranged skills) , and you have fury up basically 100% of combat time.

Because of this the build is great at chasing people down. 1s immobilize doesn’t sound like much but it can throw people for a loop and make closing that distance much easier.

Any suggestions? This build used to be Axe/Horn with 20 in tactics with the horn trait but honestly I feel the stun and block tend to be more useful. Not to mention the loss in dmg hurts the role of this build although the ability to remove more conditions is nice.;T0Ag0CqoUyokQJrSOlkKt4YQwRknITNA

Something like this.

(I realized that this build is kinda like a dmg version of Yojack’s build)

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)

Axe/Shield + Rifle Dmg Dealer

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


As a side question, do you feel that using Sigils of Purity and Nullification would be worthwhile to make up for wars generally poor condition removal? One would think that it’s help with being able to run a more dmg based build but still be able to remove conditions like a heal shouts builds.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Axe/Shield + Rifle Dmg Dealer

in Warrior

Posted by: Aether the Nob.9172

Aether the Nob.9172

Is the first build still viable? Or have changes in the game made it worthless? It seems like a very fun solo WvW build to me.

Axe/Shield + Rifle Dmg Dealer

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoginal.1580


The first build is definitely viable. In WvW, condition removal is less of a problem than in sPvP. That said, it’s usually always nice to have condition removals, but if you can kill the enemy before the enemy gets you, then the condition removal from Mending is usually more than enough.

I also run an A&S + Rifle build:

I have not considered the synergy of Opportunist in Arms & Leg Specialist in Tactics and that’s actually really great. That is a really great source of Fury for the Axe & Shield. I’m gonna’ edit my build a bit to include this as well.

Overall, it’s a really strong build. But like many high dps builds for warriors, it’s lacking condition removals.

This is my new build:
I’m gonna’ test it out and stuff. It looks pretty solid so it shouldn’t be too bad!

Tweaked it a bit more:

Parmesan Stick – 80 Warrior – Kaineng

(edited by Oreoginal.1580)

Axe/Shield + Rifle Dmg Dealer

in Warrior

Posted by: Aether the Nob.9172

Aether the Nob.9172

So now I’m having trouble deciding between these two builds. Thanks.

I guess my decision hinders on this: Does the amount of added critical damage and overall attack power make up for better shield skills and more health??? (for a WvW solo roamer)

Axe/Shield + Rifle Dmg Dealer

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoginal.1580


So now I’m having trouble deciding between these two builds. Thanks.

I guess my decision hinders on this: Does the amount of added critical damage and overall attack power make up for better shield skills and more health??? (for a WvW solo roamer)

I’m using Sigil of Bloodlust on my shield so Power isn’t really a problem for me, and with 3k armor + Armored Attack my base attack is at 3k.

If you want all out DPS, then definitely go for his build. It is a glass cannon build but it’s slightly tankier than the Greatsword glass cannon because of the shield. With that said, his build, in my opinion, is easily kiteable because of the lack of gap closers and condition removals. If you’re soloing WvW with this build, you’ll definitely get a lot of kills, but the moment you go against 3+ people, you’re basically screwed, especially if it’s a mix of melee and range with conditions. But again, it’s really a trade off that depends on the player’s playstyle.

Personally, if I were running with his traits, I’d go with a sword and warhorn as my second set of weapons instead of a rifle. The mobility of the sword’s Savage Leap and the swiftness from the warhorn is amazing in WvW. Warhorn also cures Immobilizes, Chills, and Cripples which are essentially the biggest weaknesses of the first build. Call to Arms is just an amazing added benefit since you’re a melee user. The Endurance Regeneration and the Weakness applied to the enemy from Warhorn 5 is godly with this Axe & Shield build.

Parmesan Stick – 80 Warrior – Kaineng

Axe/Shield + Rifle Dmg Dealer

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoginal.1580


I think this is a really, really solid build. It’s a hell of a lot better than the average Greatsword Glass Cannon build you see out there. However, some suggestions:

Sigil of Rage on the shield only has a 10% chance to proc and it only lasts 3 seconds. Add to that the 45 second cooldown and it’s really not that effective.

I would suggest going for Sigil of Bloodlust which would significantly increase your damage output, especially in WvW where you can farm for Bloodlust easily off mobs.

Other alternatives:

  • Sigil of Blood (2 sec cooldown with 30% chance to proc + your critical chance from permafury)
  • Sigil of Ice (2 sec cooldown with 30% chance to proc + your critical chance from permafury)
  • Sigil of Strength
  • Sigil of Force
  • Sigil of Earth

Also, Sigil of Intelligence on the rifle is a bit overkill and it’s a bit unnecessary in my opinion. With the amount of fury that you have, plus some precision from your gear and accessories, food that you can eat to boost your precision, AND Critical Burst which gives another extra 10% critical chance on your burst skills, you could really benefit a lot more from other sigils (such as Force).

Parmesan Stick – 80 Warrior – Kaineng

Axe/Shield + Rifle Dmg Dealer

in Warrior

Posted by: Aether the Nob.9172

Aether the Nob.9172

I’ve done some more research:

Lower Crit Chance, More Health:;TgAA2CnoqxUjoGbNuak1A

Glass Cannon (I personally Think This is Better):;T0Ag0CnoqxUjoGbNuak1s4YQwRknIzRA

I think the first build is better for almost anything except maybe 1v1.