Berserker Mode Should Offer Something

Berserker Mode Should Offer Something

in Warrior

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


This design is too plain.

What do you get for going into berserk mode?

  • Primal Skill
  • Trait Procs (assuming everyone traits for it, which everyone will do thus limiting build diversity)

All in all I think berserk mode offers you something when you go into it.

Like the rampage effect. (25% less damage, 33% less condition duration, etc)

Then atleast you do not have to build around it.


Entering Berserk mode will give you 15% increased attack speed, 10% more damage
(This entering effect should be baseline)


Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Berserker Mode Should Offer Something

in Warrior

Posted by: Aeawun.1683


Does it not currently grant the 15% attack speed? Or did I miss that being removed.

Berserker Mode Should Offer Something

in Warrior

Posted by: Doon.2364


One thing I think Berserker mode should offer is you can’t die while in Berserker mode. So if you lose all your health, your death will occur at the end of the Berserker mode (No downstate just straight to death like if you were in Vengeance. . This will make Berserker very useful transformation. It will prolong your life maybe long enough to kill your foes first. And Berserker mode should last 20 seconds.

Berserker Mode Should Offer Something

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


One thing I think Berserker mode should offer is you can’t die while in Berserker mode. So if you lose all your health, your death will occur at the end of the Berserker mode (No downstate just straight to death like if you were in Vengeance. . This will make Berserker very useful transformation. It will prolong your life maybe long enough to kill your foes first. And Berserker mode should last 20 seconds.

putting you straight into defeated is a terrible idea because vs some classes it’ll take you a minimum of ~7-8 seconds to stomp them assuming they time their downed state 2 properly

So you’ll just be a kitten easy rally in a team fight too, not that downed state warrior is in a much better position

Berserker Mode Should Offer Something

in Warrior

Posted by: Doon.2364


One thing I think Berserker mode should offer is you can’t die while in Berserker mode. So if you lose all your health, your death will occur at the end of the Berserker mode (No downstate just straight to death like if you were in Vengeance. . This will make Berserker very useful transformation. It will prolong your life maybe long enough to kill your foes first. And Berserker mode should last 20 seconds.

putting you straight into defeated is a terrible idea because vs some classes it’ll take you a minimum of ~7-8 seconds to stomp them assuming they time their downed state 2 properly

So you’ll just be a kitten easy rally in a team fight too, not that downed state warrior is in a much better position

That’s why you have to make the right judgement on when to go into berserk mode. If you’re going to go down, and there is teammates to revive u, then it’s better to hold off on berserk. But in a different situation, it can benefit to go into berserk. Let’s say your teammate is down, and u’r about to go down as well, you can then go into berserk mode to gain the extra time to revive ur teammate, therefore giving u guys a chance turn the table. In a close fight, 20 seconds uptime (my suggestion) on Berseker can give u enough time to stomp at least one enemy. Remember, this feature of berserker only occurs if your enemy manage to kill u while your in that mode and with the buffs from Berserker, it should not be an easy task.

I see more upside to this ability than a downside. And as u say, a downed warrior is a dead warrior most of the time anyways. This at least gives u a window of opportunity to change the outcome of the team fight.

Berserker Mode Should Offer Something

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


to summ it up and to put in a nutshell – berserk is :

-a traitline which can only be used with discipline/defence
-a traitline which is all in all worse than strengthtraitline for power builds
-a traitline which is all in all worse than tactictraitline for support builds
-a mode with different, NOT better f1 skills
-a mode that works against the warrior- mechanic ( needs adrenlin to get activated)
-a mode that does not offer anything new but different f1 skills

Now compare this with chronomancer,scrapper,revenent,druid and reaper
They have become incredibily strong in pvp while they also got different gameplay opportunities

it feels like that those classes got catapulted into the future while warrior stays in the stone ages.

Grimkram [sS]

(edited by dominik.9721)

Berserker Mode Should Offer Something

in Warrior

Posted by: Linky.9178


I think anet doesn’t know what to do with Berserker yet or are waiting for HoT release to gather data and will make the adjustments afterwards.

Berserker Mode Should Offer Something

in Warrior

Posted by: Tipper.6973


to summ it up and to put in a nutshell – berserk is :

-a traitline which can only be used with discipline/defence
-a traitline which is all in all worse than strengthtraitline for power builds
-a traitline which is all in all worse than tactictraitline for support builds
-a mode with different, NOT better f1 skills
-a mode that works against the warrior- mechanic ( needs adrenlin to get activated)
-a mode that does not offer anything new but different f1 skills

Now compare this with chronomancer,scrapper,revenent,druid and reaper
They have become incredibily strong in pvp while they also got different gameplay opportunities

it feels like that those classes got catapulted into the future while warrior stays in the stone ages.

I agree with all of this. Berserker offers the warrior nothing new and is not worth using over any of our existing trait lines. The transformation should be more significant and impactful than it currently is. A bit of attack speed and a different (not better) primal burst doesn’t feel rewarding enough, especially compared with necro’s deathshroud and ranger’s druid form.

Berserker Mode Should Offer Something

in Warrior

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Also I gotta say, the mace is the only primal skill worth getting, A lot of em are just centered around burning, not very imaginative.

The Hammer Primal Skill sucks too,., big time, why would you turn a stun into an immob?

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Berserker Mode Should Offer Something

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


“different, NOT better burst skills”

Even this point is in contention imo, all the primal bursts serve basically the exact same function mechanically so I’d hardly even call them different
sword is a condi burst still
gs is an executioner style aoe still
axe is literally eviscerate with mild splash (still)
mace is a short ranged stun with big telegraph still
longbow is a pulsing fire field still
hammer is an aoe cc still

it’s like they were designing entirely new burst skills and stayed firmly in a tiny little thought box
No passion involved
Nothing new brought to warrior
Just more of the same kitten, except NOW IT BURNS GET HYPE

Berserker Mode Should Offer Something

in Warrior

Posted by: Tipper.6973


Pretty much. Take berserker if you want to trade your utility, survivability, or dps for some lousy, ineffective burns and pretty particle effects.


Berserker Mode Should Offer Something

in Warrior

Posted by: ren yon.4679

ren yon.4679

Berserker need to be a 100 condi spec if they wanna see it used. The burn is nice but it needs to support bleed and weaknesses to really fit with warriors and make the spec usable