Blaze Breaker and Flames of War

Blaze Breaker and Flames of War

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


Guys am i the only persone that thinks this 2 skills r kitten?, cause honestly i tried my best to cause some dmg with this skills and they suck, 1 second burning sucks badly and on top of that the dmg sucks even more… maybe this is because is ment to be for a condi build but still it sucks, the only positive thing about flames of war is the 2 condi removal but thas prety much it…

they could at least make tem unblockable.

what do you guys think?.

Blaze Breaker and Flames of War

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


on top of that the cast time is still to slow, i mean how can u keep up presure with this slow and pathetic skills…

Blaze Breaker and Flames of War

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518



#4 isn’t the best but it is a short CD burn/cripple that hits 3 targets
#5 makes you a mobile fire field, removes conditions, explodes for more burning and you can leap into it for a fire shield.

Torch is fine imo

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

Blaze Breaker and Flames of War

in Warrior

Posted by: lighter.2708


currently warrior has no viable offhand except shield because warrior’s surviv is shet

Blaze Breaker and Flames of War

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164



  1. isn’t the best but it is a short CD burn/cripple that hits 3 targets
  2. makes you a mobile fire field, removes conditions, explodes for more burning and you can leap into it for a fire shield.

Torch is fine imo

Emm all the “positive” things u’ve said… i don’t want to sound rude or disrespecful but, those are kitten, irrelevant kittens to be more precise.

Blaze Breaker and Flames of War

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


currently warrior has no viable offhand except shield because warrior’s surviv is shet

i do agree with you my friend.

Blaze Breaker and Flames of War

in Warrior

Posted by: Arddyn.7683


I think they should make the torch 4 knock enemies to the side of the rocks shooting up. It seems like it would make sense, it would be really cool, useful on condi builds with distracting strikes too, and would put torch in a better spot overall compared to shield.

Blaze Breaker and Flames of War

in Warrior

Posted by: Tipper.6973


I feel like torch is too slow. I’d like to see their cast times reduced. It doesn’t “feel” like a berserker in a frenzy using those clumy torch attacks.